SAHM 3/7 - 3/13



  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Cat - That sounds like a great idea and a lot of fun. It would also make it easier if either of you needed to take off, there would still be someone there to teach. I'm sure the head trainer will like the idea. :)

    Swtchrypie - Are you using the podcast that Katie posted? I did week 3 last night, in the rain, LOL. It wasn't too cold and the rain was light so I was ok with it. I probably looked crazy but I'm glad I did it. Didn't like the music as much as last week but it was still pretty good. I did a little extra 90 second run at the end so I'm feeling good today.

    Ok, I guess it's pretty normal for kids to do this waking up thing. The doctor gave me the name of a sleep specialist at Kosair but suggested we wait a few weeks to see if he stops on his own. The screaming last night wasn't as intense so that's a bonus. It was more of a cry and he was easier to calm back down. Noah is a great sleeper usually but he's been getting woken up by all the noise Booshka is making. Literally I put them both to bed an hour early last night and they were OUT. Noah was a cosleeper until age 2 and then went straight to his big boy bed. We stayed with him a few weeks and then he was ok being on his own. Booshka apparently is going to be a different animal all together. Oh well, at least he sleeps in his crib which is more than Noah did.

    I feel tired today and the rain isn't helping. My dad also called last night and my mom is sick, looks like the flu. Think I might try to run some tamiflu over to her and leave it on the porch with some magazines and such. Just don't want the boys to go inside since we are all finally healthy.

    Off to change some smelly pants, WOW, I just go down wind of it and ugh!!!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Good morning, Moms!

    I'm doing terrible on my walking and water intake. :angry: A hot mess.

    I'm doing not so great on my carb intake. I seem to have run into some crazy carb craving over the past week that won't give me a break!

    I'm doing OK on my protein intake, but I could do a lot better.

    RANT: Some people are so rude! I turned down the interview for that job last week. I left a voicemail message for the HR person, and sent her a nice email. I never heard from her--an acknowledgement that she got my messages, a thank you for applying, nothing. How rude! About a month ago, I interviewed with a place, and they told me they were making a decision that evening. I haven't heard from them yet. Again, rude! I've done hiring, supervision and firing of over 200 people for the past 17 years or so, and I would NEVER just refuse to acknowledge an application, or thank someone for an interview, or not thank someone for just not no-showing on me. It's so rude! This rude behavior has only happened since I've been in Pennsylvania. It must be a mid-Atlantic thing, 'cuz in the Midwest and down South we're a lot nicer. :laugh:

    Anyway, I've decide to pursue teaching at online universities again, so I can work from home and still be here for my daughter. I did it before and I liked it, but the school I was at was basically paying below minimum wage when you count the hours of work and the pay. Hopefully these opportunities will work out better.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Nicole, that is rude. I hate that. My husband has had some issues with job opportunities and people not calling in the past -- so frustrating. Good luck with the online teaching gig! That sounds exciting. What do you teach?

    Amy, good for you for doing the C25K even in the rain! That's dedication! I hope you guys start getting some sleep soon. Hopefully it's just a phase. He's nursing, right? Has anything in your diet or his changed recently? Maybe it's a tummyache?

    Cat, what time is your church doing service? Ours is at 7:30. I'm not sure if we can make it -- that's the "witching hour" around here. Kids turn into raving lunatics and I just pray they don't burn the house down. I don't think church with its echo-y ceilings would be a good idea. I've never been to an Ash Wednesday service so I really hope they don't go nuts today. I'd like to go.

    Z ate dinner last night, and STILL woke up at 4:30. So I killed him. :grumble: Obviously I didn't really kill him. But I was seething. So then he waited in his room until about 6:00 when C woke up, and then came into our room and blew his gym whistle to wake us up. THEN I killed him. :explode: Ok, not really. But it was reeeeeally tempting. I'm considering trying to cut out his nap again, but when we tried that a couple of months ago he turned into an ogre. Green and warty and all. But I don't know what else to do. I can't keep him up later at night. Maybe I'll just not enforce the nap for a few days and see if he falls asleep on his own, and if he starts sprouting ogre ears I'll make him go to bed.

    Hubby has decided he wants to try to get healthy! That makes me happy. I love him the way he is, but his family has a history of weight-related health problems, and I don't want to be a widow. He's starting today. :) Pray for his continued motivation, and pray for me so that I can support him in the right way. I'm not always the most thoughtful person... not that I don't care or don't try, I'm just a flake. I need help to say the right things.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Morning girls, can I join?

    I'm currently off work on Maternity Leave, I have 2 boys aged 4 and 2 and a 4 week old baby girl so just starting to think I seriously need to shift some of the major weight gained in pregnancy (was 14 lbs overweight when I started and am now 30 lbs over). Any tips on juggling it all gratefully received, especially how you do quick fix lunches and restrain yourself from eating the kids' tasty treats!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Morning girls, can I join?

    I'm currently off work on Maternity Leave, I have 2 boys aged 4 and 2 and a 4 week old baby girl so just starting to think I seriously need to shift some of the major weight gained in pregnancy (was 14 lbs overweight when I started and am now 30 lbs over). Any tips on juggling it all gratefully received, especially how you do quick fix lunches and restrain yourself from eating the kids' tasty treats!!


    I've been able to stop eating the kids' food with a couple of little changes. For one thing, I plan out my meals and snacks the day before so I always know what I'm going to eat. I don't have to wait around and get hungry and then snag whatever's in front of me. It helps. Second, I don't give the kids much junk -- they eat a lot of fruit and healthy snacks, and the few junky things they get (fruit snacks, graham crackers, etc) aren't really things I like. I limit those things anyway because my kids will live for snacks and not eat real food if I let them. They're very patient in that way. :laugh: When they're eating something I have to cook, like fish sticks or something, I only make as much as I KNOW they'll eat. I plan to have no leftovers. That way there's no risk of having extra that needs to be dealt with. If they happen to still be hungry after they eat everything, I'll round out their meal with some grapes or string cheese or sliced apple, something like that. And for our evening meal, they eat what we eat, so I only have to worry about portion control for myself.

    Hope that helps! Welcome to the group. :)
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Okay I am not going to try to catch up on post at the moment just wanted to jump in and say hi to everyone.

    Hubby is off doing his final out processing as I sit here and type. He leaves bright and early Friday morning. I think that our 1 1/2 year old really knows that something is going on with daddy cause he won't let him out of his sight for a moment & has a complete meltdown everytime he walks out the door. I think between him and our 3 year old who are both major daddy's boys that they will have the hardest time. I know that all 4 of them will keep me so busy that I won't have to much time to think about it. That and the fact that I have met some really great ladies here and made some good friends since we moved here so that will help. I have been so bad about eatting & haven't worked out at all this last week. Figured it was more important to spend time with hubby and our boys and just enjoy ourselves. I will get back on track once he is gone, I know I will be looking forward to those workouts for the stress release!

    So I am still around and check in on everyone from time to time when I get a chance! Have a great day everyone!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Cat, what time is your church doing service? Ours is at 7:30. I'm not sure if we can make it -- that's the "witching hour" around here. Kids turn into raving lunatics and I just pray they don't burn the house down. I don't think church with its echo-y ceilings would be a good idea. I've never been to an Ash Wednesday service so I really hope they don't go nuts today. I'd like to go.

    We have 3 services for today, one was at 745 this morning, I just got back from the noon service and the last one is 730 tonight....I hear ya on the kids....I wanted to get to the 745 am this morning, without kids, but didn't get to it, so I pick my daughter up after her 1/2 of pre school and we hit the noon..She did very well..Our church sits between my son's elementary school and my daughter's priviate preK driving by would of made me feel awful
    Hope everyone is enjoy their day.............
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    blurose - Are you guys doing table foods with the LO? We never did purees so I don't know at what age most people start more finger foods, but black beans and spinach are two foods in this house that always get her pooping again! She was mildly constipated earlier this week so I made black bean burgers and the next day she had two HUGE poops.

    Katie - I saw your post the other day with the bridesmaid dresses, you look amazing!! Awesome job and you look gorgeous in that 2nd dress :)

    Today has been so much better than I expected. I got 4 hours of sleep Monday night thanks to a killer migraine (I finally sent my husband to the store at 3 AM for meds), then last night R woke at 11 randomly and didn't go back down until 1:30 AM! Somehow we still managed to get up and to moms group this morning and I actually chose workout over nap for myself when we got home. She's still napping....almost 3 hours later lol. I love post-play date sleep. Anyway I finished my 2nd workout for week 5 of the C25K and Friday I'm supposed to run 2 miles straight, eep!

    Also our moms group leader said I was looking skinny these days :) She's the first to make any comments on my loss, YAY!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amy ~ Congrats on making your goal!

    Welcome Marie!!

    Swtchrypie and AJ ~ Carter is very picky as well. It started when he had just turned 2. We had many many nights he went to bed hungry...he eats well during the day but refuses to eat what I make for dinner and I refuse to make something else for him if he doesn't at least try it. So I've been standing my ground for 10 months, and he will finally FINALLY at least take a bite of food. I make sure there is bread and some sort of fruit that he will eat. But if he doesn't eat the main course he doesn't get any more fruit and bread. So stand your ground, don't give in! LOL

    Katie ~ Thanks, I FEEL fantastic in this dress!

    AJ ~ Yeah on hubby wanting to make a change! It's so much easier when you have the support of someone else doing it right there with you

    Welcome Shoppie!

    Wildcat ~ Thanks friend! I was looking through old pics on FB and saw that one from when I was pregnant with my first and I just plain forgot how big I was. In fact, when I got home my mom had to add an extra panel to each side of the dress, I was way bigger than she anticipated LOL

    It's been a long busy day with bad food choices, but dinner will be pretty healthy so I'm not too worried. Just not as well balanced as I usually am! I should be off, got lots of cleaning to get done...trying to decide if I should bring my oldest to AWANA, he went to school today and is feeling fine, but with the yucky rain and still having a cough, maybe I should let him have a breather for the night LOL
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    katapple - just had a look at your success story - really inspiring! :love: Your fluctutions aren't hugely different to mine actually, though I was last at goal weight before I had my first child (I then got to about 7 lbs overweight before conceiving child 2, then was 14 lbs overweight when I conceived child 3). I have ended up the same weight at the end of all 3 of my pregnancies!! I need to lose 30 lbs in total too, so again not so different to you.

    wildcat - the first time someone comments on your weight loss is such a huge boost - yay you! :drinker:

    I have had a good day and come in just under goal. Had quite unhealthy meals, but can hopefully get away with it because of the BFing. I have a friend up from Devon (South West of the UK) and she has brought scones, clotted cream and jam and it nearly killed me to make it for the kids and not touch it but I did it - I should feel proud! :bigsmile:

    Really desperate to start exercise but really shouldn't as am still only 4 weeks post my third c-section, I MUST WAIT another 2 weeks at the absolute minimum - I do way more lifitng and carrying than I should anyway with a 2 and 4 year old about. Does anyone reckon I'd be ok starting strength training on legs and arms?!?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Shoppie, I wouldn't do any kind of training just yet. After my daughter was born the doctor said to rest for 4 weeks, not lifting or anything. When she was about 10 days old I was feeling great, so I decided to drive to the store, about 10 minutes away, because it was just my arms and legs, so I didn't think it would hurt anything. Just that little bit of exertion driving to the store made me start bleeding like crazy. You don't realize how much you use your stomach and back muscles for EVERYTHING, but they're really active muscles. I wouldn't do any training until your doc gives you the all-clear.

    Katie, we have the same rules. Z doesn't care. :laugh: C is eating better since we have the one-bite rule now, but Z doesn't. He's a stubborn little ox. :tongue: I didn't put him down for his nap today and he's still being fairly pleasant, 2 hours past naptime. Maybe it'll work. Maybe now that his ears are healing up, he can start phasing out the nap. I don't know.

    WildCat, I hope you can get some better rest tonight!

    I just did an hour on the Wii and then my 10-minute abs workout. I hate that woman who does the abs. She's too danged peppy, and how can you not get out of breath when you're working your abs for 10 freaking minutes?! So irritating. But the workout is AWESOME, and if it'll help me get abs like hers, I'll tolerate the pep. :laugh:
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member

    Really desperate to start exercise but really shouldn't as am still only 4 weeks post my third c-section, I MUST WAIT another 2 weeks at the absolute minimum - I do way more lifitng and carrying than I should anyway with a 2 and 4 year old about. Does anyone reckon I'd be ok starting strength training on legs and arms?!?

    I recovered my first really fast, but my 2nd kicked my butt. At 6 weeks I was really cautious. I just didn't feel right. So after your 3rd you know you, but I would atleast get to your 6 week check it, just incase.

    Welcome to the board!
  • swtchrypie
    Cat~ woowhoo for the class it sounds so fun!

    Amy~ no pod cast my son locked me out of my ipod….yeah.

    Nicole~ sorry about rude people.

    Aj~ congrats on your hubby jumping on board.

    Welcome Shoppie!

    Katie~ thanks fir the encouragement! I figure one day he will get there.

    Well I have spent the better half of the afternoon putting together my sons thank you boxes for his birthday. Which has been a fun time. His party isn't until next weekend BUT this weekend is the last weekend before his dad leaves to teach. Then my parents come in and we are making a pirate ship cake that is going to take a hot minute. I didn't want to to feel swamped so getting things done! I am about to get on the treadmill to do a little more cardio for the day. woowho!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    blurose - Are you guys doing table foods with the LO? We never did purees so I don't know at what age most people start more finger foods, but black beans and spinach are two foods in this house that always get her pooping again! She was mildly constipated earlier this week so I made black bean burgers and the next day she had two HUGE poops.

    Katie - I saw your post the other day with the bridesmaid dresses, you look amazing!! Awesome job and you look gorgeous in that 2nd dress :)

    Today has been so much better than I expected. I got 4 hours of sleep Monday night thanks to a killer migraine (I finally sent my husband to the store at 3 AM for meds), then last night R woke at 11 randomly and didn't go back down until 1:30 AM! Somehow we still managed to get up and to moms group this morning and I actually chose workout over nap for myself when we got home. She's still napping....almost 3 hours later lol. I love post-play date sleep. Anyway I finished my 2nd workout for week 5 of the C25K and Friday I'm supposed to run 2 miles straight, eep!

    Also our moms group leader said I was looking skinny these days :) She's the first to make any comments on my loss, YAY!

    Wildcat-I was giving him just tiny pieces of table food and we went from the stage 2 baby foods to stage 3s. I thought about trying to give him some prune juice and some prunes....that always got my daughter going when she was little and she had the same problem. He's been going a little more today, but not like before....He had a little bit of apple juice today and a little bit of prune juice and while I was out with the girls, my mother in law said he went, so I'm hoping he's cured, if not I may try your suggestion.

    Last two days have been very busy for me and I haven't gotten to my cleaning I was talking about getting done on Monday, ugh! Hopefully tomorrow, I'll get to it.

    Kat-Nice new profile pic. Looking good!

    Well, this is short tonight, but I'm beat. Long day and had a very rough night last night with the little one. Have a good night everyone!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome Shoppie!! Good job on resisting the scones, clotted cream, and jam! I'm dreading all the food when we go to Devon in September!

    AJ-Which workout is it?

    swtchrypie-How old is your son going to be?

    Barb-I hope you had a better night last night.

    We've been so sick all week long. Like, I called my Mom and asked her to come take of us all, sick. LOL! She's four hours away so she couldn't come, but we thought it would be a couple of days tops. DH is on his way home from work now, after being there about an hour. I'm really hoping this all clears up by tomorrow because we're supposed to be going to visit my family this weekend.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Shoppie ~ Thanks! We are very similar, you will lose the weight, there is an end I promise :) good job on resisting the yummy stuff. I would wait until your check-up before you workout. You may feel fine, but your stitches might not have closed all the way inside yet. I have a friend that had to get hers redone after 5 weeks because she caught a cold and her severe cough tore her open :( I also had c-sections with the kiddos!

    AJ ~ I so don't want to phase out naps yet...Carter still needs them!

    Barb ~ Thanks! I was wearing these pant a year ago and filled them out pretty good, here I am 4lbs less and they are falling off me :)

    Nicole, hope you are all on the mend!

    Ugh, I was gong to go to Turbokick this morning, but I caught the kids colds, so now I am too tired. Hopefully I can get something done today though. Hubby bought 25lb weights so at least I can get a bit of a leg workout in, and maybe I'll do a HIIT too. We'll see. Just signed my oldest up for kindergarten!! Aahh! His life is going by way too fast!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies, My name is Danielle and I am a SAHM to a wonderful little boy who is almost 6 months old. I have been on MFP since January and am always looking for more people to share my journey with. I have lost 9 lbs in just over 2 months which I am extremely happy about. I have 23 lbs to my goal and am hoping to get there by October 8th (going on a cruise).

    I have started training for a 5K and have to be ready for it by May 1st. The hardest thing for me is finding time to exercise. My son still demands a lot of attention and it is hard to get more than 20 minutes during the day to exercise. By the time my husband gets home from work and dinner is served the last thing I have energy for is a workout. I have managed to figure out some things I can do at home with my son that are exercise for me and keep him entertained. Hopefully when it is a bit nicer out I will be able to get some use out of my jogging stroller and go for walks/runs that way.
  • swtchrypie
    Nicole~ He will be 3. AH how the time flies! I kinda hate that he is growing up!!!! I am sorry you don't feel well!

    Katie~ I am sorry you are sick too! I really do love the pic!

    Danielle~ WELCOME! I am training for a 5k as well!

    OK well last night after I said goodbye to y'all here my son decided we wanted the amore and his head to meet. Needless to say we went to the ER to make sure he was ok because as soon as he hit his head a HUGE egg started to pop out. SO while waiting for the doctor to see him my husband says to him "Triston their going to cut the egg out of your head". So as soon as the doctor comes in my usually calm lil guy starts flipping out! OHHH I was sooo mad! My husband on the other hand thought it was pretty funny. I could of kicked where is counted. AH. But I finally convinced my son that daddy was just being silly and he could keep his egg. AH. The doc said he was good, but I made my husband sleep with his just incase.

    Today is my laundry day so off to get some clean clothes! Have a great thursday ladies!!!!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i know i've been AWOL. boy got sick monday and i came down with it tue afternoon. still not feeling great, espec when advil wears off.
    will chk back when feeling better, computer working, and i'm exercising again. have a good week all!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks for the very warm welcome guys :flowerforyou:

    stacey - sorry you and yur son aren't feeling too good, hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    Danielle - welcome and good luck training for the 5k!

    Second round of scones etc for the boys and still none consumed by me! :bigsmile: I don't know if this rings bells for anyone, but I feel like there is a switch that I smehow trigger in my head when I *really* want to lose weight and then I'm really motivated and have what it takes but I get scared to slip even a bit as once I go off track sometimes I really struggle to find that 'switch' again.

    I have decided you are right about exercise, especially as I can't limit the fairly high degree of lifting, walking etc that I have to do just in looking after the 3 kids. Its only 2 more weeks to weight, but I do always find weight loss so much easier when I can exercise, and the exercise makes me feel good. Not sure what I'll do though as I can't reliably leave my daughter at all as she's not in a routine yet so can decide she needs food at any time!

    Only day 2 but staying on track so far! hough evening is my hardest time so must stay strong!!