tishglos Member


  • I find the best way to deal with local food is to simply eat what you can count. It makes it less frustrating and forces you to make better decisions. A lot of the time, you can google a dish and get the calories. There are a lot of websites that now carry the nutritional content of most caribbean dishes, I've even found…
  • I used to be more based in the west so I went to BioFitness which has nice facilities but a bit dark and confined. Their aerobics/spin classes were great tho. I've been to Long Circular Mall and I have to say, it's been one of the best in the West thus far. After moving to the East, I gave up on finding a gym that was…
  • I'm from Trinidad and Tobago :)
  • My class is usually on Sundays also but it's such a relief to go that when I get the chance, I try to make it during the week.
  • Same here. I can feel the difference when i go to bed after eating dinner. I feel more sluggish in the morning and I still feel 'full' so I end up not eating breakfast which throws off the eating times of my day. Having those general times when I eat my lunch, snack, and dinner help to keep me track...when it's off, I get…
  • I have a foot injury that is currently keeping me away from feet dominated exercises so I've also been on the look out for exercises that involve no foot work. Here's a link that can help you with your search: http://planetgreen.discovery.com/food-health/leg-injury-upper-body-cardio-workout-in-bed.html I also do crunches…
  • I've been on lexapro for two years. I was at my highest before taking lexapro and when I started them I did not notice any weight gain. I was able to lose weight (with diet and exercise) while taking lexapro.
  • The sodium content is a bit alarming but I always have a few stocked in my freezer when I don't have a plan/ have lunch prepared for work. I've only have the lean cuisine but it is filling and tasty and helps me to stay on track. As with everything, moderation is key so use frozen dinners sparingly. It is indeed much…
  • Name: Tish Starting Weight: 198lbs Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: about 192lbs What you will do to get to that goal weight: Complete my food diary everyday, attempt to stick to my calories, remember that it's for my health and that I don't have to worry about a deadline, prove to myself that I can lose weight with a leg…
  • Everyone looks amazing. Please keep these pictures coming.