How do you handle PMS?



  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I handled it this month by eating half a bag of Hershey's milk chocolate baking melts.

    Honestly, I eat within my caloric means most fo the time so I give myself some leway around this time.
  • I have a burger. Ordered in from my favorite local place. I just add it in and it usually fits into my day. The difference from before I was eating more healthfully is that in the past I'd pig out all day. Now I just give into cravings but in a rational way. If i'm a little over during PMS, I don't sweat it. Our bodies are not built in a day and I'd rather be satiated than extra cranky. :)
  • verymissk
    verymissk Posts: 262 Member
    Excessive amounts of Midol, beer, Chinese food and brownies.
  • joecmoore1
    joecmoore1 Posts: 87 Member
    I usually leave the house. :tongue:
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member
    I've found that PMS cravings are a result of nutrient deficiencies for me. Have you considered that you are craving meat because you may need more iron or B Vitamins because your body is using more of them at that time?

    For me, I found chocolate cravings were due to low magnesium. I started taking magnesium in pill form and the cravings went away with the added benefit of all the cramps pain went away too.

    So I handle it my giving my body what it needs at that time.
  • i dont. my husband handles it. :)
    lots of oreos chocolate chip cookies and strawberry daiquiris. uh and mozzarella sticks..
  • I have the burger. I almost never eat red meat. Not because I think it's bad for me, just because I don't really like it that much. But more times than not, my PMS craving is a burger. I'd rather eat the burger than be miserable.
  • 218Beth
    218Beth Posts: 34 Member
    Yeah, I'm not really beating myself up over it. I'm now at the top of the MFP calorie count for today. I'll be doing house stuff tonight so no gym time. And really, I'm pretty sure before I joined up here I was eating closer to 2500-3000 calories a day anyway.

    I also caved on Twiizzlers but that was boredom and not PMS. 5 lashes with a Twizzler for me for that.

    And I like some of the suggestions on here - esp. having a beer. lol. My period won't be here until Monday so I'm hoarding my beer and wine for our kidfree (Thank you God for having the logistics work out after all), camping weekend.
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    dark chocolate and running. running gets rid of it for a bit. also try yoga or something along the lines of comfort.
  • ajroberts11
    ajroberts11 Posts: 29 Member
    Typically, I'll have a beer. I'll get my wife a bottle of red and some chocolate.

    ^^^ Rock on. Great sense of self-preservation, providing for her needs as well!
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Since my IUD was put in, I don't have menstrual cycles. Now I'm just a biznitch ALL the time. lol
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    when you want to eat, go for a run.
  • 218Beth
    218Beth Posts: 34 Member
    I am so not a runner. :-) Plus, I can't exactly leave my work to run instead of getting Twizzlers. Although I could have walked instead of lunch. The area's iffy but at noon it's ok.
  • Ladina1990
    Ladina1990 Posts: 137 Member
    CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE! I'm most likely not helping but that's honestly how my body reacts and it gets so bad to the point where my teeth will hurt, i wonder if there is such a thing as Chocolate Anonymous??
  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    I give my PMS cravings exactly what they want... I find they surrender quietly that way

  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    I've found that PMS cravings are a result of nutrient deficiencies for me. Have you considered that you are craving meat because you may need more iron or B Vitamins because your body is using more of them at that time?

    For me, I found chocolate cravings were due to low magnesium. I started taking magnesium in pill form and the cravings went away with the added benefit of all the cramps pain went away too.

    So I handle it my giving my body what it needs at that time.

    That's interesting!
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    Like a boss
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