Hi. I'm gingermaker219 Add me to be friends. I have about 70lbs to lose
Hey Chic, probably the best advice I've been given after all it does only affect me and I've noticed people who are either really thin or yoyo dieters say "go on, one won't hurt" I too am guilty of that (being the yoyo type),
sorry if I have offended anyone but thats how my situation is
I'm honest. I'm fat an I'm over 40. I've had an underactive thyroid for years, and could use this as an excuse but truth be known I eat far far too much and dont exercise regularly. Until you get your thyroxin dosage right everything is a struggle as your thyroid is basically your wellbeing, but once you are stable there…
everyone giving advice is all well and good, but im in the same place with a feeling of nowhere to go. its beginning to feel like every other year and i'll start again in January! Sounding familiar. Its my last night at work for a week tonight and tomorrow is my start day. I'm getting on those scales, assessing the damage…
Oh yeah! Count me in on the lack of motivation. I start the day off everyday in fine form and by mid afternoon I'm back on the rubbish. Just dont know what to do next to be honest as I really do want to lose weight. Add me as a friend to help each other out. Gingermaker219
Dont be so hard on yourself. I'm new to this site and am starting out with 58 lbs to lose which I am finding hard to comprehend. Look at how much you have lost. Its amazing.