Arachne Member


  • I do. I always have... I don't stress about the numbers at all, doesn't bother when it goes up but it's motivating to see it go down. I track the trends as well and it helps me to see what has an affect on my weight. I definitely weigh myself everyday now that I have gotten one of those fancy scales with various…
  • This time next year do you want to be the same weight, or heavier, and still miserable? OR do you want to be healthier, thinner, and happier? It takes time. I have given up so many times and to look back at those time I gave up I am disappointed. If I would have stuck to it two years ago when I first started MFP I would be…
  • I definitely understand your problem. It seems that more active I become, and the more clean foods I eat, the less I want. I have to force myself to eat somedays. Considering I have had this problem for a long time one would think I would be tiny... that's not the case. I realized that I ate for emotional and various other…
  • Looks great! My cabinets are never that full, and tuna is yummy!!
  • Filthy Gorgeous by Twisted Sister. Something about it just pushes me past my comfort zone.
  • I'm a 34K US sizing and I absolutely ADORE my Enell. I had been looking for years for a great sports bra and my mother bought an Enell and suggested I do the same. I could not believe how much easier my run the next day was, when the girls are under control you feel like you have better control of your breath. 100%…
  • It could wear off after a few days. I have my days, sometimes I get jittery just randomly, and I have a friend who takes it and said that she also just has days where it seems to affect her more. I would try it out for maybe a week and if it doesn't wear off or there are other intolerable side effects then maybe it's not…
  • My husband and I have both taken this in the past, and are taking it again after almost a year off. For him it really helps keep his energy up after his morning workout and has really boosted his weight loss and helped him make weight (he is in the Army) in the past. He doesn't really have any problems with it at all.…
  • I did day 2 today and it was rough since I am bit sore, but I did it!!! I can't do the pushups very well because my wrist is still super sore and stiff (got my cast off a week ago today), but I do the best I can. None the less it's done!!! I'm already behind a day, but I will be behind another two or three after this…
  • Just finished day 1. I didn't get a chance to do it yesterday because there was a bit of a puppy emergency that kept me out all evening. But I got it done today! I forgot how hard that is!!! I really need to see if I can find a good sports bra, I have such issue with them since I'm small around but huge cupped. But I still…
  • Will be doing this here in a few hours with a friend. I am super excited! I will post my measurements when my husband gets home so he can help! LET GET TO IT!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • I'm in!! I just ordered the video a few days ago and it's looking like it will be here tomorrow or Monday. I won't be able to do it full force for a week or so because I just got a cast off my wrist on Wednesday and it's still really weak and won't support weights or pushups very well. But either way I'm so in!
  • I agree with the other ladies who said to get measured! Bras are not supposed to be comfortable per se, they are supposed to be tight enough that the center between your breasts lays flat on your chest when you pull the back down to about mid back. I have been in specially fitted bras since I was 13 (I'm currently a 32…
  • Pictures didn't come up but I looked copied the url and looked, and GIRL YOU LOOK GREAT!! Keep it up!!! Thanks for the motivation!