

  • Congrats! Very happy for you!
  • Its ok to have them once in a while. Just don't drink them all the time. So if you're needing it now, go for it. Just do better tomorrow :)
  • I think they sound like great goals. My only suggestion is to remove the time limit. Sometimes not reaching your goal by a certain date is discouraging and can set you backwards. Or if you do meet the goal, that is an awesome goal, its more lack luster because it wasn't when you wanted it. Plus, when you don't meet your…
  • Thank you all for the advise!
  • Since you started at the same starting point as me and have done such an amazing job, could you maybe give me some advice or tips? I'm really just starting to make these new life changes and I could really use some experienced advise.
  • I can definitely see why I was misunderstood. Whoops...
  • I don't think I was clear. When I said calories, I meant net calories. I eat more than 1200 usually, but when I work out, my net calorie intact is under 1200. I've been told that's bad, but I don't understand. I can understand why eating too few would be harmful to your body, but why does ending the day with fewer net…
  • Thanks. That's a good way to look at it. But you hear all the time how important it is to know your BMI and to try to fit into the healthy range. And like I said, obese... morbidly obese? Is there a more discouraging word?
  • I am so incredibly impressed! I love the mini goal idea, I think I may steal it :) You're an inspiration!
  • You sound exactly like me, its scary. I deal with the exact same issues. Since I started dating my boyfriend, I started putting on weight. And I hate going out in public. I hate the way my clothes fit around my body. I feel like people are always thinking "Why is he with the fat girl? He could do so much better." And I…