SAHM 3/7 - 3/13



  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    YEAH KATIE! Congrats making it to the 130's! I hope it stays for you.. I hit that a few weeks ago and was ecstatic.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Friday Mom's.........What a week I've had, I like to say I am so happy the weekend is here, but like many of you, and we talked about it in the beginning of the week, my weekends are pure
    Well, I should say my week has been crzy too..Since I do stay home, I do like to get out and feel .. Last year was my first year with this, friends got word of my "work" background and have gotten me involved in some big fundrasing events for our area. One biggie is our YMCA event, its one of the biggest events our community has, its at the Hyatt here in Cambridge, cocktail dress type of night, lot of money is being forked ..I sit on the committe board and the past few months have been busy, but now that the event is next weekend, we are meeting once every week, so I had that meeting on Tuesday night... And then my good friend is chair person of our Main Street event which in May, at the Yacht Club, so I had that meeting last night...... I do love being invlolved and meeting lots of new faces, but when meeting night falls on the same week.. It was
    So besides that, most of you know that I have been trying to make this decsion about becoming a spin instructor, that the Y has been after me for the past year and a half to do....Well, and update, I was suppose to meet with the head trainer last night to talk, well don't know about anyone else here, but man here on Eastern Shores of Md, we got hit with some nasty nasty rain and wind, and about 3pm alot of places lost power...The Y being one of them, so my meeting has been postponed...I will see her today, during Body Pump, I'm hoping we can talk then.. I do believe if the trainer is ok with me co-teaching the class with a friend, that we'll take it over the 1 night the other instructor backed out of, and this way I will have a feel if I like it or not...And see what April will bring...
    So, lots on my plate this week.... Wanted to Welcome Danielle, I did my first 5K in November and LOVED it!! Good Luck!

    swtchrypie.........Why do husbands do that?? They say stuff that they think is funny, but it really isn't....You just want to reach over and slap I hope your son is doing better!!

    Shoppie...Good for you for staying away from those scones.... Good will power!

    hollyb9871 .............Thats a little bit of a mile stone for you, when you get under that 137 mark..Congrats on all your hard work!! You seem so focused, keep up the good work!

    Welcome, MMulheren!

    WildcatMom82 .......sorry about the munchies. I had a rough day as well yesterday, it was miserable outside, rained and stormed awful, it was one of those days you just wanted to curl up in bed and stay there...Good work getting up and moving though, I bet you felt better after your run..I always do...

    katapple .......Love it "progress baby" ... So worth all your hard work when you finally see those numbers...Awesome job! I hope you kick that cold soon!!!

    OK, I have laundry, of course and some picking up to do before I hit Body Pump this morning..........Have a great Friday Mom's

    Remember......Keep moving:)
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    I wish there was a multi-quote option here!!

    Swchtrypie-Glad your son is ok. Sounds like something my DH would have said to our kids. :grumble:

    Barb-Sorry to hear that. I'll still keep hoping for you. We went through a 6 month stint recently where DD was waking up 4 or 5 times a night and it was no fun.

    Katie-Woohoo for the 130's!!

    As for schooling-our kids don't go to preschool, but I do things home here with them since we're leaning towards homeschooling.

    Shoppie-How about getting some Cadbury's minis? MIL sends them to us for the kids and they only have 25 calories each. If it's the chocolate part you're after that may help. I have them once in a while to satisfy my sweet tooth.

    Malteasers are malt balls.

    Cat-Reading all that made me tired!! Good luck with everything coming up!

    We went to the doctor yesterday and found out we had the flu and DH and DD have bronchitis. They got some medicene and I'm mega dosing myself with vitamin C. Hopefully DS doesn't develop bronchitis too. We're staying home this weekend. I haven't felt well enough to exercise, but have been sticking under the calorie goals. I weigh myself every morning too, to stay on track. I'm almost down the 160's now!! I guess that's perk of being sick, if there is one. :laugh:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    shoppie - It's not very exciting but (not counting right now!) we normally just have yogurt raisins in the house for a sweet. I mix them with trail mix for my after dinner snack and love it! My husband gets some 100 calorie bakery cookies for himself that are pretty good. I had some mini ice cream bars a couple weeks ago that were 90 calories a piece, those helped a lot! If we're really going to treat ourselves we go to the supermarket bakery - the stuff is so good and for the most part has nutrition facts so I can still log it. The other night we split a giant frosted rice krispie square which came out to 195 per person.

    PNCTink - I hope everyone feels better soon!! The flu is the worst. One of my coworkers had it and I'm pretty sure I got a touch of it (the fever and body aches) but luckily we were all vaccinated so it wasn't full blown. Worst sickness out there!!

    Has anyone here ever done Stroller Strides? I went for a free trial class today and think I may sign up for a monthly membership. It was pretty intense! I've never done a lot of toning, I MUCH prefer cardio, so I was struggling. I already can barely move, but in a good way :) It was a little embarrassing because the leader was obviously pregnant and way more in shape than I am, but you gotta start somewhere, I guess. R did great, I think the newness of it kept her distracted. We don't use the stroller much (I use the sling almost anytime we're out) so I was nervous how she'd do.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Welcome to the new faces on here!! :bigsmile:

    Katie - Awesome job on the loss (both weight and inches). I also had c-section and although I'm getting firmer in the tummy, I also still have gross loose skin around my incision. :mad:

    Nicole - Hope you guys feel better soon!!

    Cat - Goodness, that's a busy week!! Have fun and I hope your meeting at the Y goes well, I can't imagine why they wouldn't let you co-teach. Sounds like a win, win.

    Nap time, I'll be back later.
  • swtchrypie
    Sorry ladies ive been MIA all day! I had doctor apts and spent all morning worrying about my friends I left in Hawaii. AH!!!! I just got home and I know I am going to be sore from all the carrying I had to do with my kids today. Which is a good thing! I do not do enough strength training. I dont get to go to the gym and I feel like an idiot when I attempt things at home. But I have slowly been trying to get over it because I know I need it.

    Ok well everyone have a great weekend!!!!!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    All day I've been peeking in here, seeing how much has gone on, and vowed to catch up next time I logged on... but I just can't. Much love to you all. I do care, I just can't keep it all straight. I'll do my best though. Don't be upset if I miss you. It's not personal, I promise. :)

    Shoppie, good for you for breaking down into smaller goals. That will help!

    Welcome mmulheren!

    Katie, you're making such fantastic progress! You are so inspiring to me. :)

    WildCat, sorry you had a bad day. But YAY for the C25K! That's awesome!

    KC, I hope your day with the kiddo got better. It stinks when they wake up and are immediately whiny and cranky.

    Katie, yay for hitting the 130s! Boo for the cold though. :( Feel better.

    Holly, were you able to make the gym?

    Cat, good luck with your meeting at the Y! I don't see why it would be a problem to co-teach, so I hope it all goes well.

    PNCTink, I hope you guys feel better soon. :( Sounds like things are pretty miserable at your house right now! Take care of yourself.

    WildCat, what is Stroller Strides? A walking program?

    swtchrypie, I hope your friends are all right. How stressful for you! As far as the strength training, don't feel like an idiot. When you're at home, who's gonna notice if you look silly? ;) Just do it. has a lot of exercises you can do with just your own body weight, so you could get strong without having to buy dumbbells or anything.

    There, I think I'm caught up! Today Z went to school with C for "friendship day," and it was so nice having the house to myself. I worked out pretty much the whole time, which surprised me. But it was awesome! I did about 40ish minutes on the Wii and then took a nice long walk around our town's walking trail. I'm exhausted now, but it was such a nice way to spend the morning.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    katapple!!! 130's! You must feel awesome!! SO great, Congrats!

    swtch- my prayers are with all your friends in Hawaii, and anyone else on this post who has someone there!
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm stephanie and I have a 3 month old. So far i'm down 45lbs pre-pregnancy but hope to lose 27 more.
  • lgeren
    lgeren Posts: 45
    I've been having one of those weeks (well actually March has been rough period) with my weight loss. Not that I've gained any (not lost any either). You see, I was running with some friends & one of the girls was "training" us b/c she is a Pilate instructor. Well she decided to start working out w/ her husband who goes at the same (early early) time of the day as we do. Then 1 girl got pregnant & had to stop, 2 girls got injuries, & 1 just flat out dropped out. So I've been "trying" to do this all on my own but to be honest, getting up at 4:45am to work out 3 times a week doesn't sound to appealing when I'm doing it alone. Plus running in the dark by myself sounds kinda scary. But now not only has my exercise subsided, but my eating habits have sorta become lax as well. I'm so mad & upset @ myself b/c it had become a habit to cook healthier & exercise 3-4 times a week. Now it's like I've reverted back to my old ways..........well all except drinking Dr Peppers.
  • Shellndub
    Shellndub Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm a sahm too. 3 kids

    20 yr old daughter
    13 yr old daughter
    2 yr old son

    I'm wanting to get back to my wedding weight 5 years ago. I got down within 3 pounds of my goal last year after I had my son. Then was plauged (sp) by migraines almost daily and was in bed more than out for the last couple years.
    Found out I have a gluten , almond, egg intollerence.
    So, now I'm trying to take the weight back off again and eat in a new way.
    I know I can do it. I am stuck in bed so often it does make it a struggle though for exercise.

    I just ordered ( I found them on craigslist for a super deal) :
    Brazil butt lift
    chalean extreme
    Turbo fire

    Very excited for them to get here in a few days!!

    :-) happy to of found this website. I feel so much more plugged in and not so isolated!!! Thanks so much for all the positive words and kindness.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone! I just caught up--I was 3 pages behind! :laugh: I'm rooting for everyone's success.

    I'm starting my day off with not one but the equivalent of THREE protein shakes and two eggs, which will cover my required amount of protein for the day. I feel very proud. :happy:

    The batteries on my scale went out AGAIN, the second time in two months. You think it's a sign? :tongue:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Morning all! Welcome new people! Glad to have you.

    lgeren, I wouldn't want to run in the dark by myself either. Don't beat yourself up over letting your good habits slide -- just make the decision that you're going to get back to being healthy, starting right now. You can't change what happened, but you can change what happens from here on out. If you don't have running buddies anymore, maybe you can try running in the evenings before the sun goes down. Or go to the gym and run on the treadmill. Or find a different way of getting your exercise at home, like some DVDs or a workout game or following along with some online videos. You can do this! Get back on that horse!

    Nicole, that's funny about your scale! Maybe you need to take a scale diet. :) Yay for all that protein!

    Hubby must think I'm looking pretty good lately because he wants to take me to Old Navy and buy a sundress that they have on sale today. :) Which reminds me, I should probably shave my legs before we go. :laugh: Don't want to scare the dressing room attendant when I come out of there with my Sasquatch legs!

    Enjoy your Saturday everybody! Don't let the weekend derail you. Stay the course! You're worth the effort! :flowerforyou:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Ajbeans-Have fun shopping today! Be careful of the little forest creatures while shaving!! That's what I tell my daughter when she is way over due to shave!

    Victorious-one-I think the scale is telling you to give it a rest and not focus on just that number..way easier said then done though!

    Shellndub and Stephanie-Welcome!

    lgeren-Pick yourself up and dust your self off! You can do this, start over one day, one meal at a time.

    I did make it to the gym yesterday and am feeling withdrawls from not being there today. I will try to get some exercise in at some point today. No big plans for us today, I need to take my son shopping for running shoes as he is going out for track this season for the first time. Other than that I have no idea what we are doing.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    ajbeans - I imgained Stroller Strides as being a kind of walking club as well, but it's so not lol. It was kind of a bootcamp type workout with babies. We did a lot of walk/jog/sprint sets, lunges, squats - there was a lot of floorwork which I'm terrible at. My abs and arms are really weak when it comes to planks and pushups. By the end I could barely move and I've been so sore the last two day. Like limping and popping Advil sore. I think I may get a one class a week membership so I can do my C25K 3x a week and have that workout to switch things up. It's also nice because during the week I run while R naps, but with Stroller Strides she's up and I can actually sit and veg once we get home and she's napping.

    On the downside R has her first cold and has generously shared it with me. This morning my throat was so raw I was putting off swallowing as long as possible. It doesn't help she's waking more often to have her nose sucked out which means I'm getting less sleep when I need more! Hopefully I'll still be able to run again by Monday. I swear I never get sick, these past 2 weeks have been so strange for me!
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    i don't know why but today, i feel huge! ugh. I'm getting the calories I should and nothing is different but right now, 27lbs just feels so far away.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    sgk0411-Break it in to smaller bits, don't think of it all at once. You didn't gain it all in 3 weeks you won't lose it that way either. Maybe try shooting for 5 lb. mini goals it's a lot easier to think of 5 lbs. then 27.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Holly, were you able to get in some exercise yesterday?

    WildCat, that sounds hard! Sorry you guys are sick. Feel better soon.

    sgk, Holly is right. Try breaking it down into mini-goals. That might help.

    We're going to the late church service today because Daylight Saving Time sucks. :laugh: And I find it funny that even though the clocks changed, somehow the neighbor's dogs still barked at 5:30 on the nose. Somebody in the neighborhood must leave the house at 5:30 or something. I hate those dogs. But I like the neighbors, so it's hard to talk to them about it, and I certainly can't call the cops on them. Blah. Why can't my neighbors be mean? :tongue:

    Have a good Sunday everybody!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Wow, I missed a couple of days and loads happened!! My family and I went down to Bristol (UK, from London) as its my younger bro's 30th birthday today. Had a lovely time but rather iffy eating :huh: Not *awful* but not great eg I ordered a chicken caesar salad at lunch and it came with fried bacon!! Tum ti tum (yes I ate it!!) I did ok I think, am hopin g I did well enough not to gain today or yesterday and well enough the rest of the time to result in an overall loss (we need a praying smiley!!)

    sgk - I felt exactly the same and have 34 lbs to lose, it is definitely easier to focus on something smaller, I'm currently focusing on losing 6 lbs, then my other goals are all 7 lbs :smile:

    wildcat - I can't even have yogurt covered raisins in the house, I'd eat them all in one go, I seriously have no self-control once I start. Hope you and R feel better soon x

    katie - really hope you stay in the 130s for weigh-in - well done!!

    Shellndub - welcome! Sorry to hear you have been so poorly, but glad you feel up to tackling it now, you have done it before and can do so again!!

    Holly - I live in Surrey, which is basically a suburb of London - 30 mins ish by train from central London. My US geography is very iffy - I thought Nebraska was in the north and freezing, what do I know?!?

    How shocking you don't all know what maltesers are, can't even envisage such a world! :sad: :laugh: Its basiclaly very light honeycob with a thin layer of chocolate - they are marketed as the 'lighter way to enjoy chocolate' and a small packet is under 200 cals so to be fair I shouldn't have got the bigger one! I need to hink about it before next Fri.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Ajbeans-no exercise for me yesterday, I took a day off. I had exercise withdraw though. I did purchase Jillian's Michaels Shred DVD last night so I will give it a go today. I exercised 5 days last week, each day but yesterday. I did stay just slightly under my calories though so it all works out. We didn't make it to our first church service today either, it started at 9:00 we woke up at 8:30 (stupid time change such an antiquated idea). Second service was 10 :45 so we managed that!

    Shoppie-There are a lot of state in the US and I get confused where some of them are especially the north eastern states and a few in the south west. Nebraska is freezing a lot in the winter though sometimes we are lucky and get a couple of nicer days. We are on a warming trend after today and I'm looking forward to it being 50-60 degrees instead of 30-40. That being said it would take me a minute or two to find the UK on a map if it was unmarked. I've only been out of the US twice, once to Jamaica on our honeymoon (16 yrs. ago) and once to Mexico as a port stop on a cruise. I would love to do a lot of traveling. I have 2 teenagers and 2 preschoolers it would be very costly for all of us to go places. I have a younger brother too, he's 32 so 7 years younger than I. Don't worry too much about your extra eating. I usually have 1 day of slightly extra calories and I think that's enough of a shake up to the new normal that my body tends to let go of some weight. Maltesers sounds yummy. The big bag probably not such a great idea but live and learn and enjoy the smaller one next time.

    Not sure what we are doing today. My oldest daughter is finishing an art project for school, my little girls are wandering the house in my heels and my son is being a thumb warrior (playing video games). I guess I should get some lunch and figure out the rest of the day. Have a good one ladies.
