ajroberts11 Member


  • Hilarious! (But seriously, don't you dare mess with my grown-up toys! :wink: )
  • I'm also in the "weigh-daily, record weekly" camp. Seeing the daily fluctuations serve as a great reminder to be diligent about making healthy choices. Recording weekly prevents me from becoming spastic about those same fluctuations. The caveat: Any time I increase my calorie allowance, I hide the scale for a few weeks…
  • ^^^ Rock on. Great sense of self-preservation, providing for her needs as well!
  • You might reach out to HelloIt'sDan directly and see if he would advise changing anything. I think of him as the MFP guru on all things TDEE-%, lol!
  • I've never been sore from them either. I have no interest in straining my back by trying to over do it. But as long as I feel challenged while I'm doing them, I don't sweat it if I'm not sore from them afterwards.
  • Welcome back! I've slacked on using the site a few times over the past year, and every time I come back, I have better results than when I wasn't using it. Good luck for you, this time around! :)
  • I'm American. My ancestors were mostly German and Scottish, but other than appreciating sauerkraut and a good dark beer, I don't relate to my heritage much. I've never referred to myself as a Caucasian-American. My boyfriend is from Mexico and is a naturalized U.S. citizen. He identifies strongly with home cultural, so if…
  • This describes Juicy Fruit perfectly (if you don't mind adult language): http://theoatmeal.com/comics/juicy_fruit
  • Whether or not to bring it up with your friend depends on your relationship with her, and her relationship with her mom. If you feel the trust and openness with your friend still, you can ask, "I overheard your mom say this. It hurt, and I wanted to check with you to see if you feel the same." If she doesn't, then brush it…
  • Breakfast (M-F) is consistently oatmeal and coffee with flavored creamer, but I change the flavors up daily. I occasionally add a hard boiled egg or fruit, but not often. Lunches vary each week. One week, I'll eat the same salad every day. The next week, I'll eat 6" low-fat subs from Subway. The next week I'll eat soups.…
  • Congratulations! This is a WONDERFUL NSV for you and your mom! Thank you for sharing!
  • ^^This is important! Also, decide whether you're more accountable when you: A) Enter your meals for the entire day in the morning, and then stick to what you planned throughout the day, OR B) Log your food as you eat throughout the day. I use the first method, to make sure my calories are spread throughout the day, and…
  • lol! Congratulations!
  • *sigh* If only there were a way to distinguish between voluntarily removing a food from your diet because your diet plan prohibits it, vs. the necessity of removing a food from your diet due to medical reasons such as food allergy or food intolerance. But... I guess there's no such way to make that distinction! :wink:
  • My advice would echo the suggestion of more physical therapy. Talk to a professional physical therapist about what activities you used to do and what activities you want to resume. He or she will be able to make *sure* that your knee is ready. I had a knee injury in high school (quad pulled loose from the knee cap, taking…
  • - Should I log what I'm planning to eat before I eat it so I know exactly how many calories I'm getting? * I do, and it works to keep me accountable. If I eat out with coworkers for lunch, it reminds me to scale my dinner back. If my lunch is small, it reminds me to add a snack in the afternoon. Also, bread at restaurants…
  • ^^^ This!!! Also, take something healthy as your "contribution" to the evening. Don't over-fill your plate, but be sure at least half of what you serve yourself is from what you brought. Also, some people will comment on what's on your plate, especially if they notice you're doing something different from themselves. This…
  • You've made wonderful progress! Keep it up! I'm about to complete something similar to this, but I only did four weeks without the scale. It gave me a chance to refocus on the process of eating healthy and exercising. Now, I'm curious to see how the scale may or may not change, but I'm most proud of meeting ALL of my…
  • I can see it on your torso as well, but something else: look at your wrists and at the hand holding the phone. Definitely slimmer! If you wear rings, have you noticed them slipping on and off easier?
  • ^^^This! Your pics show amazing progress! Keep with it!
  • This is great advice! I hope you really read it! Change is so hard, and it's even harder when you feel overwhelmed by the big picture. Do what you can, as you are able to incorporate it into your life. Make each day an opportunity to do something healthy; add an apple for a snack, eat frozen grapes instead of ice cream,…
  • I don't plan to do indefinitely. I'll keep tracking my weight and if I notice an increase of 3-5 lbs over a couple of weigh-ins, I'll begin tracking again to keep myself in check. Oh, and I plan to track whenever I get pregnant so I'm don't gain too much beyond what's necessary for a healthy pregnancy.
  • If they know I'm home (because of the car in the driveway or windows open or whatever) I just tell them it's not a good time for me. I then suggest a time for them to come back. Depending on who it is, that may be in two hours, it maybe in two weeks, or it maybe at a time I KNOW they're not available! :devil:
  • "admits he likes playing devil's advocate" - Sounds like my ex-husband, lol! But playing devil's advocate about jelly beans and cheese would actually be opening a discussion about the effect consuming those products has on the digestive system, the body as a whole, and perhaps the environmental effects of sugarcane…
  • I have the Paraguard copper IUD since Dec 2009 (so... 3+ years). My midwife won't put it in if you haven't had kids because the uterus isn't "stretched" so there's an increase failure rate. Since I had a miscarriage, she anticipated my uterus was stretched enough. I'm glad she took the chance because it is the BEST birth…
  • Wow! Very incredible! Thank you for the reminder that there are bigger hurdles than the number on the scale. The balance and healthy perspective you maintained during your weight loss journey served you well when you began experiencing all those symptoms but were still able to maintain your weight loss. Congrats on the…
  • I hope my friends will check this out as well! It's a long read, but it's very informative and enlightening!
  • Love the original post & like this addition too! These ARE key points to remember!
  • I like it. There are many approaches to weight loss, and not every approach will work for every person. My bf's sister is on a super-strict diet with one cheat day a week (which doesn't work for me). However, I can allow myself to eat whatever I want using moderation and portion control (which doesn't work for her). If…