takirb Member


  • Awesome, thanks for the info! Sounds like that book gives great detail
  • I don't know which is actually "better", but I try not to eat mine back. I work them off partly so I can be in a somewhat larger deficit than by not exercising at all. Doesn't make sense to me to eat them back if your trying to lose weight (not sure what your goals are). Just understand that if you burn "too many" more…
  • Meh, I use the elliptical 3 days a week. Just for cardio and burning calories. I don't need larger leg muscles. Treadmill hurts too much, and I have bad knees from years of soccer and basketball in my younger days. I always work up a good sweat on the elliptical. Not just a little dripping from the eyebrow, but that nasty…
  • I tried it 2yrs ago. Made it a couple days into it, then had a fiasco one night. Me and the wife came home from the bar, I had been telling her she needed to try it out with me, etc, so we started a DVD. Can't quite remember which one, but she couldn't keep up. Me, being all manly and having had too many drinks, decided to…
  • Count me in! Friend request sent. My total goal till summer is 35lbs, but if i can reach that before summer hits it'll be awesome.
  • Chinese buffet for me. I love me some sushi, but can't turn down the wings and fried shrimp when i go. Oh, and Corona, but i'm trying to force myself to switch to Bud Select (99 calories) and it's not working very well.
  • This Net Calorie stuff confuses the heck out of me. Feel free to checkout my profile numbers for the day, but - today i drank plenty of water, ate a Lean Cuisine for lunch, and large salad from Chick-fil-A for supper. I also burned 626 calories at the gym on the elliptical. I'm actually stuffed 'cause i just ate the salad,…
  • Actually, the machines i use are configured to check for your HR every minute, and if you aren't holding on for it to register, it pauses the entire session (found that out the hard way, that was a good 20 min that wasn't registering on my workout). So i've gotten used to holding onto the monitored bars for about 90% of…
  • I know i'm late on this topic by like a month, but i just started MFP a week ago or so. I use an elliptical at the gym 3 days a week (4 if i'm up early enough on Saturdays lol). Each gym visit, i run 45-48 min on the elliptical and it's workout summary shows: 6.00+ miles (i always strive for 6 miles) 45-48 min 570-600…