MNRockstar Member


  • You're an inspiration! I'm going to post my "before" picture today. You have given me the courage....
  • I'm not but carbs are my downfall. I was just shocked to see that high of a number this morning. Thanks for the reassurance.
  • INSPIRATIONAL!!! You look amazing!
  • I too love avocados. They are good for you and the right kind of fat your body needs/wants. When I go over, I look to see what put me over and if, in this case, it's a "good food" then I'm ok with it.
  • Great initiative - go get 'em!
  • So the challenge is 50 miles in the month of November, right? I just had ankle surgery so walking, jogging and running are pretty much non existent. However, I'm just breaking into the eliptical at the gym. Do I qualify for the challenge? Where do we track our miles??
  • I was just in a wheel chair for 8 weeks - shattered ankle. I used free weights and resistance bands. I also was fortunate enough to have a trainer friend that borrowed me her stationary hand bicycle (it's a bike that you pedal with your hands) - SUPER good cardio. If you're going to have to go to physical therapy, maybe…
  • Actually, the Skinny Girl line of products aren't too bad. I like the white cranberry cosmo. I also really like the new Bud Select. However... I always get a water with my drink and when my cocktail is gone, I have the water. It helps me drink my cocktail slower and I haven't had my 3 drink limit in the first 90 minutes…