

  • I'm relieved to know that Taco Bell's beef is a whopping 88% actual cow
  • I like McDonald's french fries as much as the next person. They taste really good. That said, is there really an argument about relative quality of some of the ingredients used? There's a dollar menu for a reason. That's great if you're on a tight budget and budgetary concerns are real concerns. McDonald's is a legit…
  • ^ This. I don't follow Paleo because there are things in it that I am unconviced of (the elimination of dairy being one). But the demerits assigned for its 'ranking' were weird. For one, most of the 'criticism' seemed to center on the semantics of the name "Paleo" as in "You can't eat exactly like a caveman." Well, no. You…
  • LOL! Pretty accurate. The one answer that makes people's eyes glaze over when they ask "you what you're doing to have lost weight?" is "I watch what I'm eating and try to exercize"
  • Frankly, I don't worry about it. I love coffee. Though I try to taper off during the afternoon (though I've never actually found that I've reached the point of having trouble sleeping due to coffee. Tazo "Awake" Tea, however, proves that there can truth in advertising. That stuff once actually caused me to get the shakes.)…
  • That's difficult to commercially package and sell to make profit out of. Plus, it makes entirely too much practical sense and takes effort.
  • Pregnant cows do not give milk. Lactating cows give milk, so, no, milk cows are not 'pregnant all year long.' Agriculture is a business. They are not going to be doing counter productive things such as unnecessarily reducing cow lactation by constantly getting them pregnant when regularly milking them maintains their…
  • This is how debates on MyFitnessPal get stupid. Talk to a vet. This isn't controversial material or even in veterinary debate. Cats are carnivores. Commercially available cat foods that are not primarily (at times virtually exclusively) meat or meat and bone meal by-products HAVE to have taurine (as well as a host of other…
  • Why are people dragging dogs and cats into this? People =/= cats or dogs. Cats in particular are carnivores. You try to feed a cat a high carb or (worse) a vegetarian diet, and you're going to cause a sick cat PetMD: Cats don't belong in…
  • That's sort of where I've landed as well. I think that Paleo/Primal has some very positive aspects. I find eating nutrient dense foods to be first among these. I'm less convinced on some of Paleo/Primal's stances on restricting dairy, beans, and some other specific food items, so I don't consider myself to be following…
  • I've tried it and liked it. I don't think it has any particular magical properties, however. It is useful as a monosaturated fat just as is olive oil. It has a higher smoke temp than olive oil, however (and it is at its smoke point that fats are degraded and become hydrogenated. Hydrogenated oil is transfat and transfat is…
  • This, of course, is perfectly true and correct. Although as an added nuance, if she has 107 pounds to lose (which is what she's showing in her banner), there are elevated chances of her having chronically high insulin (This isn't guarenteed, of course, but with that amount of weight to lose the chances of metabolic…
  • I've found that to be true for myself. I've slowly learned to lower my 'sweet' threshold so that I don't need as much sweetner (be it sugar or artificial). I used to need several sugars (or artificial sweetners) in my coffee. I've slowly lowered to virtually none or none (depending on the quality of the coffee). As I drink…
  • Same. I'm not telling anyone else to do it. It's purely a personal choice. But I was shocked at how easy it was. At the time that I did it, it was just sort of a personal experiment and nothing more. I honestly didn't think I could do it. I drank several a day and thought it would be virtually impossible for me to truly…
  • You said couldn't not wouldn't. See the difference?
  • You can't eat 2/3 cup of peanut butter in the space of 24 hours?
  • Interesting post. A lot of work, but interesting to keep the tracking log.
  • That isn't enough information to know. To know would require knowing your current height/weight/frame size and your calorie burn during workouts.
  • It wasn't mass produced and distributed in the US until the mid 1970s. Look, if you want my OPINION I don't think HFCS is significantly different as far as metabolism goes. If it's worse than sucrose at all (if), it would probably only be to a very minute (probably negligible) degree. I think. Can't prove that and there…
  • Why do you think it necessary that a stranger on a message board PROVE anything to you? I never said that HFCS was harmful or benign. I said that that people are researching these issues because they are researching them. This product has been on the market for a limited number of years. Of course there are questions and…
  • I think the miscommunication here is in wanting absolutes (or reading absolutes) where there are none. And I'll repeat what I just posted: There's no way around the number of calories you consume being the primary issue with regard to weight management. The original question was "what's the difference between sugars?"…
  • Sorry. Glycosidic not glycolic. Brain fart.
  • As stated: a calorie is a calorie if we're discussing calories. I gather you want the straight to the bottom line, and the calorie load bottom line is going to remain. Calories, though a simplified concept in itself, are the most practical way of monitoring your dietary intake in real-world circumstances, especially if…
  • Sugar in ice cream is sucrose or high fructose corn syrup, sugar in bread is glucose (and depending on the bread, sucrose or high fructose corn syrup). Sugar in blue berries and oranges is largely fructose (though proportions of sugars vary with the fruit, and then there's a question of fiber... but that's probably more…
  • ^ This. The science makes a good amount of sense. The demogoguery of either extreme, makes less sense.
  • Try to have healthful snacks around during the game. (nuts, pickles, crab dip with celery sticks, boiled shrimp, etc. can be options). Planning ahead can help.
  • Paleo =/= ketosis. Paleo may eliminate grains but it doesn't default to the extremely low level of carbs required for ketosis unless you are specifically restricting to achieve ketosis. 100g carbs a day won't make you enter ketosis. You can lose weight on that (I eat less than 100 grams of carbs a day) but it's not ketosis.
  • How accurate are you about logging? Do you use quick calories? Do you weigh and/or measure your food Most people (myself included) have a tendency to underestimate what they've eaten and over estimate what they've burned. It's possible to screw up your metabolsm but I'd eiminate the possibility of mis-calculating what's…
  • I would advise caution with this approach. Intermittent fasting is supposed to have some benefits if done properly (and doesn't appear to be what you're suggesting here) but massive ongoing calorie deficits can backfire in a myriad of possible ways ranging from encouraging a binge/purge mentality, to 'falling off the…
  • No food is a magic freebie. It's counterproductive to go over your calorie goals regardless of what the food is that's taking you over your calorie goal. Above calorie goal is above calorie goal. Sometimes I may go over a macro because of something I've eaten (for that matter I'll go over calories sometimes too), but…