mandermcbutterpants Member


  • Hey there! I hope you’re still on MFP. I had Gastric Bypass on 1/2/2018. I’d love to walk through this adventure with you!
  • I have a muscle milk shake before my weight training. It has just the right amount of sugar and protein to keep your blood sugar stable so you don't crash afterward. I'm not diabetic, but my blood sugar dipped pretty low a couple of times when I just had carbohydrates beforehand. It showed me how much my body needs that…
  • Spinach, strawberries, and bananas. They make a fantastic smoothie!!
  • What do you think of something like this? I don't have one, but I know that some people use them and they don't use them in such a way that they're constantly sweating at work, but they…
  • Hey there! You're in good company! I have 5 kids and work very long hours in my own business. I have successfully dropped 33 pounds so far (with 100 to go!)-- despite being insanely busy! It is possible, and I know you can do it! I'll send you a friend request :)
  • I had a guy laugh at me while my trainer was training me a few weeks ago. He was immediately taken care of by my trainer, who made the guy feel even more like the douche he was. I have had more of the fit people happy to see I was changing my life than anything and are very positive toward me. As far as the post topic, I…
  • Hi there! I'm in my 30's as well and I was beginning to lose hope, myself. Having friends cheer me on has been a huge help! I have a lot to lose as well-- over 100 pounds-- if I'm not mistaken, that's close to 10 stone? You can do it, girl!!