1merrie1 Member


  • All the best! I have a exercise accountability friend. We text once we've done our workout. It's agonizing (in the best way possible!) to realize I have to work out because she just did hers. It keeps us both going.
  • Oolong tea, a form of real tea, increases metabolism by 12% according to the US Agricultural Research Service's Diet and Human Performance Laboratory. They found that one cup can help burn off 67 calories. It's cheapest at International stores. What does that mean? Well I need to watch my caffeine in the after noon so I…
  • I'd for sure give it more time. The weight could be form the workout. I have been seeing more results in inch loss. get a tape measure, and try that!
  • I tried to do the same thing for years, then realized I will never lose weight that way! I can ruin my days weight loss effort with just 10 minutes of crazy eating, or one really bad choice! A whole days work in the toilet, so I don't make the excuse of oh, I deserve this because I exercised so hard, NO! I deserve to make…