

  • I need a good challenge! Im in!!
  • Welcome Iamwillow, italiabella, Karla, and CTK3989!!!!! sgk~ I just started the 30 shred OMG MY LEGS!! I have to do it twice today as the first time my kids took up most of my time. Seems to be the theme for the day! haha shoppe~ woowhoo 10 lbs!!!!! thats awesome! Don't worry the baby weight will come off you are doing…
  • Holly~ I did have a great time with my mom! It is always nice to have her visit, she helps me a lot when she comes. This time was even harder then normal we had to make my sons birthday cake and we went over board so I have a whole cake in the freezer. AH. Sorry about dinner not sitting well with your tummy. Amazing how…
  • Im back!!! Ah this past week has been so crazy. My mom left yesterday so we are back to normal. I am very upset to say that while she was here I did not get in the exercise that I needed to. But I am back on the wagon now. I hope everyone is doing well and I am sorry I missed out on a week!!! Shoppie~ good job!!!!!!
  • Shoppie~ Don't you love baby weight! I agree with mini goals, I think its great to always have something you can obtain right infront of you. Christi~ I am sorry about the boys getting sick. Its always harder the first week let alone when someones not feeling well. I'm glad you said you have a great support system. Welcome…
  • Cat~ AWESOME!!! I am so glad the class went well!!!! Barb~ YIppie for no ear infection! I hope his cold gets better soon and the prunes work! Shoppie~ Congrats on the loss!!!!!!!! Amy~ No i didn't catch it on video, all those days I was watching her like a hawk with it and then she did it when I was in the other room,…
  • Katie~ i am sorry about your doc apt, but I am so glad you got to one who specializes in your situation. I know how its hard to be consistent with military doctors. big hugs. My thoughts are with you! Stacey~ wowho! on the new computer! I am sorry your still sick! Don't worry about the pounds they will come off as soon as…
  • Welcome adkwatergal, sherip22! KC~ Congrats on the pound and good weekend!! I feel you about busy my sons party is saturday too. And my husband leaves tomorrow (a day early). So this whole week is its up to me to get the house in order and keep the kids happy! Aj~ THANKS SO MUCH for that site!!!!!! I FREAKING LOVE IT!…
  • HEY! OK well lets do this!!!!! SW: 140.4 GW: 137
  • SW:142.8 2/21: 141.8 2/28: 142.6 3/7: 140.8 CW: 140.4 Not a big lose, but its down not up. So I am ok with it. My GW was to loose 5 lbs and I barely have lost 2. But it's ok. It will just take me longer then expected to loose. SO my next GW will remain the same of 137. Lets "Spring into Fitness"!!!!!
  • Sorry ladies ive been MIA all day! I had doctor apts and spent all morning worrying about my friends I left in Hawaii. AH!!!! I just got home and I know I am going to be sore from all the carrying I had to do with my kids today. Which is a good thing! I do not do enough strength training. I dont get to go to the gym and I…
  • Finished W2D3 yesterday, now I am resting and stretching for the day ahead of me tomorrow!
  • Nicole~ He will be 3. AH how the time flies! I kinda hate that he is growing up!!!! I am sorry you don't feel well! Katie~ I am sorry you are sick too! I really do love the pic! Danielle~ WELCOME! I am training for a 5k as well! OK well last night after I said goodbye to y'all here my son decided we wanted the amore and…
  • Cat~ woowhoo for the class it sounds so fun! Amy~ no pod cast my son locked me out of my ipod….yeah. Nicole~ sorry about rude people. Aj~ congrats on your hubby jumping on board. Welcome Shoppie! Katie~ thanks fir the encouragement! I figure one day he will get there. Well I have spent the better half of the afternoon…
  • Nicole~ Im sorry you lil girl isn't feeling well. I hope they nap at the same time so you can get to good workout in! Congrats on the weightless!!!!!! Wildcat~ I am sorry you were sick last week, but I am glad to hear you are better!!! CAt~ I think that it would be worth a shot. You know how they say love what you do and…
  • Can i join I am on week 2 of C25K!
  • Can i join I am on week 2 of C25K!
  • Kaite~ OH yeah it was but our ac was for the whole house and Def didn't work that well so it didn't keep it that cold. Plus we didn't have to pay utilities since we lived on base. The USMC is just switching over to where you have to pay electric on some bases. Needless to say that this house (since we bought it) is the…
  • HEY ladies! I LOVE salad so I am excited about this challenge. The only thing that bites is I just finished my good leafy greens and only have iceberg lettuce left. So I need to go out and buy some nummyness! ok well checking in today! SO I was weighing myself this morning and was soooo frustrated because it was saying I…
  • Katie & Amy~ ohh my hubby would love y'all! Haha I was born in Phoenix so I hate being cold and some days the 74 degrees we keep our house is too cold for me. When we lived in Hawaii my hubby had the at on at 64 everyday. I LIVED in sweats! ( I don't think our ac actually kept it that cold but it was still very chilly for…
  • Hey katrina welcome! Aj~ I completely understand about the homeschooling issue, I was having an OCD breakdown last night when I realized I had to send my son to school and I knew that homeschooling wouldn't work out for his personality. Keep praying God will give you peace in which decision is right. Randi~ I am so sorry…
  • Sorry I have been MIA all day we were having a family day! I didnt even get to read the challenge for the day before I left but thought it was funny when I got home because we had to eat out today and my husband and I today decided to split a meal because we knew that a whole one was way over our portions. Haha. I hope you…
  • Happy Friday Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA! Today has been a crazy keep me moving kinda one. Nothing bad just go, go, GO! Andi has an explosion diaper and then we had a chocolate milk incident. haha so needless to say we are cleaning up today. CONGRATS to all the loses in weight! Super exciting for all the good workouts!…
  • welcome Heather and Jesstroxel! Barb~Almost there! that is real exciting! Stacey~Haha, yeah my bathroom has got to be the cleanest on the block due to my lil guy. Stacey and Katie~ Thanks for the encouragement! Kaite~ how exciting running outside!! Around here NO ONE puts there dogs on leashes or ties if they don't have a…
  • Ceejay~ I didn't think of nuts my mind went straight for the what shouldn't I eat, haha go figure. As for my weakness, i know this sounds flighty but it changes with my moods. I am ALWAYS a sucker for anything with sugar in it. But this week its been a battle in my brain not to order either pizza or chinese. BUT I have…
  • Yeah I still have around 150 cals left and I am not too sure I am going to be able to get them in me. I earned near 600 with BF and working out. Now I am pondering what I can eat that is healthy and not going to be bad....like cookies.
  • Christi~ I am sorry! I know how that feels! One breath at a time. You can do it. DJJW~ UM are we married to the same man! I swear that is my hubby! He gets so mad if I ask him to get my son if I am feeding my daughter in the middle of the night. its like pulling teeth! Oh and playdough, my son can play it all day long! He…
  • Amy~ how as your night last night? Did the little on sleep well? Andi did better. But my dog started barfing in the middle of the night I couldn't help but laugh if its not one thing its another. But I think my sleep was a lot deeper then normal so I feel real rested this morning! Christi~ I am glad you got the pics done.…
  • Yeah I like the idea of weekly challenges therefore we have a week to put something new in our routine so we dont forget how important the challenge is.
  • Holly~ I am glad Lucy is feeling better and had a great birthday!!! Amy~ Wowho on the 2 lbs! I wish I was loosing but right now my body is not liking me. I am bloated and just GROSS! AH! Good luck tonight, I hope we both get a FULL Nights rest! Stacey~ I agree you will get out of the 150s why cause you rock socks! OH…