

  • Cravings and ignoring all of them are what I feel will ruin your dieting/ change..... You want chocolate- fine- go get chocolate- a small/ snack size chocolate bar- you have your taste- just make sure you save room for it in your daily calories- If I deprive myself of everything that i want I am setting myself up for…
  • I AM GOING TO YELL AT YOU (which I can because we have know each other for so long). YOU RAN A HALF MARATHON. YOU DID IT! One year ago you woulndt have thought about running 2 miles much less 13 miles. You have motivated and inspired coutless people- including me! So no more of this I didn't do well enough- there is…
  • Take a moment and decide- is this a diet or is this a life style change? For me it is a life style change- if I have a bad day or eat something that I know I probably shouldnt- then i just modify my intake for the rest of the day. You can't deprive yourself of everything you crave- learn moderation. Dont get down- don't…
  • Keep it up- make sure that you drink your 64 oz of water a day.... and pay attention to the amount of sodium you are eating. Everyone has a off week or few days.... You are doing great!
  • I am a fan of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred..... it takes about 20 minutes- which is a nice amount of time for a morning workout before work (or anytime) and you feel it working and see results too! It is all about the HIIT and the muscle confusion, which seems to be the key words lately! Good luck and keep up the good…
  • Lettuce wraps!!!!! Boston lettuce and fill it with anything and everything! Carrots, mung means, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, feta cheese...... for those who eat meat I love it with a few pieces of shredded chicken tossed in Thai Kitchens peanut satay sauce! It is so low in calories that you can eat a bunch without feeling…
  • I hit a plateau and just had to completely change up my exercise routine. I was so stuck on 45-60 minutes on the eliptical and then doing weights. It really helped when I did HIIT (high intensity interval training)..... on the eliptical I go as fast as I can for 1 minute than a "normal" speed for 2 minutes, then repeat. I…
  • when i'm taking my measurements I make sure I am wearing the same outfit every time and write details down of the location i take the measurement..... I just try to keep it consistent!
  • What about a "salad bar"..... bring the lettuce and a variety of sides and dressings..... everyone can add their own toppings and the type and amount of dressing that they want..... anywhere from tomatoes and cucumbers to dried cranberries, pecans, feta, goat cheese, fresh fruit, etc...... you can add the chicken kabobs to…
  • I have the same problem with using specific exercise DVDs and I always feel that the calories burned is way TOO high. I hope someone has a brilliant answer to this problem.... otherwise I guess I will be getting the HR monitor as well! Keep up the great work!
  • fat floats..... less fat in your diet means less "floaters", therefore more sink to the bottom.....
  • I am at the awkward phase where the size 14 at the womens store is just a bit too big (which is exciting), but the size 18 at the "regular" store is still too snug?!?!?!??! The exciting thing is that I am getting there.... that I am so close to buying clothes because I really like the clothes, not because they fit and…
  • Not substitution- just avoidance! I either go to the basement or go to my room.... any place away from the kitchen. I get involved in something else (TV, a good book, a phone conversation).... and I cross my fingers that the need for eating will pass..... or I grab a Skinny Cow ice cream bar!:smile: :smile:
  • thai peanut chicken wraps...... 1 serving of chicken cut into cubes (4 oz) 1 teaspoon of thai kitchen peanut satay sauce boston lettuce leaves shredded carrots mung beans cut up chicken and saute in pan using pam cooking spray when cooked through stir through 1 teaspoon of the peanut satay sauce use the lettuce as the…