

  • I can burn more calories in the same amount of time doing cardio then lifting weights. Plus, I love what the stair master can do to my glutes. Love the type of burn it offers and bet your bottom dollar it helps me with endurance.
  • Its all about your diet. Get it as clean as you can by logging everything you put in your mouth. 1 to 2 lbs a weeks is a healthy weight lose. Anything more than that, you are likely to just gain back. Push yourself during your cardio workouts. When I wanted to lean out, I did the keto diet, which was no fruit/dairy (even…
  • There are two televisions in my house, but I rarely watch televeision. In fact, one of them hasn't been used in over a year and the other one I've only watched only Red Box movies, which I will rent about one a month, if that. When I lived on my own, I never had a television because I was always too busy working 2 jobs,…
  • Often time people will have trigger foods that lead to bad cravings. Find what food triggers your cravings. Often time it is bad/processed/unnatural sugar, which can be monitored by looking at the ingredients of everything you put in your mouth. I find that I crave bad foods when I don't get enough sleep. A lack of the…
  • Where there is a will, there is a way! I get up at 4:30 in the morning to be at the gym at 5:15, start stretching and workout at 5:30 so I can be in the office at 8 AM (I'm a girl so it takes me an hour to shower, do hair/face, drive to the office). I was even doing this when I worked from 7:30 to 11 PM Monday thru…
  • Couldn't agree with you more. That starvation mode is a myth.
  • You can add me, too!:happy:
  • WOW! Great job on your weight loss. I know what you mean by how support can help you reach your goals. Keep up the good work!