nickel_b Member


  • I'd like to join! I'm starting week 2 of Alpha and I'll be combining it with a heavy lifting program.
  • That's so great! Awesome job! Have fun with TurboFire!
  • Sorry to hear about your foot. Hopefully, it heals quickly and you can get back to some Combat! Tonight will be my last workout before I go out of town for a few days. I'll have to pick up where I left off when I get back on Tuesday. I've got Kata 45 and Core Attack.
  • Also, remember that the after workout calorie burn with the HIIT is higher for longer :) You are so close to being done--congrats!! Lower Body for me tonight. Looking forward to my rest day tomorrow--I just do the Inner Warrior workout. Hope everyone has a good Fourth tomorrow!
  • Way to go! Starting is the hardest part. I also had to print out a schedule--being able to cross off days is great motivation for me. I have the Upper Body Lean Out tonight along with some weight lifting. I just found out that I have to take a trip in under 2 weeks, so hopefully that doesn't derail me from finishing the…
  • I may have had my doubts in the beginning due to the calorie burns from my HRM on some of the workouts, but I am really impressed with my 30 day measurements. Weight: 172 to 165 down 7 lbs! Natural waist: down 1.5 inches Around belly button: down 2.4 inches Hips: down 1.5 inches Arms: each down .5 inches Quads: each down…
  • Day 30 for me! It feels good to make it to the half way mark. I'll be doing some weight lifting followed by the Lower Body Lean Out. I also hope to take some progress pics and measurements. We'll see how motivated I am :) Hope you all are having a great weekend!
  • I've had low calorie burns on the plyo workout as well. I think my average is 262, which isn't that bad because I think it is less than 20 minutes. But, low for a workout in general. That's why I've been pairing the shorter workouts with the Chalean Xtreme push weight circuits. Tonight is Combat 60 for me!
  • NIce work! My calorie burns are going up, too. I work out after my toddler goes to sleep at night. Tonight, I have the Lower Body Lean Out and I'm going to pair that with a Chalean Xtreme weight circuit. Next weekend will be my 30 day mark and I'm looking forward to seeing how my measurements have changed :)
  • How does the 60 live compare to the regular? I have yet to rotate the live workouts in. I was going to wait until I needed to spice things up a bit. Maybe during the final 30 days. But, maybe I should start now.
  • Way to go! Awesome results. I'm on day 16 and cannot wait to share my 30 day results.
  • I've actually added Chalean Xtreme 3 times a week and usually pair it with the HIIT Power or Plyo or the Upper/Lower Body LMC workouts in order to up the calorie burn. I love it. I would recommend either Chalean Xtreme or TurboFire.