Oral Allergy Symdrome Sufferers?

I have OAS - I have pollen allergies and my body confuses the proteins in certain raw fruits and vegetables for that pollen, causing an allergic reaction. There are several types and you can have more than one (the type of pollen indicates what fruit and veggies you may react to.) I currently have "Silver Birch" allergies.

I am 34 and the OAS did not appear until 4 years ago. I ate a cherry and my mouth began to tingle and my throat became swollen. Since then it has expanded to cherries, apples, peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines, carrots, celery and almonds. I can eat these items if they have been processed, cooked or canned because it breaks down the proteins. For example, I can eat applesauce but not an apple off of a tree.

Very frustrating because I love ALL of the above foods... and they are all very good for you. Why can't I be allergic to Cheetos or Pizza?

Anyway - curious if any other members have this issue and what you do for healthy snacks


  • MissMay87
    MissMay87 Posts: 76
    This started happening to me a few years ago as well! I've been so frustrated because I couldn't understand why I couldn't eat certain fruits anymore. Thankfully nuts and vegetables have not affected me, though, and there are still lots of fruit that I can enjoy. Do you like melons? I eat a lot of watermelon, pineapple, honeydew, and cantaloupe. Also I can eat berries, bananas, and grapes without trouble. Strawberries used to be one of my favorite fruits but I can only eat them if I put some sugar on them overnight. Thank- you for posting this! I must go research!
  • I eat all the berries I can - my husband and I go through probably 4 lbs of Strawberries every two days. Love blueberries and raspberries too.

    I love the pineapple, grapes and melons you mentioned however I eat them rarely because they are all higher glycemic and I don't like the crash afterwards. Bananas I eat every now and then (again, a gycemic issue depending on the ripeness.)

    My son (12) has OAS as well which is odd since it is rare in children. He cannot eat what I mentioned as well as kiwi and strawberries.

    I really miss the celery and carrots as snack foods -- Im about burned out on cucumbers, broccoli and cauliflower. Canned peaches (in 100% juice) have been my friend when I start missing stonefruit.