Janetlvb Member


  • Yeah you! Great start . Soda is an excellent thing to give up- your teeth will thank you too.
  • Keep going. The only things that can defeat you are your self defeating thoughts-if you let them. If you take in fewer calories than you burn it is inevitable that the weight will come off. Focus on the process and the results will follow. You may want to try increasing your activity if that's an option and like others…
  • Hi Dottie, Congrats on giving up those middle age excuses-that's half the battle. At 54, I was beginning to show the effects of a lifetime of poor eating and little exercise. I had high cholesterol, bad feet , bad knees etc. Every little injury seemed to take months to heal. I hurt my neck/shoulder while moving and spent 2…
  • Thanks. Beautifully said.
  • Sounds incredible. Bump.
  • I don't know about normal but I can say that the same thing happened to me. However, as I continued to get in better condition the hunger subsided and in fact now exercising seems to help suppress my appetite. P.S. When I did have the munchies I loaded up on raw veggies- not normally my favorite but it was the only safe…