

  • Mom of two (3 & 6) and learning how to make time to diet and work on getting in shape. I have joined the ymca where they have day care for my youngest and my daughter is at school! feel free to add me!
  • You should never stop watching what you eat and working out, just make sure it is in a healthy way. You will continue to tone and get in shape in the long run if you continue to follow a diet and exercise plan!! You can't "quite" or you will gain the wait back.
  • The only way i do it is to have someone else meet me there. that way i know i have to go or they will be waiting and i won't show. works for me, maybe it could even be someone you meet at the gym or something if you don't have a friend or family member willing to do it with you. having support is the only way i can do it!
  • I was at the dr today and he said that anything without caffeine counts as water. not sure if that helps but that is what my dr said.
  • I feel the same way and also have a family history of people being overweight and diabetic. I have to admit i have begun this journey to get in shape not only for myself but for my kids, so that i can keep up with them. Feel free to add me and I will try to help be encouraging, we all need it from time to time!
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