P90X question

Hello. I wanted an opinion about the P90X. I hear a lot about it and everyone on here who has completed it looks great. Is it very difficult to do? I do not mind a challenge but whenever it involves pull ups or push ups then I give up to quickly because it has always been hard to do. I would just hate to spend the money if its not for me. What has been your results?


  • vtgirl77
    I LOVE P90X...you can modify push ups by doing them on your knees until you feel strong enough to go to your toes if you want. Pull ups, I use a resistance band and it can be just as effective. I will warn you, Chest and Back is ALL push ups and pull ups. But like I said, the bands will get the job done ;)
  • nukebhs83
    i did p90x and i can not do a pull up. i have to modify it and have my feet on a bar to help. however, when i started p90x i had just finished insanity so i got kinda bored but did give it a try and have ended up really liking it. back and biceps is my favorite dvd--one more thing---i can now hold myself up without my feet on the bar---only a few seconds but that is a few more than 5 months ago. :)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    P90X is very effective, but Beachbody has MANY effective workout programs. It can be very helpful to talk with someone who has done several to find out which one would best suit you, your interests and your goals.
    There are lots of pull ups and push ups in P90X, so it may not be for you if that will make you give up.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Working out should be hard. Am I missing something?
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    I liked it, but there were certain videos I liked best. For instance, I LOVED the plyometrics. However, I hated some of them because like you I give up when it comes to pull ups and push ups. I would usually quit half way through on the video that is ALL push ups and pull ups (chest and back). :) Wasn't for me, but a lot of people have had great results. I don't do well at home either. The gym and running outside is better for me because I push myself harder when others are around. I do like the food plan and the cardio, plyometrics, and yoga video A LOT!
  • _tiifyjo_
    _tiifyjo_ Posts: 118 Member
    I did P90X a few summers ago and I loved it! It worked very well for me. It was hard, but well worth it. I suck at push-ups and pull-ups! But after the 90 days I could actually do real push ups, not modified ones, and do like 10 or more. For the pull-ups I use resistance bands, and they seem to work just as well. Eventually I will try to step up to an actual pull-up.
  • slbeutler
    I am just starting it this week. It will be my second round. I love it. Before I started, I was working out with a trainer and finally realized I didn't need one because I was getting just as good of a workout with p90x. I lost 16 pounds my first round and could have lost more if I would have been more diligent with the nutrition plan. My business partner completed it and lost 45 pounds and cut his body fat in half. He looks great and followed the nutrition plan to a "T". He is my motivation to do it completely right this time.

    As for push ups and pull ups, there is an option with a resistance band instead of real pull ups, but the push ups you will have to work up to. THe nice thing is Tony always says, do as many as you can and then try adding more each time and you can do modified versions on your knees or on the wall. The only other thing that can be an issue is the time commitment. You will need at least 85 minutes per day to workout and complete the workouts to fidelity.

    I highly recommend if you are serious about it. Another program that is similiar but the workouts arent' as long is Chalene Extreme.
  • wcurudy
    wcurudy Posts: 7 Member
    P90x can be as hard or easy as you make it. Most of the exercises have an "easier" variation which he'll explain. For example, the pull ups can be done with a chair to rest your leg on, or you can use bands instead of doing actual pull ups. For push ups, you can do them on your knees.

    I really like p90x, but you have to be consistent and really stick with it. Day one will be VERY discouraging. Also, you will learn to hate Tony a TON.
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    You can also so pull-ups with one foot on a chair for some extra help. I can't do a pull-up without using a chair.

    You don't *have* to do the P90X program the way it's scheduled. For me, doing the schedule they provided just felt like too much. I started just doing P90X every other day instead of every day. Then I went to just doing the modules for the areas I wanted to focus on, and that I felt gave the best overall workout: Plyometrics, Core Synergistics, Yoga, and Ab Ripper. Since then, I've fallen off the wagon and haven't been doing it at all. I'm just getting back to an excercise routine, and I plan to alternate my running days with one of those modules I like best.

    But my point is: you don't necessarily have to follow the schedule they give you. You can cut it back to your own pace, or customize it to focus on the areas you want to work on.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I tried P90X, but the one thing I didn't like about it was the fact you needed some equipment to complete the exercises (free weights, pull up bar, etc). I moved on to Insanity instead, and absolutely fell in love with it. No equipment required. Just you, your dvd player, and Shaun T (who is very motivating and VERY easy on the eyes! Haha) It wasn't easy by any means, but you can go at your own pace, and take breaks whenever you need them. I saw amazing results! Good luck! :)
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    Also, you will learn to hate Tony a TON.
    I wanted to punch my TV during all those Superman Bananas!
  • mizjohnston
    mizjohnston Posts: 196 Member
    Thank you for all of the advice. :smile: I am not looking for easy, I just know for me when those two things are involved we don't mix. :noway: There are so many options out there to fit all types, so hard to choose. This helps make my decision easier. :happy:
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    Working out should be hard. Am I missing something?

    It should, but if it is so hard that it makes you quit it isn't beneficial. A challenge is great, but something that you fail at constantly doesn't help. Hard is good when you enjoy it as much as can be enjoyed.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    If you only do what you know you can do, you'll never do very much.

    I'm a 44 year old grandma, on the 1st week of Phase 2. The pushups are hard, but there is a real sense of accomplishment when you can do more this week than you did last week. Same with the pull ups. I use our cable weight machine for those, and increased from 60 to 80 pounds after 2 weeks. I have a personal goal of being able to do 10 full body-weight pull ups, and I plan to keep trying until I can.

    It's a good program, but like any other, you only get out of it what you are willing to put into it.