H217 Member


  • Side note: I was doing a little more research, and read that Hashimoto's can sometimes lead to brief bouts of hyperthyroidism. I immediately remembered a 3 week period in fall 2011 when I had just about every classic symptom of an overactive thyroid, complete with losing 7% of my body weight in 2 weeks (very significant…
  • Wow, thank you! This was exactly the kind of information I was hoping I would get... The lab results didn't specify, but I will call in to check it out. Yeah, I'm female, but only 20 so no kids/pregnancies just yet. On the other hand, I believe all 3 of my cousins (ages 24-35) with hypothyroidism were also diagnosed before…
  • Attempting to net 1,200-- open fd, feel free to add.
  • Wow. I might have to make that this week...
  • So, it may be worth it to look into celiac disease. It isn't a food allergy -- it's an autoimmune disorder. Both my mother and my aunt have it (although I do not, as far as I know), and both were advised by a doctor to try to cut out gluten entirely for 3-4 weeks and then reintroduce it with as few other diet changes as…
  • If you ask the people who work in stores that specialize in athletic shoes and gear, they may be able to recommend a shoe style (based on support/structure for over- or underpronation) based on the way that you walk. It might not help with the shin pain, but it could help any ongoing or potential future foot pain that you…
  • 1.) bulk bags of brown rice and beans (especially lentils) are a great meal base 2.) frozen fruits and vegetables are definitely underrated (and usually cheaper, depending on what it is) 3.) having a decent selection of spices will make meals more interesting 4.) shop around. Within 2 miles of where I live, there is a…
  • 42 is always the answer.
  • This exactly. It will get better with time. Don't lose hope!
  • I like adding cooked fruit (mixed berries, pineapple, peaches etc.) and a little bit of cinnamon. Peaches and nectarines are especially sweet.
  • Because it's a coping mechanism. This is a rhetorical answer. A little more seriously though, new channels for emotion (provided they aren't also destructive in some way) are wonderful things.
  • Thanks again for all of the suggestions! Since writing that post, I've managed to make some pretty good improvements... My last 20 mile run went by in just under 3.5 hours! One of the biggest things I've noticed is that my pace picks up a bit after mile 5, and then a LOT more after mile 10 (up to 8:30 min/mile... fantastic…
  • I've had pretty good luck with bullhead jeans (I'm 5'2 with short legs and a definitive pear-shape).
  • I know what you mean... two things that I've found to help a lot are A.) a really good music playlist, or B.) running with someone to make it more competitive. I've also found that running somewhere unfamiliar keeps away that 'burnt out' feeling. There's just something about knowing exactly how much further is left to run…
  • Granny smith, closely followed by ginger gold. Apples are the best.
  • There are a lot of good recipes out there to make your own (see below). I definitely think it would be worth it to have some with you on the longer work out days though, especially if it's not one that's loaded up with sugar. http://readynutrition.com/resources/diy-electrolyte-powders_21062011/…
  • 1. eggs 2. coffee 3. granny smith apples 4. kale 5. chicken breast 6. lettuce 7. zucchini 8. frozen berries 9. yogurt 10. shredded cheese
  • Wow, thanks for all the advice! I'll make sure to check out those links too.
  • Besides what other people have mentioned (90 degree angles and not letting your hands cross center), I heard from someone that when you swing your arms, it should be from the shoulders instead of the elbows.
  • pretty close! height: 5'2 CW: 109.4 GW: 101
  • Height: 5"2 Age: 20 HW: 125 CW: 110 GW: 101 Current BF: 19.5% Goal BF: 17% Other Goals: improve my running time and distance (I'm at about 15 miles at a 10:30 min/mile pace right now). I'm less concerned about the actual weight as I am in gaining strength and shifting body composition.