L1zzydarcy Member


  • I look at the menu online and decide ahead of time. Also ask for a box right away and split your meal before you start eating. Get a broth based soup as a side if it's an option.
  • Sometimes I address a chocolate craving with chocolate milk. It's sweet, but it takes me longer to consume than a piece of candy. Plus, there is some fat and protein. Another trick that has worked for me is to tell myself that I can have ___ in 10 minutes if I still want it. Usually I forget about it for longer than that,…
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep. When you are tired your body wants more food that it can convert to energy.
  • I used to have a problem staying out of my cube-neighbor's candy bowl. What got me to stop was to make the rule for myself that I could have all the candy I wanted if I went downstairs and bought it. It's not that I'm cheap and unwilling to buy it, it was that it was just enough of a break to make me think if it was…
  • Brown Cow! The coffee flavored cream top is SO good. I can't find it at the normal grocery store, but whenever I'm at co-op or natural foods store I get some. It's delicious.
  • I remind myself that just because I don't know something doesn't make it not true. It helps me with those times when I think I don't need to check the calories on something, or don't want to weigh in. It's always better to know, and then I can make reasonable choices about what to eat, or going to the gym, or whatever.
  • When I was feeling that way I committed to doing just one thing. In my case it was tracking, and once I committed to being honest with myself about the number of calories I was consuming, the rest fell into place. It's not particularly easy or fun, but it is satisfying to see days of logging add up. Then step two was that…
  • Personally, I don't think it matters. Pick a time and stick with it. Interested to hear what others have to say though.
  • You're worried about the smell of hard boiled eggs but not the smell of tuna? They're both stinky. I would say just prepare your food in the office cafeteria, and people can deal.
  • I run into this a lot with one particular friend group. I do a couple of things. If I want to and if I have the calories for it I have one or two or whatever fits into those limits. I have accepted that this means sometimes I leave half a glass of wine or beer on the table because I only had 100 calories left for the…
  • I have been eating back what I've earned and have steadily lost just over a pound a week. I would love to lose the weight quickly, but ultimately I want to make sure I am doing something that is sustainable, through both the weight loss process and my life going forward. I would be concerned that I would burn myself out by…
  • I understand what you're saying, because obviously food - including F&V - has calories. However, I know that personally my weight issues, and those of everyone I have ever discussed it with, do not come from eating too many servings of plain fruit or vegetables.
  • I find it actually helps me work out more consistently if I'm not thinking first. Before my brain is completely awake and engaged I'm on the treadmill where I have to get my feet moving or I'll fly off the thing.
  • If I'm feeling hungry before I hit the gym in the morning, I try to have something. Just something small like a yogurt or a half an apple, to make sure I have fuel for the gym. Then I eat a real breakfast of oatmeal or something when I get to work. I try to give myself at least 15 minutes between my morning snack and…