

  • Welcome! You can add me as a friend if you'd like. This site is great for support. We are all in the same boat, trying to lose weight. Don't be too hard on yourself though because you are still growing. Good luck with your goals!
  • Welcome! It is hard to be on this journey alone, that's why I'm glad you joined and have us. The support this site has provided to me has been great. You can add me as a friend if you'd like. You will get there again. My best advice is to start logging right away. It was a huge reality check for me to see my food intake…
  • Welcome, we are glad to have you. The support on here is so motivating. You can add me as a friend if you'd like. My best advice is get to logging right away. It was a huge reality check for me to see my food intake. Good luck with your weight loss :)
  • Welcome. You can add me as a friend if you'd like. The support we get from each other on this site really helps. My advice, get to logging right away, it was a real reality check for me inputting my food. Good luck with your weight loss goals :)
    in Hi Comment by ready2losew8 December 2010
  • No, there is no fee to join our group. The only fee would be to join the YMCA. I have free passes right now that are good thru the end of the year and if you join by December 31, 2010, you save the $75 join fee. The YMCA also can provide financial assistance if you need it, you just have to apply for a scholarship. I'll…
  • Welcome!! I love it too, it has really made me get a grip on my eating. I didn't realize just how bad I was eating even on days I thought I was doing good until I starting logging it in the food diary. Plus it makes me feel really accomplished to add my exercise and have an idea of just how many calories I have actually…
  • Welcome! Personally, I love this app. I am a newbie too, but my best advice is get to logging right away. It was amazing to me how many calories I was actually taking in even on days I thought I was eating well. A tip regarding this I received from others is to log your food before you eat it to make sure it fits into your…
  • I like to eat snacks that already come prepared in a single serving, such as applesauce, pudding, string cheese, etc. This helps keep me from overeating, plus I can't cook lol. Hope this helps :)
  • I can understand how you feel because it is a battle and a struggle, but I keep telling myself that I didn't get this way overnight and unfortunately, I'm not going to be where I want to overnight either. Trust me, I've tried all the quick fixes, bought things of informercials, taken this pill and that pill, but they never…
  • Thanks for alll the tips and advice. Sounds like I need to start planning better ahead of time :)