My knees aren't bothering me at present. Wouldn't a person get better results at a higher incline?
I work out in the early morning - because if I don't - I can find a million other things that need to be done in the afternoon. Plus - I love the feeling that it is DONE for the day - and working out in the morning gets my blood pumping for the day and makes me more energetic for the remainder of the day? Do I like morning…
2 cups of coffee is what I have every morning before my work out. I'd never make it to the gym and work out for an hour - starting at 6:30 a.m. if I didn't. LOVE my coffee! 2 cups a day isn't going to hurt anyone! (unless it affects your other issues, of course).
I'm at the gym between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. - so no eating before hand. 2 cups of coffee and off to the gym. I eat after I'm done. The coffee gives me the get up and go that I need to get my work out done and out of the way!
I get my butt in the car and go anyway. And, I'm always glad I did. Getting to the gym is the hardest part. Once I'm there - I get after my work out - and then I feel SO good as I'm walking out the door. Truly - I DON'T like to work out. But - I do it because it's good for me and I like the results. So - every day - I…
I'm already drinking lots of fluid! 8 glasses of water per day - plus whatever, etc. I'm not dehydrated at all - I'm constantly running to the bathroom. Plus - I get at least 6 and usually 7 hours of sleep every night. I've been working my arms and abs harder, lately - and this is where the twitches seem to…
Are you drinking lots of water? That does wonders for keeping you regular.