December Weight Loss Challenge



  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    I'm in, could use a challenge to help keep me motivated.

    Name: Carleen
    Starting Weight: 316
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 300
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: exercise daily at least 1hr., log food & drink all my water daily
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Kim is in...will post weight tomorrow

    360 minutes exercise/week, 25 grams fiber daily, no excessive alcohol (it is, afterall, a holiday), 5 fruits and veggies a day, cook at home more vs. going out to eat
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Name: Mollie

    Starting Weight: 369

    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 349

    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Exercise 360 minutes (5 to 6 times) a week, eat more veggies, keep calories under 1700 calories, and no more than 2000 on weekends, and lastly NOT eating exercise calories M-F.

    Let's face it all of us know what to do to get to our goal weights. It is carrying it out and sticking to our plans that is the hard part. So I am really going to push myself to stick to my plan this month and I am hoping this challenge will help me do just this. I know 20 pounds is a lot but that is what I weighed today and I believe 4 to 5 of those pounds is sodium and water from yesterday.

    Good luck everyone and thanks Stephanie for the structure of the group! I am excited too!!
  • rileybear5
    rileybear5 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in

    Name: RIleybear5 -- Jen
    Starting Weight: 195.5
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 185.5
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: I will make better and healthier choices with my food! I will also try to exercise 3 - 4 times a week.
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    Count me in...Due to hectic work schedule couldn't meet Nov Challenges. I am in this challenge for sure and will keep it up

    Name: Anna
    Starting Weight: 153 lbs (11/29/10)
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 145 lbs
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: on my days off I would be working for an 1.5 - 2 hrs (Treadmills) and will try to work out 30-45 min on weekdays ...
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Name: Trenton

    Starting Weight: 191.5

    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 179.5 (this is a stretch goal... but I'd love to be under 180 by the end of Dec, and I think i can do it if I push myself...)

    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Working out 360 min/week, drinking 8-10 cups of water per day, strict adherance to my eating plan - fairly clean eating (very little processed food) - good protein/fat/carb balance, eating 1200 base calories/day plus 50-75% of exercise calories. I was losing 2 to 3 pounds per week when sticking to this before.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Name: Shannon
    Starting Weight: 145.6
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 140
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: I will avoid fast food, which adds so many needless calories. I will make better decisions through all the holiday meals and also watch portions for home meals. I also will workout at least 4 times per week - at least 30 minutes per day. I would prefer more workouts, but this is a more realistic start.
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    I'm in! WooHoo!

    Name: Lauren R
    Starting Weight: 140
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 134
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Log food, more consistent exercise, drink more H20, and if I can get off my lazy butt start running!

    Good luck everyone! Let's do this! :bigsmile:
  • cel_v2
    cel_v2 Posts: 10
    Sign me up! This is my first challenge, as I just registered to MFP and I'm totally up for it.

    Name: Celeste
    Current weight: 270.6 lbs
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 262 lbs
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Keep logging my food everyday, make healthy food choices and mostly find time to exercise. I will exercise 3-4 times a week.
  • whitneyrenae
    whitneyrenae Posts: 56 Member
    Name: Jessica
    Starting Weight: 161.2
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 154
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: continue eating healthy and start working out more!

    Yaaaa..... go Jessica!!!
  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 175 Member
    Name: Maureen
    Starting Weight: 160.4 (TOM - boo!)
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 156.8
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Watch my portion sizes, cut down on evening snacking, and be faithful to my exercise schedule.
  • ClaryPR
    I'm In......

    Name: Clary

    Current Weight : 190 lbs

    Goal Weight by December 31 , 2010 : 180 lbs (10 lbs lost)

    What you will do to get to that goal weight : drink more water, burn 1,000 calories per day, eat less sodium and sugar.
  • littlebethy87
    Sign me up! This is my first healthy weight loss challenge, wish me luck!?

    Name: Beth
    Current weight: 191.4 lbs
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 180.0
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Keep logging my food everyday, drink more water, make healthier food choices and exercise. I have also gone veggie for a month, just to kind of prove to myself I can, and see if there really are any health benefits of it.
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Hey everyone! I am so glad that everyone logged in our weights and goals. Are you ready to be thin? Get ready, cuz were going to kick some major *kitten* this month! We have big events coming up, new years, christmas, and those god awful dreaded christmas pictures, and many other holidays and holiday events to keep us moving forward towards our weight loss goals. As a reminder I am going to post a chart tomorrow with our SW, and goal weight. If anyone has not yet logged in your numbers please do so sometime tonight. Thanks :)
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    BUMP! :drinker:
  • umfan85
    umfan85 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm in with 20 minutes to spare! (EST Time)

    Name: Adam
    Starting Weight: 245
    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: 235
    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Continue to log everyday and stay within my calorie limit. I am going to do some sort of cardio 6 days a week, with strength training mixed in. I am going to really push myself at the gym.
  • tishglos
    tishglos Posts: 10 Member
    Name: Tish

    Starting Weight: 198lbs

    Goal Weight by December 31, 2010: about 192lbs

    What you will do to get to that goal weight: Complete my food diary everyday, attempt to stick to my calories, remember that it's for my health and that I don't have to worry about a deadline, prove to myself that I can lose weight with a leg injury (I'm big on spinning and the elliptical machine and this injury has made me feel unmotivated to exercise).
  • whitneyrenae
    whitneyrenae Posts: 56 Member
    Ya.... day two!!! How did everyone do yesterday? This is my first weight loss challenge and I can already tell that having the feeling of being accountable to a group of people is going to help so much. I have been off and on with my diets and odd prgrams, but eating right and exercising often seem to make the most sense, and with the support of others I think we all have a sure fire plan here!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • umfan85
    umfan85 Posts: 113 Member
    I agree! This is my first group too and it will be a great motivator I think. Having to hold myself accountable to somebody besides myself is great.

    Yesterday was good, it was a rest day so no exercise. Good news was that I felt like I ate everything I wanted, and was still within my daily goal. I love when that happens, especially on rest days!

    Looking forward to seeing everybody's progress.