lcolovos Member


  • WOW! You look fabulous...congrats on the huge accomplishment. What a great success story!
  • Your my hero! That is a true success story! Kudo's to you!!!!
  • I have heard, watching Big Loser, that if you drink black coffee straight it is good for you. I can see if you are drinking Latte's and Mocha's how it could be bad cause they have lots of calories but I am pretty sure that black regular coffee has only like 2 calories a cup.
  • Thank you so much! That is really good information! I actually just re-took my measurements and found that from when I started eating healthy/exercising to today I have lost a total of 7 pounds and 5 inches! And I went down three dress sizes!! However I started this new lifestyle last May, and I did the fluctuation thing…
  • Well here is my info.... I stay at or under 1200 calories a day, Except I eat back what I burn like this site says to, so it is around 1500 calories a day total. I run 1/2 a mile and walk 1/2 a mile 4 days a week. Then I do the ellipitical machine and swim for 45 minutes 3 days a week. I have been keeping my measurements…
  • Mine calorie intake is at 1200 too. I have been really good at staying at 1200 calories a day too...except on the weekends I go over a few calories but other than that I have been really good!