Forced weight loss

Hi all, im new to the forum having been recemmended the myfitnesspal from my gym instructor. I am 33 and I live in Lincolnshire. I have been quite ill over the last few months with a hiatus hernia, gastritus and a h-pylori infection, which led to a rapid weight loss of two stone in two months. dont get me wrong, at 17 stone i needed to lose the weight but i would have rather have done it through choice. Now i am feeling better however i am trying to get down to a healthier weight in order to help prevent any more complications from the hiatus hernia, and because of the infection i am at high risk of stomach ulcers and cancer. as i lost so much so quick i found i was struggling to lose any more and i have therefore enlisted the help of my local gym who are doing a six week weight loss challenge with help and support from the instructors and a cash prize for the biggest loser. I am in my second week now and i am pleased to say i have lost 7lb. :) Am finding myfitnesspal a great tool for calorie counting. Any ideas on ways to stay motivated and keep the weight loss up would be greatly appreciated as i really need to get it off and keep it off this time for the sake of my health. I look forward to getting to know you all and sharing recipes and ideas.


  • If you're like me it might help to have small goals to work up to, as well as the big goal. I have a target weight that I'd like to end at, but along the way I have goals set up with rewards for myself when I reach those goals. I also used to be thinner so I have my old favorite pair of pants hanging up in my room to remind me daily of where I'd like to be.

    Do you have any close friends/family that would be interested in using MFP with you? My sister got me started and knowing that she can see my food diary certainly helps me make wiser choices throughout the day. :O)
  • Will recommend it to my sister who is also trying to lose weight. its great that you can see each others food diarys. means there will be someone to say, thats not good or thats a great idea etc and even better, will give me ideas of what to eat and different types of exercise. liking this site very much :D
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    You will probably thank your trainer. This is a great place for encouragement and support as well as a group to help you stay accountable. Find some people you want to stay in contact with and always keep your diary open and up to date so that they can actually be helpful.

    If you need help finding people, you can read the forums for people whose responses you like or you can search the groups section to find like-minded folks.

    Good luck on your journey!