Worst first date ever?



  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Went out on a first date (first time meeting in person too) with this guy that I met online... being from two different countries, we planned a trip to NY and met there. This guy is a great person but wow!! talk about a cheap-skate! I am not a material person, I like to pay my own way, but when a guy doesn't even want to buy stuff for himself to eat... that's a major red flag! That was the first part of the disaster...

    Another thing that annoyed the hell out of me was that this guy barely said two words in an entire day of site-seeing! I was bored out of my wits with him! I found out later that he felt shy even though we'd spent 6 months talking online and skyping...

    And the third thing that made me realise we could never be together, was that he smelled bad and his clothes looked kinda shabby! He took no pride in his appearance whatsoever! Again, I am not shallow but I believe a person (male or female) should always try to look their best, with or without fancy clothes!

    We already had tickets to other sites in NY so we saw each other for the next two days but part of our 'plan' was to go to a party in downtown Manhattan... heck no, did I even allow it! He would've ruined my night! I went with my adult nephew and a gay friend! He was upset when I told him I think he shouldn't go but I think he got over it cause now one year later, we are still really good online friends!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    He picked me up in an old beat up Ford Festiva. He tried to make me hold his hand on the stick shift…awkward. We went bowling with a bunch of his friends, and every single last one of his buddies pulled me aside and told me that I was too good for him, and I should consider going home with them. Nice friends. Anyway, after the whole bowling fiasco, he drove me home and asked to come in to use the restroom. I was hesitant, but being a nice girl, I couldn’t tell him no, right? So he comes in, obviously NOT to use the bathroom. He started kissing me, and the WHOLE time I was thinking : “I'm-Kissing-You-Back-Sort-Of-Only-Because-Your-Damned-Lips-are-Touching-Mine-and-It's-Easier-to-Just-Let-You-Kiss-Me-and-Get-it-Over-With.” Yeah, so totally not into it. When he started the “Hands-Too-Aggressively-Fondling-Groping-Like-a-Clammy-Octopus-in-Heat” act, and tried copping a feel… or 10, I asked him to leave. A couple days later he calls me to ask me out on a second date. When I politely decline, he tells me I’m not his type anyway, and hangs up on me. I attract the awesome ones. Lol.
    Hey was his name Joel??? I had one do the SAME thing!!!

    Lol, unfortunately, no. His name was James. Must be the “J” names. I’ve had more than a few bad dates with guys that names start with a “J”. Lol.

    I named his kissing technique: Somewhere crossed between the “Mouth-Stretching-Competition-Get-Lost-in-the-Grand-Canyon-kiss” (aka the Open-the-Mouth-WAY-Too-Wide kiss). And “The Dentist's-Chair kiss” (aka Niagara-Falls kiss) - You know how when you're getting work done on your teeth and no matter how much you try to control yourself, it seems as though your natural drool tendencies kick in full swing. You turn into a drool machine requiring that suction device or else your face and neck would be taking a really gross drool shower. Most of the time, thankfully, you are in control of your drool responses. However, some people are not.
    Seriously. Gross.

    oh yuck!!! That's a seriously disgusting you gave me there!
  • JWALL101
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Bump. Don't let the fun die.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
  • Dona_Maria
    Dona_Maria Posts: 78 Member
    I was set up with this guy a few months ago. We met at a public location, which is this huge botanical garden in our city. I got there a little early, and waited. Up rides this guy on a BICYCLE with what looked like a hiking pack on his back. The first thing he said to me was "You must be Danielle. I recognize your t*ts from the photo that _____ showed me"....ummmm....seriously?! So we walked through the gardens talking, and the entire time this guy bi.tched and moaned about how expensive dating was, how expensive EVERYTHING is nowadays...mind you, he makes 6 figures. He knew from our friend that I am vegan, and asked me a lot of questions about it, and seemed to be respectful. After the gardens, he said he wanted to take me to dinner, but we'd have to put his bike in my car....WTF?! I asked if he owned a car, out of curiosity, and he said he did, but "didn't want to waste the gas". So, I have to STRADDLE his bike in a skirt and heels while he took it apart so it would fit in my car, and got in. He guided me where to go, and it ended up being a pizza place....okay, so I can just get a small veggie pizza w/no cheese...no big deal. OH NO. He ordered for BOTH OF US. A MEAT LOVERS pizza. He told me I could just "pick everything off, it's a better deal this way." After having a nice meal of water, we got back in the car, and the first thing he said was, "well, I washed my sheets so I guess it's time to go back to my place." I obliged, but with a different motive. We got to his place, put his bike back together, and I got back in the car and took the hell off. He started calling me like, 3 times a day, texting, emailing me. I had to block his number and his email so he couldn't contact me. Believe me, I had some STRONG WORDS for my friend the next day!

    WOW, seriously?! I cannot believe the nerve of some people. what an assh*le! How classy of him, NOT!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I am so loving this thread. Some of these dates are a trip!

    Cocaine, meet my momma, bike riding cheapskate, fall asleep driving, make out with my sister....who does that?!?!

    apprently a lot of people!!!!! this is creeping me out as it cracks me up!!!!
  • surfyre
    surfyre Posts: 11 Member
    ok. Here goes...

    Friends set me up on a blind date. Picks me up, he's nicely dressed and attractive and I am sitting in his car thinking he smells so good. He was such a gentleman and opens the door for me and the conversation is so nice...

    I am thinking to myself that this could actually go somewhere.... Never have I been so wrong...

    We get to the restaurant and its a nice steakhouse. We order and when the food arrives, he asks me to cut his meat..... And I am somewhat confused and then he insists that I cut his meat for him and he pushes his plate across the table...

    Still confused, I think OK, and I start cutting his steak for him... And he puts his hands on the table and then he RIPS off one of his hands... No kidding... He had a rubber hand.... like in Kingpin...

    I am ok with that, but it was quite a shocker and then not really the way to break it to me... I can't remember if I screamed or laughed...

    And no, the people that had set me up wih him didn't tell me about this beforehand and it would have been a nice thing to know... Not a deal breaker... They said "they forgot" that tiny detail...

    That wasn't really the worse part...

    As we are leaving the restaurant he proceeds to whack me with the rubber hand. He was holding it with his real hand and whacking me with the rubber hand... And they weren't little whacks, they were hard and malicious as in I had to run for cover... And then he verbally abused me all the way back to my front door.

    He called me several times after that and asked me out a few times. Threatened to come kill my dog after I told him no for the umpteenth time. Fortunately for me, he works for the government and has a top secret clearance and I threatened to turn him in... to his employer.

    Good times!!!
  • Kaycurrier
    I had a guy from school take me dinner and a movie for my birthday. We went with some single friends (big mistake) who were not so happy that we were not hiding the fact that we were together. They didn't like being the third wheel I guess but keep in mind, THEY asked if they could 'tag along" for the movie. Anyways, one girl we went with had a crush on the guy I was with, she gets up and walks out in the middle of the movie, makes it very noticable like she wants everyone to know she is mad. I follow her (yes I know, dumb). On my way walking down the steps, a few rows of the lights wer eout so i couldn't see each step very well. I busted my *kitten* all the way down the first flight. Grabbed the arm of the chair next to me to get up (I was in so much shock and pain i had no idea what was going on around me) only to grab some other guys arm and he screemed like a you know what! (it was a scary movie). The women he was with gets pissed at me, and i am wlaking, limping away with a busted high heel. I went out to talk to the girl and she gasps! My eye was bleeding, fat lip, and nose was bleeding, I didn't even notice because I was so shocked and embarassed! We talk and she decides just to wait outside until the movie is over (we were her ride). I spent the rest of the movie with makeshift ice packs everywhere.

    I go to the car, my car, and get my flip flops out We decide to still go to dinner, he was actually really nice, ya we laughed a bit but he was able to reassure me tat I am not that stupid and that the lighting was bad. (I know I am but it was still nice). We go to a mongolian BBQ place and after standing in line an hour for my food to be ready, I walk back to the table and someone was lettign their kid play with a strolller, pushed it right out in front of me and noodles went everywhere! In my hair, in the stroller, on my shirt and shirt!

    then, we decide to go check out what is going on downtown, (Chico Ca, part school and all), and we see a concert in the park going on, so we decide to check it out. I get out of my car and walk towards the park. I see a guy get up on stage and sy stuff about "saving the weed", and " bleep the police" He turns to me and is like, this is a save the weed rally! People are grabbing us and yelling and the police show up, we split!

    I was standing on the corner waiting to cross the street to get back to the car and all of a sudden this chick in an escalade shows up and starts yelling at me to , "get off her corner". My dadte turns to me and is like, she thinks you are a hooker! I was beyond mortified. Finally went home and just said screw it, I am done dating! We went to school together for the next year and talked here and there, but it was always awkward, then he started being snobby! He never asked me out again.

    Happy birthday to me!
  • sdwelk11
    it was a blind date and I was 18 and he was 21... So I am thinking "Awesome! he can buy booze if this works out!" Well turns out that he is only 5 feet tall and about 90 lbs and I was 5ft 4 in at the time and weighed about 140!!!! He was a little nerd that played guitar and basically tried to hump my leg all night!!!!!!! Nasty Nasty Nasty! He freaked me out and anyone that knows me knows that I like my men taller and weigh more than me!!!!!!!!! I could have gotten past the looks because I am not that conceited but the fact that he was trying to hit a home run in less than 1/2 hour was disgusting and on top of that we were in the middle of a miniture golf game!!!!!!!!!!!! :embarassed: :huh:
  • sdwelk11
    My worst first date ever was with this really cute guy I'd been friends with for a short while. He asked me out to dinner and then gets a phone call from his brother's friends and says we have to leave the restraunt because there's an emergency. It seems his brother and his idiot friends had gotten drunk, decided that they had the drunk munchies, went to the vending machine room of their dorm, and when the machine ate their money they decided to shake the bajeesus out of it until it falls on my date's brother. We spent the night in the emergency room filling out forms and sitting with his brother while he puked his guts out. I thought I'd never date him again. We just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary :-)

    love it! My first date with my Hubby was so perfect that I can't list it under this thread!!!!!!!!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    My worst date was not my first but it was definitely HORRIBLE!

    I started casually dating this guy and he asked me out to prom. Cool I thought! I'm going to prom...

    The first bad thing that happens is he gets pulled over for reckless driving somehow and so his mom has to drive us to prom.

    Then, he ends up shattering his hand into little pieces in our gym class when he smacks it on the track after falling. So this causes him to be in the hospital and all jacked up on pain meds.

    Unfortunately I went out to the mall and purchased a 200 dollar prom dress...

    Somehow this happens the two days before prom and we still go since we already put so much effort into planning.

    We planned on going to this Italian restaurant over by my house that is really good for our date. When we get there the date ends up going sour since he can barely sit up from all the medication he is on. So I eat my meal and he has a skimpy salad and we barely talk...

    To make it worse we go to the dance and spend enough time to get our picture taken before he says he won't be able to dance and wants to go home. This is awful and since I had barely any friends I decide to return home with him.

    After they drop me off at home I walk out of the car and up the driveway... they pull away and just as they pull away he opens the door and vomits all over the driveway!

    Needless to say we never really talked much after that. :)
  • Dolphingirlie81
    He picked me up and when I got in the car he gave me a rose. As he was giving it to me he says "my dad told me I should buy you a rose and he gave me money to buy you a rose and to take you out to the movies". I'm thinking HUH? He was in his 30s and he had to have his dad give him money to take a girl out on a date. So we get to the movies, got our tickets and had time before the movie started, so we are walking and he spots one of those machine where you can win stuff animals.Only his one had care bears in it. So I'm thinking aww how sweet he is going to try to get me a care bear.. WRONG! He said really loudly as other people were walking by "Everytime I see one of these machines with Care Bears, I have to try and win one for my care bear collections. Again I'm dumbfounded. Finally we go sit down for the movies and he starts talking, I'm waiting for the movie to start so that maybe he would stop talking, wrong! The movie ends and I'm like finally I get to go home, but I was wrong again! He starts driving and asked me if I would stop with him somewhere on the way back, since it's on the way and he didn't want to backtrack after he dropped me off, so I was ok, and asked him where we were going and he said "you'll see". about 5 minutes later I looked out the window and saw we were at the entrance of a graveyard. I'm thinking to myself "Oh great, I'm a goner. I asked him what he was doing and he said visiting what does it look like I'm doing. I asked him if he was visiting anyone particular, he said no, I just like to go and visit graveyards, it's kinda of a turnon for me. By this time my face has gone white. Finally he gets out his truck and asked me if I'm coming and i said umm no. so he starts to walk and as soon as he turned his head, I got out of his truck and started walking to the main street. Had my cellphone, so I called someone to pick me up. THANKS to technology.

    Needless to say if I got on a first date, I take my own car.
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    "As we are leaving the restaurant he proceeds to whack me with the rubber hand. He was holding it with his real hand and whacking me with the rubber hand... And they weren't little whacks, they were hard and malicious as in I had to run for cover... And then he verbally abused me all the way back to my front door."

    I wish you could see the look on my face as I read this! :noway: LOL
  • surfyre
    surfyre Posts: 11 Member
    You should have seen the look on my face!!!

    That was 20 years ago and I was a bit shy and reserved. These days I would have grabbed the hand and given him his very own kind of special *kitten* whoopin!
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    You should have seen the look on my face!!!

    That was 20 years ago and I was a bit shy and reserved. These days I would have grabbed the hand and given him his very own kind of special *kitten* whoopin!

    That would be a special kind of awesome... "Dude... she beat you senseless *with your own hand*."
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    You should have seen the look on my face!!!

    That was 20 years ago and I was a bit shy and reserved. These days I would have grabbed the hand and given him his very own kind of special *kitten* whoopin!

    That would be a special kind of awesome... "Dude... she beat you senseless *with your own hand*."

    ^^^ THIS :laugh:
  • surfyre
    surfyre Posts: 11 Member
    That was my first and only blind date! NEVER AGAIN! EVER!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Over dinner, a first date once suggested a bag of cocaine and a visit to the local sex club for dessert.

    Everyone knows that's fifth date material.

    True story.

    i woulda been down for that... :D

    Yeah, I'm thinking that sounds like me in a different life :smokin:
  • treesloth
    treesloth Posts: 162 Member
    That was my first and only blind date! NEVER AGAIN! EVER!

    Blind dates are great!

    Some of us are actually ok. I was even told so. A little later I even took her good cheesecake because she was having a bad day. A week later, she kicked me to the curb by text message.

    Seriously, text message? That's a whole new level of classlessness. But, hey, at least she texted me that I'm an awesome guy! And that we can still be friends!

    Blind dates suck.

    /not bitter. not at all.