Why am I not losing weight

lcolovos Posts: 10 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been working out everyday, religiously, watching my calories and I haven't lost a pound. Actually I have gained 2 pounds since I have been working out/eating better. I have been counting calories for almost a month and working out steadily for a week. I figured I would have lost at least a pound by now but I haven't. Getting very frustrated...any suggestions?


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    If you want we can possibly help. If you are comfortable with it, give us your numbers. I.E.

    Weight, height, activity level, job, any measurements you have like body fat % or VO2 max...etc. anything at all.

    also give us what your goal is for weight loss, what type of exercises you are doing, how long each day you do them, and how often each week you do them (on average).

    any special circumstances you may have.

    and how long you've been on MFP exactly.

    oh, and it would be good if you could give us access to your food diary.
  • Just remember muscle weighs more than fat so you may be gaining muscle which would cause the scale to go up. Are you clothes fitting differently? This would show that you are losing inches which is a good thing too. Hang in there and don't give up!!
  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122
    How much is your daily calorie intake? Mine was too high when I started using MFP so I lowered it on my own to 1200 calories a day. I would say keep doing what your doing and lower your daily calorie goal.
  • depending on the workout that you are doing you could be gaining muscle and muscle ways more than fat try just a brisk walk daily for a few weeks and see if that helps... DONT GIVE UP!
  • Are you changing shape? Maybe you are losing fat and putting on some muscle. That could account for the gain. Maybe take some measurements and also track your progress that way?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    I am having a problem like yours so I am going to live hearing the responses!
  • If you are drinking soda... stop. Drink your 8 servings of water a day. I have shed most of my water weight in my first week of counting calories. 6 lbs.

    Also... check your sodium intake. I've added sodium to my food diary so I can see where I'm at. Sodium has a "bad habit" of holding onto your water weight.

    If you are working out EVERYDAY, chances are, you are building muscle faster than burning fat. Like everyone else is saying, take measurements. I measured myself before starting, and I have yet to see how much is gone.
  • I am like you have watched what I ate and worked out like a crazy woman to only not lose a pound. But I also, agree with the following, muscle does weigh more than fat (measure yourself) and reducing the calorie intake could also help. I know sometimes working out more often makes you more hungry.

    I have begun MFP and am being totally honest with myself. I am working out, but not as intense as before. This time I am focusing on my muscle, form and making sure I am working the muscle group correctly. When I go walking, I focus on my posture, and breathing, abs etc. Just not walking to raise heartbeat anymore. So whatever you do Do not give up!!!

    Have you had your thyroids checked out? Women have more things going on to effect our goals. Keep going!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    If anyone can help here are my stats!
    143 lbs
    I want to be 130
    I teach high school so I am usually up standing and walking but sit down on my planning usually.
    My activity level is set on the lowest possible
    I work out 7 days a week, 1 rest day where I walk my dog three miles, the rest I had been doing 30 minutes of cardio but I just upped that to 45-60 minutes which is why I am suprised I am not loosing.
    I had been down to 140 on MFP and cannot understand why I am gaining weight. Since I went up I have stopped drinking diet pop and given up some other home treats.
    I have started drinking protein shakes often to try to rebuild muscle ( I am trying to really work up my fitness level because I want to run a marathon in Oct.)
    My diary is public. I could eat bettter but I usually stay under my calories and my other allowements except for protien and sodium.
  • fishernd
    fishernd Posts: 140 Member
    1) Where is the lean protein? Chicken, fish, etc... If you want to build muscle you need to cut back on fat (less than 30g) and increase protein consumption to 100g.
    2) Your sodium is high. You should try and be under 2000mg at least. You could be retaining water because of this.
    3) I would try less snack food and more nutrient balaned meals like salads with grilled chicken, fish with vegetables, etc..

    Hope this helps some!
  • lcolovos
    lcolovos Posts: 10 Member
    Mine calorie intake is at 1200 too. I have been really good at staying at 1200 calories a day too...except on the weekends I go over a few calories but other than that I have been really good!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    that is helpful...

    I have cut so many snack foods out of my diet ( I am a HUGE snacker, my BIG problem). I am trying to cut down on that slowly. I have been giving up one or two things a week for the last little while to try to get it out of my diet.

    I am not a big meat person, I don't eat fish at all. I usually eat by myself too so i just go for quick and easy. I should try chicken more though. I think that I can do that.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    1) Where is the lean protein? Chicken, fish, etc... If you want to build muscle you need to cut back on fat (less than 30g) and increase protein consumption to 100g.
    2) Your sodium is high. You should try and be under 2000mg at least. You could be retaining water because of this.
    3) I would try less snack food and more nutrient balaned meals like salads with grilled chicken, fish with vegetables, etc..

    Hope this helps some!

    So you would suggest less than 30g of fat? per day?I have just been following what is on MFP but I just looked and some days my goal is like 48. Can I change my goal to that on MFP?
  • lcolovos
    lcolovos Posts: 10 Member
    Well here is my info....

    I stay at or under 1200 calories a day, Except I eat back what I burn like this site says to, so it is around 1500 calories a day total. I run 1/2 a mile and walk 1/2 a mile 4 days a week. Then I do the ellipitical machine and swim for 45 minutes 3 days a week. I have been keeping my measurements but those have only changed 1/2 inch. I have been dinking lots of water and staying under the salt intake limit. My clothes are fitting the same. In the past when I worked out and ate healthy I saw a difference by now. But I feeling like I have been working my tail off and nothing has changed enough for me to feel positive about it! I am going to just hope that it is muscle that is making my weight go up...it is so aggravating though not seeing any real results!

    Thanks everyone for all your input, it really helps!:smile:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    My guess is that it may be your metabolism. What were your eating habits like before you joined? Maybe you weren't eating enough or you were not eating consistently which has slowed your metabolism. If it is your metabolism due to previous eating habits don't fret, with your new healthy lifestyle your metabolism will improve and you will see results. It will just take some time. Stick with it. It's well worth it.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Well here is my info....

    I stay at or under 1200 calories a day, Except I eat back what I burn like this site says to, so it is around 1500 calories a day total. I run 1/2 a mile and walk 1/2 a mile 4 days a week. Then I do the ellipitical machine and swim for 45 minutes 3 days a week. I have been keeping my measurements but those have only changed 1/2 inch. I have been dinking lots of water and staying under the salt intake limit. My clothes are fitting the same. In the past when I worked out and ate healthy I saw a difference by now. But I feeling like I have been working my tail off and nothing has changed enough for me to feel positive about it! I am going to just hope that it is muscle that is making my weight go up...it is so aggravating though not seeing any real results!

    Thanks everyone for all your input, it really helps!:smile:

    again, without your numbers, we really can't help. seriously, without numbers people are just throwing up things in the dark, we really need weight, height, activity level before we can even begin to post intelligent insight for you.
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    Will be following this one, always open to suggestions.
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    my girlfriend was having this exact same problem and as a result would start and stop working out every other month out of frustration. I kept telling her to just keep it up and eventually her body would start to respond. if your eating right and exercising...two major changes... your body HAS to respond eventually. She finally accepted this fact and since has been working out on a regular schedule and has had very few slip ups foodwise for about 3 months now. She has yet to actually lose a gawdy amoutn of weight so far, maybe 5 lbs to take her down to about 140. However, despite the lack of actual weight lose, she has seen remarkable changes in the way her clothes fit and how she feels. I think she's managed to lose 2 dress sizes. Too often I think people get too focused on the weight number and forget to realize that working out, even cardio, builds new muscle. This changing balance between fat lost and muscle gained often offset one another initially. This is something people need to get past. Take measurements of different parts of your body and really monitor how clothing you wear on a regular basis fits and how you feel. Maybe even buy something that's a bit snug in order to see hwo your body changes. Eventually the new muscle will kick your metabolism into overdrive and pounds should start to go down. you just need to stay positive and stick with a program. Have faith in the process. If your doing it right the weight should come off slowly anyways. People who lose too much too soon often put it right back on. Doing it gradually makes it easier to maintain in the end.
  • lcolovos
    lcolovos Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you so much! That is really good information! I actually just re-took my measurements and found that from when I started eating healthy/exercising to today I have lost a total of 7 pounds and 5 inches! And I went down three dress sizes!! However I started this new lifestyle last May, and I did the fluctuation thing too where I would get motivated, see little difference and quit for a month. So I am now determined to stick with it! Since I looked back at when I started till now, there is little change but at least there is change! And actually I have lost 1 1/2 inches in just this week of working out...so I now see that the measurements are key and the scale isn't something I should put all my focus in!!

    I am so excited now!

    Thanks everyone!
  • fishernd
    fishernd Posts: 140 Member
    1) Where is the lean protein? Chicken, fish, etc... If you want to build muscle you need to cut back on fat (less than 30g) and increase protein consumption to 100g.
    2) Your sodium is high. You should try and be under 2000mg at least. You could be retaining water because of this.
    3) I would try less snack food and more nutrient balaned meals like salads with grilled chicken, fish with vegetables, etc..

    Hope this helps some!

    So you would suggest less than 30g of fat? per day?I have just been following what is on MFP but I just looked and some days my goal is like 48. Can I change my goal to that on MFP?

    Yup! You can manually set your fat/protein/carb percentages under My Home > Goals> Manual (I think). I have my carbs at 50%, my protein at 35%, and fat at 15% I think (on 1200 calories total). You want to keep fat down, but really you need to watch your saturated fats. That I would try not to go over 13. Healthy fats, like Omega-3's found in fish, are good for you and you need them. I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 3 other days, so that's why I try to get around 100g of protein on my weight training days, and near that on my cardio days.

    Other sources of protein are edamame (soy beans), lentils, eggs (though in limited quantities), skim milk, and non-fat Greek yogurt (I love Chobani!).

    One other thing...are you drinking enough water? 8 cups at leatst! :0)
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