About to give up and just accept im fat



  • candctaber
    candctaber Posts: 274
  • tortiz67
    tortiz67 Posts: 5 Member
    My suggestions would be drink more water, stop eating fast food and definitely limit the processed foods. I also noticed some days it looks like you skipped meals, that's an unhealthy habit. Don't give up, I really think if you can improve your diet you can really make some great progress.
    Yes i cant always eat breakfast because my son dose nt always slepep so i get what sleep i can.

    I'm not trying to be rude but I feel like that is just an excuse, I have a 7 1/2 month old who I breast feed....I know all about being up during the night, I make sure I have something for breakfast. Try something you can take on the go...a bagel or lately one of my favs has been 2 slices of wheat toast with a little butter and honey...or I cut up some fruit the night before and eat that for breakfast.

    Also I just wanted to comment and say you could save a lot of money on buying groceries as opposed to eating fast food...I've been there that's part of the reason I'm over weight now.

    Well i never been a breakfast person. You can call it an excuse all you want. I Am cutting fast food out i just ate it that day because i was drinking and dont bother to tell me to 100 percent cut out drinking. That will never happen.

    I can see not being a breakfast person, that I why I usually have something light, just to wake me up and hold me over. I'm not telling you to cut out drinking, but maybe you should log every drink you have...is that not part of your daily calorie intake? I had a few drinks the other night coincidentally I ended up gaining my 2 lbs lost back, it took me 3 more days just to get the progress I had already made back. I don't drink often and that was enough to make me realize I want my hott body back more than I want a drink.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member

    I Like to cook and i eat as clean as i can. I Do not have a bunch of money for food $80 for two weeks but when i get a job i will be able to put $50 more in which that will bring me to $130 but i really do want to eat clean. Maybe you can tell me some foods that are not out my budget.

    I'm a broke single mom and I don't eat Frito's or Ramen or Hamburger Helper. My son and I eat like kings, quite frankly. I won't lie to you, I eat some junk and some things that others would not consider "clean" but for the most part, we eat well. I used to be the QUEEN OF THE HAMBURGER HELPER back when I was in my 20's and now I don't touch the stuff.

    **Buy meat on sale and freeze it. I hawk my favorite grocery stores and get meat that is about to expire with the stickers for $1 or $2 off and I freeze it. This is how I can afford steak almost every week.

    **I use my crock pot a lot. Put some cheap chicken parts in the crock with some salt & pepper and other seasonings if you have them and it's done in a few hours. Easy.

    **Frozen vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh. So is frozen fruit. Right now I am getting a lot of produce from roadside stands but when that is all over, I use frozen. Not expensive.

    **Buy a rice cooker and get big bags of brown rice. Cheap and easy to prepare if you have a rice cooker. I can't cook rice on a stove to save my life but my rice cooker makes it perfect.

    **Buy a big bag of beans and cook them on the stove or in the crock pot and then you'll have them to eat all week long.

    **Whole chickens can be had for less than $1.00 a lb and cook up easy in the oven or crock pot. Pick at it all week, put it in casseroles and turn the bones into soup.

    Do you have an Aldi near you? Some of their processed food is crap but every week they have certain vegetables or fruits on sale for dirt cheap. Bags of baby carrots for 49 cents? Cucumbers for a quarter??? SCORE.

    You can do this, you just need to do a bit more planning. It's only going to get crazier once you go back to work so if you get yourself organized now, it will mean a lot less headaches later.
  • bberg0521
    bberg0521 Posts: 49 Member
    Dont give up!!! You are worth it to be healthy and fit!

    Try to mix things up a bit. Change your calorie intake and your work outs. Try some weight lifting to help build muscle.

    You can do this!!! MFP is such a great support system.
  • Karhyn
    Karhyn Posts: 18 Member
    no, don't quit!

    Take a step back and revisit your goals. Not only weight goal but all of them.

    Mine were:

    Be healthy
    Be full of energy
    Live longer
    Feel good,
    look good
    be able to do sports
    be active

    Would I quit trying to get healthier? No!
    Would I quit trying to live longer? No!

    See where I'm going? :)

    Loosing weight isn't just about the looks, it's about everything else.

    Don't quit over yourself, you are worth the effort my dear!!! Add me if you like. My diary is open and you may find interesting food ideas in there. I've lost 129 pounds in a year. If I can do it, you sure can :)

  • Arachne
    Arachne Posts: 17 Member
    This time next year do you want to be the same weight, or heavier, and still miserable? OR do you want to be healthier, thinner, and happier?

    It takes time. I have given up so many times and to look back at those time I gave up I am disappointed. If I would have stuck to it two years ago when I first started MFP I would be in a totally different position these days. Do not give up. Change your routine, change your mindset, find your motivation. Focus not on the scale but on the NSV's. I find motivation in those questions I asked above, and in streaks. I like to be able to say "I've worked out in some way for x amount of days!" or "I haven't went over my calories in x days".

    Find what it is that will get you up and moving. I have found that when I upped my exercise and really pushed it, I naturally wanted healthier foods (whether this is because I didn't want to ruin my exercise progress with junk food or my body craved the things only fruit and veggies can give).