jenj1313 Member


  • Well, that's a bummer for sure, but at least it's not the last 30! And, from your post, I'm guessing you're still below your starting weight? That's still a good thing... it means you know how to do this! Put that treadmill to work and that last 20 will be gone before you know it!
  • Does it happen with positional changes like moving from bending over to standing up, sitting to standing, turning around quickly? Do you have allergies or any other conditions that would cause you to get dizzy? This happens to me all the time and has since I was in high school. I'm pretty sure it's orthostatic hypotension…
  • If you don't like it, you don't like it. Did you commit to the season? If so, and if it were me (which it's not), I'd try to finish out the season. Having a history in team sports, I know how much it sucks to end up short players at the end of a season because people quit in the middle. BUT if you are honestly worried…
  • I'm not new either and have stopped and started multiple times... I figure at least I keep catching back up to the wagon! I know I've lost friends during periods of in-activity, but I never delete people who are inactive b/c I figure they might come back any time and will still need support. If our periods of actually…
  • You look fit and active to me, and given the setting and giant beer in your profile pic, I'd love to go on vacation with you! I understand that it can be hard to ignore stupid comments, but seriously... you look great! Don't let the haters get to you!
  • Given the age of my device, I was looking to upgrade. This is actually my second 910XT b/c I lost the first one, but this one's still about 3 years old. But I don't feel like spending money on the strap if I am going to end up wanting a new unit soon... I am still using it for multi-sport, plus some endurance biking…
  • Good to know... I'll do some reading.
  • I was looking for HRM's. The Garmin still seems to work fine as a bike computer (I strap it to the bar anyway), but the HR data has become very inaccurate for some reason. For instance, after running the other day, it told me that my instantaneous heart rate was 233, avg heart rate was 213, yet I'd only burned 43 calories…
  • Also... I used to not weigh my husband's potions, but he's recently started logging too, so now he's on board with me :-)
  • I don't use it for everything... mainly meats and random fruits/veggies that aren't easy to measure by volume (sweet potatoes and apples are much heavier than you'd think, for example). But if I use a cup of chopped onions, I just log the volume, not the weight. I have a small white board on the side of my fridge for…
  • I just did this as a casserole instead of in the shells; added black beans, shredded chickens and pumped up the spices in the sauce and it was tasty! This is on my menu for Friday night (I don't have a vegetable-noodler, so I'll just grate the…
  • I hear you with the stress and emotional eating. What is it that you don't like about cooking? Maybe if you could find some small things that you do like about it that would help? Maybe a meal plan delivery, depending on your budget and location? If you're in the US and have the funds, there's one called "metabolic meals"…
  • I agree w Bri... you have a great plan, but it's a *lot*. Maybe you're better than me at juggling, but I find that if I implement 1-2-3 things a week, I'm a lot better at sticking to them than if I try to add a bunch at a time. If going whole-hog works for you, go to it! If you find you're struggling, maybe try a more…
  • Work has always been an issue for me too... Busy schedule and even when I plan ahead and bring "good stuff", I often cave into the constant string of junk food that's always available (we seem to have cake, cookies or donuts at least 3 days a week, plus an endless candy jar). There have been a lot of good food suggestions,…
  • I probably won't log Christmas day, and will definitely eat what I want but control portion size. Otherwise, sticking to my plan.
  • Get it, girl! I'm with you! Also starting over (again). It seems a little crazy to be starting this in the middle of the holidays, but man, if I don't, none of my clothes will fit come New Year's! Hit me up if you need a friend... Most of mine aren't very active anymore. Jen
  • I hear ya sister! This is not my first rodeo either... I've started up here more times than I wish to count, but I'm in a place where I think I have a better chance at making some lifestyle changes and making them stick, so I'm at it again, also with high motivation! I'm looking for some new friends who are currently…
  • 5 months and 60 pages of AMA... you're amazing!
  • It's an echo, but workout in the morning... or split your workouts. I'm not sure about Body Beast, but you can easily split the P90x workouts and do half in the AM and half in the PM. Personally, I hate working out in the morning, so maybe think about doing a short "jump start" workout to get you motivated. I pull 4-8-10…
  • Feel free to add me. I am not always great w my logging when I'm busy, but I'm happy to support and encourage my friends when I'm around. My friend list has gotten pretty quiet because I come and go, so I'm looking for some new supporters too! 30 lbs is awesome! If you did it once, you can do it again :-)
  • Feel free to friend me... I'm on again, off again w my logging due to the fact that I have a pretty hectic schedule, but when I'm around, I'm happy to give encouragement. I can relate to the part about working in a place that's full of food. It's Tuesday and we've had bagels and two cakes here already this week! Yikes. I…
  • Amazing work! You had a great smile throughout, but you look great now and it sounds like you feel great too! It's so inspiring to see your positive life changes! Keep up the strong work :-)
  • Click on the person's user name (in blue under their photo), then click the add friend button :-)
  • I'm not a beginner, but I LOVE bikes! I started riding my bike to work about 3 days per week in April. Before, I'd always ridden for work outs, or ridden for organized events... it was always "training". Over the last couple of years, I haven't had as much free time to ride and I've gotten slower. I realized that if my old…
  • This is another option for a calorie counter that's a bit more accurate than FB (but only as accurate as the info you feed it)... but this is designed to account for your exercise calories, so unless you have a week where you exercise a lot more than normal, you shouldn't eat those back w this calculation.…
    in Struggling Comment by jenj1313 July 2015
  • The first poster had excellent advice. In addition to that, you might consider: What are your hopes, specifically? WHY do you want to lose weight? Be specific, write a list. Then decide what you would like your activity level to be in order to attain your goals. Be realistic. Realize that activity needs to be part of your…
  • I agree. It will take a bit of experimentation to see what works best for you re: specific types of foods. I swear, if I eat bread at night I'm bloated for the whole next day for instance. There is zero medical evidence to support my theory, but it's just how my body feels. But the only way that you're going to figure out…
  • Thanks!!
  • Confused... was the offensive action just that you weren't attentive enough b/c you were busy, or was is something else entirely? If it is just that you weren't attentive enough, I'm amazed that I have any friends left at all! But, that said, good for you for apologizing if you felt it was the right thing to do.... that…