

  • I always like the cake mix & a can of diet soda (nothing else) make cupcakes and ice with fat free whipped cream Just one cake mix with 1 can of diet soda white cake mix & diet orange spice cake & root beer chocolate cake & root beer white cake & 7 up you can get creative... dont use the other ingredients it says to add to…
  • Weight loss has always been SO hard for me (not sure if its because of the diabeties or WHY its so hard) but just 3 months ago I was 188... I am now 200 again. Ugh!! Last February I was 217. I just wanna be 170 someday .... When I hit that 200 mark (AGAIN) it made me sickkkkkkk!! Ack! Now I just have to sorta start over…
  • I don't drink much but I wouldn't give it up... I enjoy having a glass of wine every now and then.... I will just count the calories
  • Hi Marie... I'm Karla. I have about 30 lbs to lose, too! I understand the sweet tooth issue as I have the SAME issue with sweet AND salty... LOL Its nice to meet you-- maybe we can motivate one another! Im here if u need to chat~!