Hey! it's my first day here

lizard21 Posts: 7 Member
edited June 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Dear friends,

It's my first day here and this is my first diary ever. I want to lose 40 kilos and I need you, guys to 'feed' me with motivation. My weekly goal is 1 kilo. What do you think? Need friends :)

yours truly,


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member

    Don't want to sound like a downer, but you really need to find the motivation within yourself to be successful. Relying on others won't get you far at all in my opinion! Have a firm idea of why you're doing this, perhaps write it down if you're in to that kind of thing. If your "why" isn't strong enough, you'll give up on it over whatever is a stronger thing for you. (it took me years to get to a point where my weight loss "why" was stronger than my desire to just eat what I wanted, when I wanted, usually as a way to make myself feel good, despite the amount of time I spent telling myself I wanted to lose weight)
  • Ade_18
    Ade_18 Posts: 55 Member
    ^^^ makes a good very good point but seeing others succeed is a good motivation tool too. Added :)
  • Getfitboo91
    Getfitboo91 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! Yes lets help each other stay motivated!!! I previously did MFP under a different account. I enjoyed having others and seeing their progress. Ill add you!
  • christinecameron901
    christinecameron901 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi,I am new here too.I need motivation too,mainly for the exercise part.hope you are having a nice day. :smiley:
  • lauren33h
    lauren33h Posts: 3 Member
    First day for me 2! Good luck with ur journey!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Read Success Stories. Read the Getting Started. Accurately log your food. That means "Use a digital kitchen scale to weigh your food." Weigh meat raw. Weigh pasta dry. Weigh popcorn unpopped, etc. Exercise is not necessary for weight loss, but good for everything else. Lifting heavy weights beginning now is the best way to retain good muscle tone while losing weight. Enjoy!
  • 1merrie1
    1merrie1 Posts: 4 Member
    All the best! I have a exercise accountability friend. We text once we've done our workout. It's agonizing (in the best way possible!) to realize I have to work out because she just did hers. It keeps us both going.
  • tpyle65
    tpyle65 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome! For me what has worked best is to have smaller goals for weight loss. Tracking what I eat is a huge help. Not easy, but I can see the difference. The site is awesome for this. Right now I'm very close to my goal weight--what I call my healthy weight--and work at 5% of my current weight for each landmark achievement. What program works best for
    for you? We can support you. Having an accountability buddy helps a lot. BTW, I'm 75 and going strong!
  • lizard21
    lizard21 Posts: 7 Member
    tpyle65 wrote: »
    Welcome! For me what has worked best is to have smaller goals for weight loss. Tracking what I eat is a huge help. Not easy, but I can see the difference. The site is awesome for this. Right now I'm very close to my goal weight--what I call my healthy weight--and work at 5% of my current weight for each landmark achievement. What program works best for
    for you? We can support you. Having an accountability buddy helps a lot. BTW, I'm 75 and going strong!

    Woaw, tpyle65, that's great! And Thanks! I really believe that this community will help me because it's not only about loosing weight, it's about a healthy life <3
  • lizard21
    lizard21 Posts: 7 Member
    Read Success Stories. Read the Getting Started. Accurately log your food. That means "Use a digital kitchen scale to weigh your food." Weigh meat raw. Weigh pasta dry. Weigh popcorn unpopped, etc. Exercise is not necessary for weight loss, but good for everything else. Lifting heavy weights beginning now is the best way to retain good muscle tone while losing weight. Enjoy!

    Thanks!! I'll go and buy a digital kitchen scale, I had one, but now is broken and since I've started to gain kilos I've said: "That's useless!" :(
  • lizard21
    lizard21 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi,I am new here too.I need motivation too,mainly for the exercise part.hope you are having a nice day. :smiley:

    Good luck for you. My main motivation is to have a healthy life, I have health problems because of these kilos that I've managed to gain over the years and with KFC's help.
    You can start with cardio, 30 min at 7.5 speed and then 30 min. cycling. I also started last week swim, because it was my first love, and it seems that I come back to my first love :smiley: good luck!! we can do it!
  • lizard21
    lizard21 Posts: 7 Member
    lauren33h wrote: »
    First day for me 2! Good luck with ur journey!

    Thanks, the same!! B)
  • lizard21
    lizard21 Posts: 7 Member

    Don't want to sound like a downer, but you really need to find the motivation within yourself to be successful. Relying on others won't get you far at all in my opinion! Have a firm idea of why you're doing this, perhaps write it down if you're in to that kind of thing. If your "why" isn't strong enough, you'll give up on it over whatever is a stronger thing for you. (it took me years to get to a point where my weight loss "why" was stronger than my desire to just eat what I wanted, when I wanted, usually as a way to make myself feel good, despite the amount of time I spent telling myself I wanted to lose weight)

    Thanks for your comment, I hope that 'my why' is strong enough now :D
  • Itisneeded
    Itisneeded Posts: 147 Member
    All the above are good advice, and I would add- remember to not give up when you fail at times...or even many times. It's about getting up again and learning to walk this road, and it takes time.