Hi New to this also!

I am new to MFP and am hoping it helps as I am starting again with my weight loss journey. In 2009 my now husband proposed and we set a date for April 3 2010 so I started by quitting smoking and put on a lot of weight. Then started Atkins @ 232 lbs. On my wedding day I weighed 163 which took close to 1 yr, my goal weight was 155 lbs. After that all hell broke loose...I started working midnight shifts at my job even though it's a physical outdoor job my body went nuts. I am a carb junky and my mission is just to reach the 155 lbs healthy weight for me.
I did it by myself before but it's hard to be alone in this journey and would like to know that I am not the only one that struggles with this. So would like to be apart of any community challenge or just enjoy a chat here and there.


  • ready2losew8
    Welcome! It is hard to be on this journey alone, that's why I'm glad you joined and have us. The support this site has provided to me has been great. You can add me as a friend if you'd like. You will get there again. My best advice is to start logging right away. It was a huge reality check for me to see my food intake and it feels so good to see just how many calories I've burned working out. Good luck with your weight loss goals :)
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    This is a great place. Friend me if you wish