Advice on how to exercise in a wheelchair

Hi my name is Laura. I have been losing weight with peaks and valleys along the way for the past 4 years. My heaviest weight was at 260 and I am currently at 190. My weight gain is tied to certain medications I use to take and introductions to fast food when I remarried. Now I am off those meds and eating much healthier. At the beginning of this year I was actually walking 1-3 miles a day but then I began to experience pain in my feet. My foot doctor tried orthotics before conducting a bone scan that showed both feet had heel spurs on both ends and also stress heel fractures. In order for them to heal, I am confined to a wheelchair for the minimum of 2 months which is the typical amount but some people have taken up to a year. My concern is that the foot doctor still wants me to lose weight but I am having a hard time doing much of anything without being in pain from wheeling around in this chair. I suffer from fibromyalgia, so I really need to keep exercising. Any advice would be so appreciated. Thank you all in advance.:flowerforyou:


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    what about doing things like punch combos, jabs, speed bag punches, uppercuts, etc.
    all of these get the heart rate up!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    First off, congratulations on the weight loss you have achieved! What an amazing success!!! The changes you've made towards a healthier you are absolutely the best things you could do for yourself especially with your autoimmune issues. I too have fibromyalgia and a plethora of other autoimmune issues. Several years ago before I got diagnosed I never went out in public without a wheelchair because I couldn't walk without getting fatigued or my body being in pain.

    I so understand the desire to keep moving with your fibro. I would suggest weights since that is something you can do from a seated position. The other thing I would suggest is a DVD I bought on Amazon back when I was less active. Its called Dahn Yoga for MS and Similar Conditions. It reduces muscle pain, spasticity and fatigue while boosting energy and managing stress. The people in the DVD are specifically shown at different levels of injury, including being IN a wheel chair. It shows several ways to do the exercises including being in a seated position. :o)

    I pray these next two months go quickly for you hunny. Its hard but you are doing so well in taking care of yourself in this time of adversity! Keep your chin can do this! :o)
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Hand weights and upper body exercises! Also, if you can get to a gym and find hand bikes, those are amazing! (you sit in the chair and "peddle", much like bike peddles actually"
  • tishglos
    tishglos Posts: 10 Member
    I have a foot injury that is currently keeping me away from feet dominated exercises so I've also been on the look out for exercises that involve no foot work.

    Here's a link that can help you with your search:

    I also do crunches and push ups (on my knees...not that I've been able to do them the other way before my injury). I don't know if you can do those but just thought I'd put it out there.
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    What about swimming? Do you have a local fitness center or ymca or community center with a heated pool? It relieves all the body strain and you can burn alot of calories swimming and doing other exercises without putting added weight on your feet. Of course I'm not totally familiar with what movement is allowed if any at all even in the water so forgive me if that was a bit naieve. Also I'd check with your doctor he would know what others in your condition possibly did to lose weight. Good luck you've done amazing so far and should feel very proud!
  • healtymama
    Thank you for replying. I would love to be in a pool right now. I do water aerobics in the summertime but I come from a rural area with only one outdoor pool. RIght now it's just too cold to attempt that. I do have an appointment coming up to see if I've made any progress so I will certainly ask for some tips. The suggestion you made had actually slipped my mind. So I added to my list of questions. Have a great day!!
  • healtymama
    Thank you for the link. I have already begun to check it out. I do hope you have a speedy recovery!!
  • healtymama
    Thanks!! Will look into it!!
  • healtymama
    Thank you I will try that!!
  • healtymama
    Thank you so much for the information you offered. I have been really struggling with exercise due to the fibro and now the heel fractures. And to be honest, not everyone seems to understand how painful fibro can be. My mom has it and spends a lot of time in bed sick. I really want to fight this as much as possible. I will definitely look up the DVD and get my body moving some more.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I have a software program from that has exercises for in a wheelchair. Mostly stretching, strengthening with a band or handweights, and cardio from using the arms to roll around in it. If you want, I can put together some exercise cards for you, but if you're familiar with how to do weights and stretch in a seated position, they may not be very useful to you.