

  • Man, you guys are all eating such healthy and delicious food... and all I had was a box of apple jacks cereal, a litre of skim milk and a tub of greek yogurt. In my defence, it was a post-workout meal, it fit my macros, and I hit a squat PR of 350x8. So, uh, yeah.
  • Yes, cardio does burn fat. All types of cardio, including walking, jogging, rowing, etc. Just remember with cardio that the best type is the one you enjoy and can stick with long-term.
  • I'm from Canada (Alberta) and I order something that is similar to PB2 from iHerb. It's called peanut flour and it's waaaaay cheaper than pb2. Like, a third the price. It's mostly defatted like PB2. I add it to my protein shakes and it adds a ton of peanut flavour without the fat.…
  • 10 pounds in how long? I find it hard to believe that anyone could gain 10 pounds on a keto diet, especially if they're tracking calories. Hell, most people that do keto lose 5 or 6 pounds of water weight in the first week from the lack of carbs. Either A. Your scale is broken. B You've incorrectly calculated your BMR and…
  • I do intermittent fasting, normally on a 16/8 split, but I often try to make the fasted state last as long as I can. First off, coffee. Drink lots of coffee. Depending on how strict you are, you can drink it black, with sweetener, or even a splash of milk. I use skim, and it probably only adds 5 or 10 calories. I probably…
  • You will get less hungry. Your stomach shrinks over time when you eat less.
  • Strawberries. I just had 560g (about a pound and a quarter) and it was only 179 calories (and 11g fiber)
  • Feeling hungry? Drink a glass of water. Wait a bit. Still hungry? Okay, now you can eat.
  • Honestly, I gain and lose 3-4lbs of water weight a day depending on how hydrated I am.