

  • You need to stop beating yourself up. It doesn't help in fact it makes things worse, because the worse you feel the worse you will eat. This is a lifestyle change, 1 day or even 3 will not undo everything you are working on changing and it takes a long time to make changes stick. If this is regular problem for you I…
  • Height 5'5 CW 256 Calorie goal 1500-1600 Average WL per week 1.25 Starting weight 375 (this was after I changed doctors and they had a scale that could weigh me, I was heavier) Goal weight 150-165 Exercise I am a video junkie so just about every cardio style on the market
  • I am just the opposite when it comes to sharing with a few exceptions. Has anyone been mean in the past about your weight. This has happened to a few people I know and now they don't want anyone to know they are losing weight. If thats the case I agree with a PP about finding someone you trust to start sharing with. You…
  • The Go Wear Fit is the same as the Body Media Fit. You can often find these used or at a serious discount because they are the old style, but they are still compatible with BMF's website. Another thing to consider between Body Bugg and Body Media is the monthly cost difference and Body Media makes the Body Bugg.
  • You look amazing. Thank you and thanks for sharing. I guess I've been wondering if there is a light at the end of this tunnel.:smile:
  • I have the body media fit and I love it. I only take mine off long enough to shower and to check it during the day. I have never had it measure my car rides as steps. In fact I have been considering an upgrade to the ultra so that I don't have to take it off to see my progress throughout the day.
  • Congratulations! And thanks for sharing :smile:
  • you look amazing congratulations
  • I read a blog somewhere a long time ago that summed up cheating on healthy lifestyle plan. "If you eat a hamburger you are not cheating on the salad. "
  • I love mine, I stalled out and then gained weight over the summer because I was lying to myself about how many calories I was really burning. It keeps me honest and I have been steadily losing 2 pounds a week for the last 8 weeks. The only problem is the food logger, but you can integrate MFP with it. Bottom line, I love…
  • It took me months to see any difference in my clothes and the scale was all over the place. I still haven't found anyone to work out with, so I go it alone. When I was in the 300's it hurt to do everything and there have been times I have had to scale back my workouts. In the beginning I thought the stationary bike was…
  • I just started MFP because I purchases a Body media fit and hated the food diary. I love the one here. I am at the halfway point of my journey and added the BMF so I could get an honest estimate of my workouts, the difference for me has been huge.
  • Feel free to add me. In January of 2010 I weight 375 pounds, I'm down to 258 and have also been looking for MFP pals :smile:
  • Congratulations, you progress is amazing. I started at 375 back in 2010 and am now at 258.6 so it's taken me a lot longer but we our goals are pretty close. Feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • I'm new here as well, feel free to add me. I have lost 117lbs with SP but still have 100 or so to go.
  • You look amazing! Congratulations :happy:
  • As a heavy person in the process of transformation, I want a trainer and nutritionist that practices what they preach. First impressions are everything and I want to know that what they are selling to me actually works.
  • I started bringing food with me to any work meetings that involve eating. It's not easy and I have heard some negative comments about it from co-workers, but it has been my only solution. And IMO if they can't support you in eating healthy that is their problem.
  • You look amazing! Great job!
  • I work out late in the evening so I always eat before.
  • Small changes add up to big things. You can do it, just pick one thing at a time and then go from there. It's not easy, but you know you need to do something because your here. 3 years ago I couldn't be weighed at my doctors office, I have no idea how much I weighed. It took me more than a year to just get under 400 pounds…
  • I think all the reasons for having an open diary or a private one are good reasons. I don't have mine public because of threads like "your eating less crap, but your still eating crap" I just started on this site, but lost 115lbs on SP (I am only here because this site links to BMF) But after reading everyone's negative…
  • Are you shopping in a plus size store or a regular store with plus sizes. I usually shop at a plus specialty store where the sizes run large. At 260 I wear a size 20 from Avenue, but if I go to a regular store that carries plus, I wear a 22 to a 24. That may be the difference.
  • I think resentment can build if your spouse doesn't support you. I started this journey with my DH because we were both having health issues. now a year and half later my journey continues and his health is worse than ever. It's hard not to resent that. I want him to live and I take care of myself, but have to watch him…
  • You look fantastic! Great job:smile:
  • I have dropped 115 pounds and although my skin sags, It seems to get better with each plateau as frustrating as these are they seem to give my skin a chance to rebound. Everywhere except my thighs and my chin (ugh this part kills me because everyone can see your chin)
  • Wow, I just joined MFP and this post is horrifying. I only joined because MFP will sync with my body media and spark people will not. So many negative comments and such an un-supportive statement this makes me sad. Are all the boards like this? I have lost 115 pounds with sparkpeople and still have quite a ways to go, but…