tmbolt Member


  • I suffer from IBS but mine is mainly from gluten so my usual breakfast is gluten free bread with a couple slices of lean ham and either grilled tomatoes or balsamic mushrooms or a poached egg and spinach.
    in IBS Comment by tmbolt September 2012
  • If you want to keep exercising then I say absolutely NO! There are pros and cons to fasting I disagree with anything that says no food at all and just liquids. If doing one then please do your research and find one that's right for you as if you have any sort of health issues then fasting could be a bad idea.
  • Great question. Michael Franti's - The Sound of Sunshine. Reminds me of how I feel when I'm fit and healthy.
  • Relationships are about connecting with someone who understands your limitations and boundaries. I have issues from past boyfriends and I couldn't ask for a better partner now. He's my best friend and my greatest supporter of everything I do. When we first started dating he was respectful of my boundaries and limitations…
  • Dior's Hypnotic Poison. Has a hint of vanilla so smells beautiful and fresh. I always get compliments when I wear it.
  • Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. If you can't afford DVDs it's on youtube. Once done with that you can do 30 Day Ripped. Awesome workout in 30 minutes. POP pilates also do some hard core workouts on youtube. Also if you have a normal push bike you can buy devices to sit under the wheels to make it into a stationary bike. I…
  • I actually did the extreme and started learning Nutritional Medicine. Sadly I dropped out but leant some valuable things my short time there. Couple of things I changed and stuck with and managed to loose my first 20kgs easily but following. 1. Never mix your proteins in 1 meal. So don't have bacon with eggs or meat with…
  • I'm feeling your pain. Am onto Day 6 tomorrow as well. I decided to make the most of the Spring weather here in Western Australia and did an 8km (about 5miles) walk yesterday so legs are definitely feeling it today. Good-luck and stick with it :)
  • Thanks Scarlet, I'll preserver with the 3kgs then. Afterall I am only on Day 4 today so am sure it'll get easier. Am hoping to do the Ripped next. Thanks Tanya
  • If your walking at that pace then your getting your heart rate up to your fat burning zone and if you can keep it in that zone for the majority of the walk then you'll burn fat faster. Running is good but not everyone can do it or enjoy it. Remember as a kid you have a never ending source of energy and to compare what you…
  • Can I ask what weights everyone is doing on level 1? I read to start on 3kgs. With most exercises this is fine, but when I do squat and press and the anterior raises with side lunge I struggle to lift the weights. I'm only onto Day 3 and don't want to build up my arms too much (used to be a swimmer so had bulky shoulders…
  • 9/5 - JM 30 Day Shred - Level 1 (Day 1) 9/6 - JM 30 Day Shred - Level 1 (Day 2)
  • I started today too :) Second time round but first time after day 5 I got a cold and then bronchitis so think I had a good enough excuse to stop. I tend to get bored with the same routines however I found last time to mix things up a little I do a bit of a pilates or yoga workout straight after. I found it helped stop my…