Newbie with a Sweet Tooth

Hi everyone! My name is Marie, and I'm new to MFP. I've tried many other programs over the past eight years including WW and many fads. It's my goal to lose about 30 pounds. Thanks to three major knee surgeries and being diagnosed with celiac disease (and falling into the trap of processed gluten free foods) plus an unquenchable sweet tooth, the pounds have crept up. I do go to the gym a few times a week and used to do personal training there too ($) and am working on incorporating more natural foods into my diet. My trips to the gym have resulted in my losing inches over the past couple years, but the scale has stayed within two pounds for a year now.

Does anyone have any tips for dealing with a massive sweet tooth? I didn't realize just how much sugar I eat until starting up with MFP! Any other tips/words of advice would be greatly appreciated too!

Thanks! :-)


  • Hi Marie... I'm Karla. I have about 30 lbs to lose, too! I understand the sweet tooth issue as I have the SAME issue with sweet AND salty... LOL Its nice to meet you-- maybe we can motivate one another! Im here if u need to chat~!
  • mabsan
    mabsan Posts: 4
    Heya Marie,

    I'm new to this whole thing too. I’ve not so much got a sweet tooth as an endless desire for carbs. My plan so far is just to cut down and I’ve purged all the cupboards in the house so there’ll be less temptation.

    Good luck

  • juliedor
    juliedor Posts: 72 Member
    Hi Newbie,
    I'm new too.Very excited.I have lost 20kg on my own and want to lose another 17 with the help of MFP.
    Sugar is an addiction.I read a great book called Sweet Poison.It may help you.
  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Newbie,
    I'm new too.Very excited.I have lost 20kg on my own and want to lose another 17 with the help of MFP.
    Sugar is an addiction.I read a great book called Sweet Poison.It may help you.

    Thanks Julie! I'll have to check that book out!
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    You gotta go cold turkey! I have (or at least had) a major sugar sweet tooth too! It's an addiction and it seems to take about three or four days to get over the addiction. I know the more sugar I eat, the more I want. If I can go a few days, I'm in the clear. When I get offered a sugary treat, I simply tell myself that it will set off the sugar-crazies and I steer clear. To handle the first few days, chew sugar free bubble gum (my replacement drug of choice was trident sugar free bubble gum) when you get the urge. Drink lots of flavored teas (Celestial Seasoning Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride has no sugar but has great sweet aroma) at first.

    Trust me--get over the hump and cut out refined sugars as best as you can. You'll be surprised at how much more flavor you will be able to taste in fruits and veges after you eliminate the refined sugar.

    As a rule, I don't consume artificial sweetners, but they are a good crutch for breaking the refined sugar addiction that I am prone to getting when I fall off the wagon!

    Good luck!
    Friend me for support if you want. I am gluten free 90% of the time. I went GF for two years and felt great. I have a gluten sensitivity but not a celiac (though I have celiacs disease in my family). Those substitutes pack on the calories...GF without substitutions is a lean way to go! :)
  • kstruck123
    kstruck123 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Earth sweet and spicy tea is also excellent. It is really sweet but has no sugar in it. I drink it as dessert and during the day when I have cravings.
  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    Good Earth sweet and spicy tea is also excellent. It is really sweet but has no sugar in it. I drink it as dessert and during the day when I have cravings.

    I'll have to look for that. Sweet and spicy is my cup of tea (wow bad pun, I'm cracking myself up...time for bed! lol)