Cutting out coffee, deadly, or good?

mamacassi Posts: 131
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a very little energy naturally. I'm one of millions of the coffee addicted, but if it would help me lose weight I'd give it up quite fast! Does anyone know about this? And if you do give it up anyway, is there some other source of energy? I only drink water (8 times) and half juice once a day, so my other drinks are nothing.


  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I have a very little energy naturally. I'm one of millions of the coffee addicted, but if it would help me lose weight I'd give it up quite fast! Does anyone know about this? And if you do give it up anyway, is there some other source of energy? I only drink water (8 times) and half juice once a day, so my other drinks are nothing.

    how are you drinking your coffee? what do you get in it. I thought coffee had very low calories.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Yeah, i'm not sure. There is no way in hell I could give up my coffee.

    Why do you think you would lose weight faster?
  • Try drinking tea instead, it is way better for you and its a a good way to get some extra water in every day, I used to be addicted too coffee too but I found if I had a tea it would help give me some more energy and wake me up because its just as hot as coffee is, and apparently thats all I needed :)
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I couldn't give up coffee. :noway: I did stop putting any creamer and just add a little sweetener, and I usually don't have more than 2 cups.
  • Black coffee has almost no calories. It's any added milk, cream, sugar, syrup, or other stuff along those lines that will give you problems. Personally I drink about 3 cups a day myself with 1/2 cup of skim milk divided among them.
  • I think if you are drinking coffee without cream and sugar you are fine and it may actually help keep your metabolism moving faster! Green Tea is the best for helping with Weight loss and there are many different flavor varieties. I think they taste great just the way they are without sweetner.. Sip on a few cups a day and you should see some results.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    coffee is good for you

    speeds up the metabolism, has antioxidants, helps you go to the bathroom, helps you concentrate better

    too much coffee might be bad, but that is true for a lot of things

    sugars and creams are what is bad for you. Have your coffee black, or with a little skim milk, and something like splenda
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I gave up coffee during my pregnancies and that was deathly! I am still drinking it now on my healthy plan. It does help to increase your metabolism, though like anything else, use it in moderation or it's bad for your heart! The other thing to be careful of is that it seems to me that it makes me get hungry sooner. So, have healthy snacks on hand to combat that, and be careful that it doesn't cause you to go over your daily calorie goals!
  • lcolovos
    lcolovos Posts: 10 Member
    I have heard, watching Big Loser, that if you drink black coffee straight it is good for you. I can see if you are drinking Latte's and Mocha's how it could be bad cause they have lots of calories but I am pretty sure that black regular coffee has only like 2 calories a cup.
  • There are plenty of studies that show that coffee increases the body's production of cortisol, a stress hormone that causes the body to store fat in the mid-region along with speeding up the aging process.

    Green tea, on the other hand, not only reduces cortisol, but it actually helps the reduction of fat in the mid-region while giving the same benefits as coffee.
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I am a Starbucks grrl forever and enjoy having a latte (without syrups) quite often but of late Ive switched to tea because of the calorie load. One latte is around 160 calories unless its skinny at around 130 in calories. Even if you use those non dairy creamers depeinding on how much you put in you can waste a lot of calories! So unless you drink it black, without sweetner/cream then limit it to maybe one a day at the very most. To make it count pick the time of day you need it most and have your one cup (how you are used to it) then. That strategy helped me wean myself off of an every morning kind of habit.
  • coffee is good for you

    speeds up the metabolism, has antioxidants, helps you go to the bathroom, helps you concentrate better

    too much coffee might be bad, but that is true for a lot of things

    sugars and creams are what is bad for you. Have your coffee black, or with a little skim milk, and something like splenda

    I will NEVER give up my coffee. For all the reasons posted above and also if I stop drinking the coffee then I'll stop doing the walking and talking and the

    Also, coffee is said to be anatural appetitie suppressant. I read an article that said a cup in the morning and then a cup in the early afternoon actually helps stop the snacking urge. I'll take the help where I can get and if that means in a cup of coffee then that makes it even better. It's a win/win in my opinion.:glasses:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    i drink 14oz of coffee every morning. with half & half and sugar ( and i put a lot in there, probably about 2 tablespoons of half & half and i use 3 tablespoons of sugar, i know it sounds gross but thats the way i like it, haha :laugh: ). I have managed to lose 55 pounds since the begining of August so i would say as long as you diet and exercise, you will be just fine if you continue to drink your coffee! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I put half and half in my coffee. Three tablespoons=60 calories. I don' t know why more people DONT put half and half in their's not that bad! Plus three splenda? Comes out to a mere 75 cals. Once a day? I can afford that! :drinker:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I agree with the last few posters. I drink my coffee every day, usually either as a soy latte with sugar free syrup, or as hot or iced coffee, with half & half and splenda. A little half & half goes a long way. The key is just to measure it and log it in your food. If you're really tight on calories, you could get fat free half & half, but I think the regular is more satisfying and I'm able to work it into my daily food. You can't make a diet change long term if you always deny yourself the things you enjoy. You might have to drink less coffee or lighter things added into your coffee, but enjoy your coffee if you can make it part of your healthy lifestyle.
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    I don't think that a cup of coffee a day will make much, if any difference. And studies can go both ways, so I wouldn't rely too much on those.
    Just pay more attention to what you add to it. If you like it very sweet, then try to sweeten it less. If you like cream in it, try fat free milk.
    I think you will be much happier in general about your diet process if you can keep some things the same, or close to the same, and coffee for me is something that if you like it, you might as well enjoy it within a limit.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    I love coffee! I try not to go over board because to much caffeine will increase cortisol which I definitely don't need. But it is a trade off. It helps me have better workouts and the bottom line is I need my fix!:drinker:
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    I dont drink coffee - I know, I know (my husband thinks Im from outer space) BUT I do drink tea. I love a hot chai in the morning. Now, my chai is made with black tea and spices but waht makes it yummy is the frothed milk and sugars.
    I have been very good about not drinking my chai for the past few weeks. I cut it out completely. ..but realized that I dont want to go the rest of my life without that so, I have figured the chai into my week and into my calories. If I get a small instead of a large, have it a few times a week rather then daily (or sometimes twice a day) I can still enjoy my guilty pleasure.
    For you coffee is the same - its not the coffee that is bad for you its what you put in it...maybe you can cut back a bit or change what you add to dont have to give it up!!
  • I get Starbucks Grande Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte or a Grande Iced Vanilla Latte- they are only 90 calories. Or I make coffee with non-fat, low calorie creamer and splenda. I also try to drink tea instead sometimes.
    I am completely addicted to coffee too so I know what you mean. I actually read in Eat This Not That (great book btw) that having a little coffee abuot 30 minutes before your workout can give you an extra boost of energy and cause you to push yourself harder during your workout. It has worked of me, but I normally workout at night so it isn't something I do regularly.
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