i failed i ate cool whip and a jumbo muffin :'(



  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    dont you worry! it was just a muffin, also i dont know what cool whip is?! (from the uk!) heard it on family guy though haha!
    You have lost 10 pounds! about the same as me and i see it as a massive achievment!
    You were just feeling a bit disheartend as you felt like you had to go to the gym and then the buses messed you around and you porbably comfort ate! It happend and it will probably happen again - only human! MFP is teaching us to curb cravings/habits but it never says it will stop us completely!
    Also you say you go gym 7 days a week sometimes twice!! i know it sounds silly but are you eating enough for the amount of caleries your burning! mega exercise!!

    Dont worry - jump back on the horse!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    we all have days like this...just remember that 10lbs is a big loss!

    don't beat yourself up about eatin a muffin and cool whip...just get back on it tomorrow and put it behind you

    i do feel that to hate skinny people is unfair and you should try and focus your attention on yourself...you have no idea if that 'skinny person' has spent the morning slogging their guts out at the gym, or if they starve themselves to stay that weight

    i am what most people call 'skinny' and i was always a chubby child...then slogged my guts out for 2yrs to drop weight and keep it off, then had kids and had to repeat the journey all over again...
  • Take a moment and decide- is this a diet or is this a life style change?
    For me it is a life style change- if I have a bad day or eat something that I know I probably shouldnt- then i just modify my intake for the rest of the day. You can't deprive yourself of everything you crave- learn moderation.
    Dont get down- don't put yourself down.
    So what if you didn't make it to the gym- go take a walk- do an exercise DVD- use the steps in your home and walk up and down them- the gym is not the only way to burn those calories!
    Losing 10 lbs is amazing! Keep up the good work- and don't get yourself down!
    And remember.... its just one muffin.... a muffin has never ended the world!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Yes, "those skinny people" can eat everything they want without having to worry and don't have to work hard to get the bodies they have. Those skinny people are skinny for a reason. But why aim for skinny? Don't you want to be healthy? You have to learn that eating half a muffin is part of a healthy lifestyle without feeling guilty about it.. A treat every once in a while won't make you fat.. it is continuously going over calories that makes you gain weight.
  • Don't beat yourself up over the 1/2 of muffin. So, that was your cheat and move on. Are you lifting weights? Just curious....maybe do a little less cardio and use that time to lift weights. There are people who eat and do not gain and sometimes it does catch up with them. I know that. I need to NOT let myself get too hungy and need to start preparing meals in advance so I do NOT cheat. Cheer up....and continue with your healthy eating and going to the gym!
  • jkq2003
    jkq2003 Posts: 27
    Don't sweat the small things. We all have those moments where we feel weak but that does not mean we are weak. We are transforming our lives and this is not easy. We have to take it one day at at time. You have to allow yourself days where you eat what you want because if you start to feel like you are depriving yourself of anything this will just make the transformation that much harder. I still eat sweets, chocolate, cookies, pies but I don't eat them like I used to. Now I might only eat something like that once a week instead of everyday. This way I don't feel like I am depriving myself of anything and it is easier to eat healthier knowing that I will give myself a treat once a week or once very couple of weeks. I also have switched to sugar free jello and pudding which still fills my sweet tooth and to be honest I enjoy regular whipped cream because it does not have that much sugar in it and is great with jello or pudding.
  • According to your dairy, you haven't even eaten 1.000 calories today anyway. Go on a walk, eat a good dinner, skip dessert. You'll be fine. It's never to late to change a bad decision.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I have not read every response, but eating cool whip and half a muffin is not a failure. If you deny yourself these things all the time you are setting yourself up for failure. I would occasionally eat stuff that was not that good and was high in calories, but usually I would either work it into my daily calories and eat less of other things, or have it as something to help keep my body burning fat by overfeeding myself once or twice a month. Just log it a get back to eating what you should.
  • lcchisholm627
    lcchisholm627 Posts: 1 Member
    My friend told about this site and I've been with it since March 30, 2011. I've lost 13 lbs. I'm not sure where I lost the weight but I feel better and I have up and down days too. Just yesterday my husband and I had ice cream in a waffle cone. I didn't feel guilty. It's ok. You will get back on track. I take walks just about everyday for 30-45 min. I know it will take awhile to get where I would like to be but I'm determined to get there. You've lost 10 lbs and are doing great. I wish you the best of luck.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    If you cry over a jumbo muffin what are you going to do when you get seriously ill? It's a muffin. You used the excuse of the no gym to eat the muffin. Lesson learned. It's painful and emotional to change our ways. But you gotta keep your chin up and get up and do it again. Don't be so hard on yourself. If you just fill your heart with hate for the thin people, hate for yourself, it's a heavy burden that keeps you fat. Let it go.

    EVERYONE (including those thin people) have a struggle. This is yours.
    23 days. 10 pounds. Don't overlook your success!

    EXACTLY! So What, I looked at your Diary and You haven't even eaten your full amt of calories for today! So, the bus didn't come, why didn't you go for a walk, even if just around the block. Maybe you should DO that NOW and STOP feeling sorry for yourself. I guarantee that a good walk will CLEAR Your head and Make you feel better and help you to see that there are always alternatives. You have no cause to Hate on other people for Your weaknesses. MOST people struggle with their weight, some just handle it better than others...BUT it will get better. Stay persistent and take responsibility.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Yes, "those skinny people" can eat everything they want without having to worry and don't have to work hard to get the bodies they have. Those skinny people are skinny for a reason. But why aim for skinny? Don't you want to be healthy? You have to learn that eating half a muffin is part of a healthy lifestyle without feeling guilty about it.. A treat every once in a while won't make you fat.. it is continuously going over calories that makes you gain weight.

    Skinny people can eat whatever they want and dont have to worry??? wow thats news to me! I have to work damn hard to myself in the shape I am in and I fight a constant battle everyday to try and gain weight to be a healthy size.
    To the OP - its one muffin and one day. you will get over it and tomorrow is a new day, put things right then.

    I can just imagine the boards responses if I posted a thread about how I hated fat people and how they were always there to remind me never to eat!
    hummph its threads like this that put me in a proper bad mood.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    You've not failed. I ate lasagne the other night only to find out when I logged my calories that that one meal was more calories than I'm supposed to have in a whole day. I shrugged it off and got back on track the next day. It's not the end of the world :smile:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    First off, take the word "fail" out of your vocabulary. Everybody has an oopsie once in a while. My husband and kids made me breakfast in bed, and I couldn't turn down french toast and sausage and OJ, especially when it was a special mother's day thing. A splurge once in a while isn't the end of your diet. In fact, if you allow yourself a little splurge like this once in a while, you'll be able to stick to a healthier lifestyle in the long run.

    The only failure is failing to try again and keep going.

    It's okay to recognize that you didn't respond to the situation in the most healthful way. Just don't beat yourself up for it. Look at the calories left for today and try to get them mostly from fruits and veggies and whole grains. And even if you go over a bit today, don't sweat it. Tomorrow is a new day, and it's the overall, not the one lapse, that makes the difference.

    Keep going~ You can do it, and you'll be amazed and how much your lifestyle has changed in the next few months!!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Not being funny but you didnt even eat 1,000 cals that day? whats to worry about? Seriously? We all have off days but if i have an off day ill go OVER by 1,000cals..

    Chin up
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    This isn't an all-or-nothing process. You missed the bus, felt bad, and then ate some not so nutritious food. There are going to be days when you eat something "off limits" or can't do the workout you had planned, try not to beat yourself up about it, if you're sticking to the guidelines most of the time a bad day isn't going to slow your progress.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    "It's because we are looking at food as a reward/penalty system rather than just fuel. "

    This is so true. And the next part is "if you don't REPLACE the reward system with something else you'll go back to food for your comfort and reward."

    You sound like you're tired and discouraged, and you don't have much else that makes you feel good. FOOD won't fix that.

    People have given great advice on what you _could_ do to feel better, but seriously - only you know what that is.

    No one here is judging you or feeling like you failed. Hey, you told us about it - that's a good thing, right?

    Somehow you've let some negative parent-type live in your head rent-free. That person is telling you that eating a half-muffin makes you a failure. You can either try to avoid disappointing that voice-in-the-head, which I guarantee you you will fail at, or you can kick it out and replace it with someone who loves you and supports you.

    Me, I'm OK with my successes and failures, because for ME I realized I have great power over my choices. My eating something I "shouldn't" doesn't make me bad. It just shows I still have the power to do stupid things. But my bad choices don't *make* me do them again and again.

    It's good that you shared this. And while it's not wonderful that you fell down from your own high expectations, no one died, no one got physically hurt, and in the end you are still capable of treating yourself better.

    You're OK the way you are. And welcome to the human family, which is full of people just like you, although lots of them won't admit it.
  • sockmontey
    sockmontey Posts: 19
    I wouldn't say it's a failure, we're all only human. For me, I typically will have a cheat day/meal once out of the week to stay sane. Stick to it and you'll get there!
  • Kellee_76
    Kellee_76 Posts: 91
    How did you *fail* over cool whip and HALF a muffin? How is stopping at half a failure? If I was on my way down, you can bet I'd have eaten that WHOLE muffin and probably the rest of them for good measure.

    Strong language is dangerous for people who have issues with weight. You aren't "good" when you eat within your calories and "bad" when you go over. You're either "on target" of "off target." You didn't "fail" by stopping at half a muffin, silly goose! You maybe had a "set back" when you ate part of a muffin you hadn't planned on but thankfully you pulled yourself together and minimized your set back by shopping at half.

    If you aim for perfection, that's how you'll fail for real. There is no such thing as perfect... and skinny people eat muffins, too. It's what you do MOST of the time that really matters. Now, shake it off and back to work :smile:
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