surfyre Member


  • A friend here at work was pushing the stuff and I decided to give it a go. OMG! GAG, CHOKE, SPIT... I can't remember exactly, but you get these little wafers that are like soylent green. You might as well eat some chalk... TheN you get 5 almonds... I think you do this three times a day. And then you drink this stuff that…
  • I usually have a gin and diet tonic or a vodka and cranberry. Big glass, extra ice. The gin and diet tonic with lime is 58 calories and no carbs. I have a friend that is a personal trainer and these were her recommendations to me and I have kept on track when I indulged. Hope you have a fun night!
  • I have been hypothyroid since being in my teens. Runs in my family on both sides. I am on a combination of Synthroid and Armour thyroid. My doctor started me on this combination a few years ago and I have never felt better! My hair and nails started growing, my skin looks better than ever and I also started to lose weight…
  • Once a week.
  • I use the Medifast products and I like them.. . I do my own modified version though and stay around 1200 calories and do a 4 and 2. I try to stay away from carbs and fill my plates up with green veggies and fish and chicken! I feel great when I am on this program and I lose about 2-3 pounds a week. More if I up my…
  • That was my first and only blind date! NEVER AGAIN! EVER!
  • You should have seen the look on my face!!! That was 20 years ago and I was a bit shy and reserved. These days I would have grabbed the hand and given him his very own kind of special *kitten* whoopin!
  • I think guys do notice. The guys at work comment on my toes all the time... Weird? Yes. They are really quick to tell me what they like and don't like. Based on my own observations of their observations, I think they like the reds the best...
  • ok. Here goes... Friends set me up on a blind date. Picks me up, he's nicely dressed and attractive and I am sitting in his car thinking he smells so good. He was such a gentleman and opens the door for me and the conversation is so nice... I am thinking to myself that this could actually go somewhere.... Never have I been…
  • Wait! I thought Ice Cream was a food group! ;)
    in Wierdo Comment by surfyre September 2011