New member in UK. Anyone out in UK want to help each other?

Hi All
I joined this site last Tuesday, a woman on a mission and for a change, feeling enthusiastic about trying to lose weight. I have a lot to lose, at least 100lbs. I think the worst thing was when my doctor (who recommended this site as he lost loads on it), told me to only aim to lose 1lb per week. I know thats sensible but it seems like it will take such a long time. But I also know that by rights I should just think of 1lb as about 1/2 bag of sugar (which is a lot, when you say it like that!) and that I shouldnt focus on the 100lb, but smaller more manageable goals. So - my first goal is to lose 1 stone. So that mission has started!

I dont exercise much and do find it hard to get going, without making excuses the bad hips and asthma dont help, but I also know I have got to start somewhere. Plus I work from home at a desk all day! But -even if its only walking up and down the stairs more thats what I will do. If anyone has any good ideas for someone who cant breathe very well, then that would be appreciated!

I would love to make some friends on here who are happy to follow each others ups and downs and we can encourage each other on in this quest to be slimmer. Would be good to make some friends in the UK, but franklly given this site is open to all, then we can all encourage each other.

Dont be shy folks - lets chat!

Good luck to other you MFPs out there - this is a fabulous site so lets make the most of it.


  • Hi, i just started this today let see where it goes. i do not excerice either other then running around at work and cleaning after dogs when i get home haha. hope the tracker helps. im going on a cruise in 135 days so if i can loss 20 pounds i wont feel guilty eating on the ship.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Hi, I've been on here for a while but after losing 8 pounds it just all got stuck (again, as it has with every sliming club that I've been to!). However, today I'm feeling like a sausage stuffed tightly into its skin so I know I need to get serious again and tomorrow's the day. My friends on here have been amazing and really supportive, they are a big part of why I stay on here. I would be honoured to be your friend on here and support you as I also try hard to get back on track. More info on me on my profile so do have a read and send me a friend request if you would like to encourage one another. Sally xxx
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Hello and welcome to the site! Where abouts are you in the UK? I'm in Derbyshire, and my biggest advice is to make it fun. If you like walking and you want something a bit different and interesting, try geocaching for example ( you can walk at your own pace so it's fine if you need to take it slowly, and there's a nice little reward at the end). We're just off out to combine geocaching with healthy heroes (www.healthy brilliant fun if you like computer games and want to get healthier. Currently all you can do is level up your character with real life activities, but a new platform is coming in the new year where you can actually use your character). I wish you the best of luck in your quest to loose weight, and please don't hesitate to use the support the people on this site are happy to offer ^_^
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi, I'm in the north of Scotland. I know what you mean about the 1lb a week thing. If there was a pair of shoes I wanted and someone told me I'd have to wait 2 years to get them, I'd lose interest pretty fast! And I didn't lose at all this week, so I guess that's another week until I reach my goal. So I'm doing the little mini-goal thing too; so many lbs until Hallowe'en, a pair of trousers I want to get into and so on.

    Regarding the exercise, maybe you could just go for a walk in your lunch break? It's a good idea to get away from your computer anyway and get some daylight. I find I want to snack less when I exercise.

    Good luck!
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    If you like walking and you want something a bit different and interesting, try geocaching for example (

    I geocache too! That's a really good idea!
  • Haley_Adele
    Haley_Adele Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all I'm in Yorkshire. I started in June and loving it. Feel free to add me :-)
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    If you like walking and you want something a bit different and interesting, try geocaching for example (

    I geocache too! That's a really good idea!
    Brilliant! Geocaching is so much fun and such a great way to explore the world around you. I hate walking without direction, it frustrates andbores me, geocaching always gives me adirection and a reward for getting off my *kitten*. ^_^
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Welcome to mfp, I do not do "exercise" either, not in the way many do, like gym, jogging etc. My exercise is just daily [weather permitting] walk to shops, or even around my nearest small town, it all counts & uses calories

    If you can, how about visiting some local gardens or National Trust properties and walking around them? Fresh air & exercise, no need to go charging around like a loon. Just have a cup or tea or coffee afterwards in the cafe, no cakes :noway:

    I also have mini targets, like first 10 pounds, down a stone etc. There are groups on here, like lose a stone for Christmas, which equated to a pound a week when it started a couple of weeks back

    You may find your weight comes off fairly quickly to start with as you say you have a lot to lose, just take any loss and do not worry too much if it over or under your goals
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    welcome! I'm in Wales and asthmatic and have dodgy hips too!

    I am a bit further along in my weight loss journey, but one thing I can tell you is that you do not have to be 'sporty' in order to reach your goals. Walking is definitely the way forward! It doesn't matter how slowly, or how far you go, but just try and walk.

    Not so many years ago I got out of breath going up the stairs. Since deciding to get fit I have power walked two marathons, and lost four stone, although I have about another four to go.

    I now do other 'sporty' stuff, but it all started with walking. My asthma is more manageable, and my hips are less painful. Who knows, once you have lost some of the weight you might find another form of activity that you like, I know I have surprised myself.
  • Hi,
    I've just sent you a friend request.
    I know exactly how you feel - coz I've been there.
  • jollyjax
    jollyjax Posts: 8 Member
    Hello and welcome to the site! Where abouts are you in the UK? I'm in Derbyshire, and my biggest advice is to make it fun. If you like walking and you want something a bit different and interesting, try geocaching for example ( you can walk at your own pace so it's fine if you need to take it slowly, a

    Been caching over 7 years now .. and the walking is why I am here ... the tracker is even better than the one on the pay sites like this one and the phone app even lets you scan a bar code to grab the accurate calories ...

    Good Luck all

  • Wow. There are some amazing stories and advice out there, so much that Ive had my mood changed for the day, so a massive thank you to you all. I will certainly try the suggestions on here. I live in Cheshire, near Stockport so really very close to some fabulous countryside to be walked in once I get my walking more up to speed (so to speak). The geo caching sounds like something I must try - Im Treasurer for a local Scout group and they do some so maybe i should go with them one day! I know that once I lose some weight the asthma will get better, which will make walking easier, so the advice is sound and I need to get off my big fat bum. Ive decided to re-set my goal too (a stone is 14 weeks away) - so my first goal is to get out and about walking every day this week.

    Ive sent some friend invites - I hope you will accept and I hope one day to be able to repay the 'encouragement'.

    Thanks all, have a great evening.
    J :flowerforyou:
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Geocaching is brilliant, especially when done in groups, there was a four part one up near my last house I think...may have been more parts, and it was actually a good three miles to get to the first cache, then there was a puzzle to solve for each cache afterthat whch youcould only solve by finding the previous cache and it took youon a good days walk around themoors, a round walk, startingand finishing at a carpark. So really easy to get to and a good, free day out. But obviously one of the longer walks out there. There's one that's literally across the road from me under a tree too. So there's various caches for various abilities. So if one looks too far or too difficult, skip it and go for a different one.

    I'll be watching your profile and routing for you on your daily walks...and asking why not if I don't see one appear :P
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member

    I'm also from Yorkshire. Please feel free to add me if you like.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Hi to everyone, Im in Essex, joined in May and have lost almost 3 stone so far.

    Its a great community, feel free to add me.
  • F_Chord
    F_Chord Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! Welcome :D
    I'm Italian, living in London, still a long way to go, happy to help and encourage if I can! I'll send you a request.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi Joanne

    I've been on here for a year now, (although I did fall off the wagon after Christmas!!) and its a great site for getting support from people. You'll find your own way of doing things in terms of your eating and exercise plans, but stick with the site as the friendship here is invaluable

    Andie :flowerforyou:
  • Help from each other is great, i found a 10 minute exercise that if you do at your own pace is OKAY and once you get used to it speeding up a little - although at first it was horrible(asthma) the only thing i'm finding really hard is food as i am a 'fussy eater' although not by choice and so can't eat many 'healthy' choices.. so if anyone has any idea in that area it would really help!

    Lexi x