Very Upset...



  • I know what you mean. I just came back from 2 week vacation and was shocked at the scale showing I gained 10 pounds. But it made me realize I was eating and not counting anything, Can't do that
  • innerbetty
    innerbetty Posts: 59 Member
    Don't let it get to you! You're here which means you are trying to help the situation. I did the same thing after holidays except rather than coming here, I stopped trying. I gained another 10 pounds on top of that bringing me to my highest weight ever. Don't give up!! If it were all sunshine and happiness we'd all be fit and healthy, not trying to get there.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Relax. It isn't the end of the world. Not even close. It doesn't mean you're a failure or a bad person. Its an oops. Let it go...move on. You can do this!
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Hey! Don't beat yourself up! The Winter Holidays are the hardest and even for the most hardcore, things get a little "blurry!" Cut yourself a little slack and then get back on track! Now you know that for *next* Winter what vsome of the traps are that you'll need to avoid! #liveandlearn :-)
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    haven't got much money and iv got a little boy to feed ect aswell so cant afford the gym ect an cant afford manny healthy family meals has anyone got any ideas of healthy family meals that dont cost much and some exersizes to do whith my 2 yr old xxx
    cheapest exercise is WALK, then run, and take the pram with you. If you want to do weights, then do them, but use empty milk bottles/juice bottles etc or tins from the cupboard - they're already there and free. Obviously fill the bottles with water.

    If you want to add me as a friend, I can give you some family friendly meals - I have 3 kids and a restricted budget, but you can feed the family well on a restricted budget.
  • So okay - it is my first day on my fitness pal and your post EXACTLY describes my situation! Let's apply economics to our shared situation and say . . . SUNK COSTS! Let's move on together from this point - and maybe even laugh about it in a few weeks. I am going to focus on exercise, non-processed foods and lots of water. Meditation - this too shall pass. Join me.
  • kiane50
    kiane50 Posts: 69 Member
    All great posts! Thanks for all the encouragement that will help me also.
  • The holidays are so hard to get through. I am relieved that the New Year has arrived. It is a new beginning for all of us. I gained a few myself, but I vow to get back on track ... starting today :)
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I gained 4 lbs from Dec 24 to today. We all just have to buckle back down and get back at it! And we have the best tool to do so right here!
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    Agree with everyone that you should not beat yourself up. Try and understand why (did you way over eat, stop exercising, both) and even if you cannot figure out why do not worry about it because you already have shown that you know how to lose weight so get back at it. I think you can have a great 2013 just go for it!!
  • Weight loss has always been SO hard for me (not sure if its because of the diabeties or WHY its so hard) but just 3 months ago I was 188... I am now 200 again. Ugh!! Last February I was 217. I just wanna be 170 someday ....

    When I hit that 200 mark (AGAIN) it made me sickkkkkkk!! Ack! Now I just have to sorta start over and this time NEVER gonna see the 200s again!

    We can do this-- TOGETHER!
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    It's always hard around the holidays, especially if you have a lot of separate family gatherings. I had 5 (yes, FIVE FULL CHRISTMAS STYLE BUFFETS) in just 2 weeks! And especially knowing how wonderful the cooks are in the family, it's even tougher to resist. I'm such a carb addict. I love me some mashed potatoes and meat pie and stuffing and of course the desserts! I let myself go over the holidays, but the only thing you can do is not give up. Keep up the exercise, get your diet back on track, and pretend the 3 heaping helpings of mashed potatoes never happened! There is plenty of time to make up for a little bit of indulgence. And you know, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself once in a while.

    In fact, during my weight loss this past year, I treated myself to a favorite resto every time I lost 10 lbs. This came out to a delicious splurge every 5 weeks or so. Certainly not over doing it! The rewards helped me through the challenge of getting all the weight off, and I got the added bonus of learning a bit of self-control. Don't ever beat yourself up! Focus on the positive! :)
  • I lost 8 lbs one week and gained 9 the next. Am still pretty frustrated too. I know where I'm messing up but is hard to fix as I don't seem to care much lately when I want something. I'm just gonna keep on plugging along and hope that things improve. Got back to the gym today for a good workout. Meeting with a wellness counselor tomorrow to begin strength training. We know what we need to do but it is way harder trying to do it. Hang in are not alone.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Yup I did it to myself again this year - ten lbs. up again. No use crying over spilt milk, we know what to do to take that weight back off. Let's do it!!!! We're human.
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I gained ten pounds of holiday bloat, but it's been coming off pretty steadily, about .5 pound per day. I lost 1.5 pounds overnight last night, so I'm hoping that's the end of this nonsense. I had just gotten to 310, the last "decade" on my way to getting under 300, so I was tiiiiiiiiiicked when the scale said 320. I didn't freak out since I knew I hadn't actually gained ten pounds, but I was still really mad to see 320 after being so close to 309, knowing I'd have to get through the teens all over again. :explode: :grumble:
  • jigglewiggles
    jigglewiggles Posts: 173 Member
    I know how you feel. Before the holidays I got down to 167, now as of Jan. 1st I'm at 176 again. The holidays are over so just focus on weight loss now. You got down before, you can do it again. Good luck to you.
  • kenziebmac
    kenziebmac Posts: 8 Member
    Hey guys! Weighed this morning, instead of 166-167 I was 163! :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Instead of around 8 pounds gained this'd only be about about 5. Although, I hope when I weigh myself Saturday, I hope I'm either 160 or back to the 150's :devil:

    But I seriously couldn't do it without you guys. If I hadn't have come here, I'd probably not be trying at all. :blushing:

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Keep on Going!