

  • I went from 287 to 197 in 2008. Then got pregnant twice more as well as went through a very rough time and settled out at about 255. Down to 223 now and steadily falling....
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Fluffykristi I have recipes posted for both Italian Meatballs and a Meatloaf. Made with 93% lean ground turkey but I promise you will not know the difference. Also both are VERY high in protein.
  • The mass of a beta partical is equal to 1/1837 that of a proton. They had us memorize a 1" think book of facts for an Energy Bowl Competition in 9th grade. That is the one fact I have never been able to forget. It was also 20 years ago.
  • You can add me if you like. I log in everyday and I am always willing to help anyone in anyway I can. I do have a pet peeve though. I HATE excuses. You have to want this for you and to do this you have to be willing to make the changes necessary. I'll hold you accountable and then I will help you celebrate your sucesses :)
  • You can add me as well if you like. I'll help anyone in anyway I can as long as they are willing to help themselves. You have to want this for you. No excuses, this is what got us here in the first place :)
  • Thank you all! :) I will check these out
  • Moderation is key. I also try to substitute things that are a bit healthier but might get me that save flavor I'm craving. Instead of chocolate chip cookies, I like to eat Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie muffins. They are more filling, use whole wheat flour and oatmeal as opposed to white flour and applesauce to reduce…
  • @Be-EmbracE 35? (Hard to tell from abs - but you look great!)
  • Sounds like you need new roommates :) When it comes to cleaning or anything that is not pure intentional exercise, this is my theory: if it not something you would normally do on a daily basis, log it. General housecleaning I do not log as I assume its in my normal routine. Cleaning out a 10x10 storage unit? I'm wearing my…
  • Our family has chaged our lifestyle but we have not elimated any group of food. We still have pizza night on Fridays, we eat "normal" except we eat low sat fat, low cholesterol, high protein and lots of fruits and veggies. We eat brown rice and whole grain bread - still eat regular pasta but in moderation. No soda or…
  • Kale :)
  • I'm a mother of 6 children ranging from ages of 12 years old to 4 months old. I am definately a positive person and will be more than happy to help and motivate you however I can. I do also give tough love and honesty - I will not enable or help my friend's bad habits. Feel free to send me a request
  • Gemini. Love away :)
  • I do have to say the skinny taste receipe is a tomato-y based receipe. It's not bad, but not quite the same. Plain greek yogurt, because of the tang, is a great sour cream sub. My husband is a sour cream fanatic and hates greek yogurt like you -- I've converted him as well.
  • Take your standard receipe for it and substitute Chobani PLAIN non-fat greek yogurt for the sour cream. I promise you will not know the difference! :)
  • 1) I have 6 kids Logan Gray (12) Tyler Austin (11) Kaitlyn Elisabeth (8) Cameron James (4) Cara Grace (3) Ava Rose (9 weeks) 2) We think two chidren are plenty ;) 3) The pregnancies were pregnancies. All full term, felt great until the end and then I couldn't wait for it to be over with. All vaginal deliveries with the…
  • I had a hard time increasing my water. It was almost like a mental block. What finally helped me was setting an alarm on my phone - I would have it go off every few hours. I would have until each alarm to finish my current bottle of water then when the alarm would go off I would get a new one. It felt like I was forcing…
  • I'm 34 and a mother of 6 (ages 12, 11, 8, 4, 2 and 2 mos) I log in daily - Current weight is 239. Highest was 287 and my goal weight is 135. I am 5'1". Feel free to friend request me :)
  • Welcome! :) I grew up in Charlotte and lived there most of my life. I'm currently stuck in Tennessee (long story) but will be heading back to the Carolinas before the end of the year. As it is right now, I am in the Charlotte area at least once a month. Feel free to add me or what not.
  • What are your goals? Being female, Calcium is a big one for me for overall bone health. I'm still young, but I know I'm not going to be forever. I also watch my Vitamins A and C. I watch saturated fat intake (not really a nurtient) since studies now believe it plays an even bigger role in your blood cholesterol than actual…
  • I had a baby 9 weeks ago - biggest thing for me was to remain active. Under my doctor's advice, I used a treadmill to walk 5 days a week for an hour a day. Towards the end I was only walking at 2 mph due to hip pain however I would say that the activity not only helped keep my weight gain in check but helped with delivery.…
  • I'm a mother of 6 (age range 12 years to 9 weeks) so I can relateto kids running your life! You can add me if you like.
  • Honestly? I weigh myself 3 times a day at least! I can't help myself. (I only log it once a day, in the morning.) The biggest thing is to remember that you weight will go up and down naturally - and progress won't be eveident everyday so I really don't worry about it as long as it's going down over a week or so. By…
  • I would say about $325 a week - I am feeding 4 adults and 5 children. Back before we are "healthy" we spent around $200 a week
  • 5'1" - need to still lose over 100lbs Also 34 and 6 kids later my metabolism isnt what it once was!
  • My doctor told me that the 8 glass standard is a general "one size fits all" standard that is meant for a person in the 120lbs weight range. To find out how much water YOU should intake, take your weight and divide it in half. That is how many ounces you should drink a day. For example, I weigh 240 lbs so I should intake…
  • I eat all the berries I can - my husband and I go through probably 4 lbs of Strawberries every two days. Love blueberries and raspberries too. I love the pineapple, grapes and melons you mentioned however I eat them rarely because they are all higher glycemic and I don't like the crash afterwards. Bananas I eat every now…