

  • I regularly had the same problem as I have a hiatus hernia and was diagnosed with gastritis and a h pylori infection so I was extremely bloated most of the time. I worked in a pub also and kept getting asked when it was due. its very upsetting. I feel so much better now I have been diagnosed and undergoing treatment and…
  • A friend of mine is extremely skinny and does eat like a horse, I've seen the meals she puts away lol. However, she is not necessarily fit or healthy and she has very high cholesterol. Alternatively, another friend is rather large and yet is very fit and shows me up every time in the gym. Some people do have higher…
  • I only go with either the readings of the machines in the gym or the calculations from the app. but swimming appears to burn huge calories, apparently due to the resistance of the water and the fact you are using the whole of your core. I do however take it with a pinch of salt and am very careful of my calorie intake. I…
  • That's a fantastic transformation. Well done. What an inspiration.
  • A few years ago I lost a huge amount of weight and was completely unaware of the effects it could have on those around me and on our marriage. my husband saw the affair coming before I did, but he loved me enough to fight for me. I wasn't prepared for the attention I received from everyone and I reacted badly, especially…
  • Will recommend it to my sister who is also trying to lose weight. its great that you can see each others food diarys. means there will be someone to say, thats not good or thats a great idea etc and even better, will give me ideas of what to eat and different types of exercise. liking this site very much :D