jollyjax Member


  • Must stay a Lush for at Least January ... was poorly over the main festive event and have a case of ale and a half full barrel in the garage ... but for me its one pint a night tops with break nights when its Tea Set on losing 50 in 50 ... so its slow and steady for me ... I dont intend to lose pleasures like the odd pint.…
  • Its a day for the returners ... put it all back on and some more have 50pounds in 50 weeks to lose for good .... add me if you like ... am in Oxfordshire UK.
  • Redundancy in 93 led me down the slope of the couch potato .. having been like yourself in the RN ... was 189 when I left and now I am wanting to return to less than 200 having slobbed my way to 244 ... at 56 ... I know how hard it is ... keep the faith and keep off the pop :) Welcome to mfp Bob
  • Add me if you like Sarah ... have a target of 70pounds so will be around a long time as well :) Good Luck and look at the losses not the length of the journey Bob
  • Welcome to mfp ... you made a great choice ... and starting today watch the pounds fall away ... my target is 70pounds so I know how you feel ... (yesterday was my first day:) :)
  • Been caching over 7 years now .. and the walking is why I am here ... the tracker is even better than the one on the pay sites like this one and the phone app even lets you scan a bar code to grab the accurate calories ... Good Luck all Bob