30 Day Shred



  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    Can I ask what weights everyone is doing on level 1?

    I read to start on 3kgs. With most exercises this is fine, but when I do squat and press and the anterior raises with side lunge I struggle to lift the weights.

    I'm only onto Day 3 and don't want to build up my arms too much (used to be a swimmer so had bulky shoulders before and not keen on them again). So just wanting to know what everyone else is using.

    Tins of bake beans seemed like a good alternative... :P

    I used 3kgs. If I used 2kgs, I didn't get the burn and it's not challenging enough. Don't worry about getting bulky, you lift the weight too many times for that. If you can lift the weight really easy, in my opinion you need to work harder. I wear a HRM and can really tell the difference in calories burned once I've done the routine a few times. I have to work even harder because my body adjusts.
    I finished Shred on Monday and started Ripped in 30 on Tuesday (go me!). I'm using 3kgs on that one too but will soon switch to 4kgs.

    Good Luck!
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    Just completed my first 5 days and I really enjoyed it. Last night was tough, I think my body was just exhausted. I went to the gym the previous 2 nights right after I did the shred and I have been really bad about staying up too late. Last night it was just the video and it was tough on my arms. I do ok with the cardio and I was very happy that I finally figured out how to do those bicycle crunches. Never knew I was so uncoordinated. lol. I'm taking my usual 2 day rest and I'm sure I will be ready to jump back into it on Sunday.
  • alicia0416
    alicia0416 Posts: 274 Member
    Today was my last day with the 30 day shred. I got another DVD now and I am hoping to KICK its butt too..... I LOVE THESE WORKOUTS THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jccst9
    jccst9 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm awaiting the arrival of my 30DS. I am absolutely terrified! I am well aware of how out of shape I am (insert that dumb "round is a shape" joke here) and I guess my main goal for now is to attempt each workout without dropping dead.
  • tmbolt
    tmbolt Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Scarlet,

    I'll preserver with the 3kgs then. Afterall I am only on Day 4 today so am sure it'll get easier. Am hoping to do the Ripped next.

  • Can I ask what weights everyone is doing on level 1?

    I read to start on 3kgs. With most exercises this is fine, but when I do squat and press and the anterior raises with side lunge I struggle to lift the weights.

    I'm only onto Day 3 and don't want to build up my arms too much (used to be a swimmer so had bulky shoulders before and not keen on them again). So just wanting to know what everyone else is using.

    Tins of bake beans seemed like a good alternative... :P
  • I don't know if I posted this right or not! Sorry! But to Tanya, I did start with veggie cans because that's what I had and then I bought 2lb weights which was enough on some exercises and now I have 3lb weights I'm using on Ripped. I was out of shape and didn't want injuries and it was tough. Just use what your comfortable with! Good luck!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Finished level 1 day 5 today. My legs are still pretty sore but I'm still enjoying the workouts. So on to day 6 tomorrow! How's everyone doing??
  • tmbolt
    tmbolt Posts: 14 Member
    Finished level 1 day 5 today. My legs are still pretty sore but I'm still enjoying the workouts. So on to day 6 tomorrow! How's everyone doing??

    I'm feeling your pain. Am onto Day 6 tomorrow as well. I decided to make the most of the Spring weather here in Western Australia and did an 8km (about 5miles) walk yesterday so legs are definitely feeling it today. Good-luck and stick with it :)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm on day 8 of level 1. Don't be surprised if you GAIN weight doing this. You'll lose inches, but might gain a few lbs. I gained 3 the first week, but lost about 4 inches. It gets a bit repetitive, but it's worth it IMO.
  • GrammyPammy145
    GrammyPammy145 Posts: 48 Member
    I just started myself.. I was having a hard time with the push ups... even the easier ones.. so I looked up some alternatives online. I do my push ups against the wall until I can do them on the floor. I have a really bad back and it was really hurting to do them on the floor. So at least I am still doing them!! I hope to be doing the regular ones soon. :bigsmile:
  • Derinq
    Derinq Posts: 52 Member
    And I'm on day 1 of lvl 3 today. Apart from the fact that I wasn't able to do some exercises too great because my floor was wet with sweat, it was easier than lvl 2 for me. Scary a bit. And funny. And made me feel good! :)
  • PennyHarris123
    PennyHarris123 Posts: 159 Member
    Ive just bought it! i'm a tiny bit scared!!!
  • Sorry I abandoned you, I had a complete collapse in motivation and healthy eating and have eaten nothing but crap for a week. I'm off on a short break Thurs-Sun so am thinking about starting 30ds again from the start and do it everyday like you're suposed to. I completed level 1 previously but there's been a massive gap in exercise.

    I will get healthy and fit! :drinker:
  • I am half way through <took a two day break due to laziness ;P>...It has made me stronger...and many fellow mfp pals on 30ds are finding themselves get leaner...It is a good workout for 20 minutes!

    And yes after 3-4 days of the same routine you do get bored...so if you have someone to watch your posture or your'e pretty sure of the posture and routine i would suggest watching a movie with alota adrenaline in it <my favorite is crank>.... This somehow pushes me harder n i barely realize the 20 minutes is up!
  • I've been doing it for over a year now. I've never really done the "30 day shred" in 30 days because I've always been fairly active (and I think maybe the results it proclaims are for couch to 30DS-ers). But it is a consistent part of my routine now. Often, I'll go for a 30 minute run, then come back and do one of the segments. Or if it's rainy, I'll do 2 segments (or if I'm really ambitious - all of them!).

    I will say that I think Level 2 is the most difficult - I found 3 easier (I think it's the plank work!)

    Be my friend on MFP!

    And visit my blog:
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Just done day two of level one, without weights as I am going to get them later, and omg I ache. I have a very delicate lower back which is why I have started without weights and I also do box press ups until I have my physios all clear for others. Due to a problem with my abductor muscle in one thigh I can only do a few jumping jacks and then I jog on the spot. It's still killing me ATM, please reassure me that it does get better and at some point I will be able to move without hurting??

    I have logged it as 25 minutes circuits..is that what others do?
  • Nanamo2012
    Nanamo2012 Posts: 40 Member
    Started today, found it alot better than other dvds i have done. Struggled with jumping jacks, butt kicks and the skipping, i just done what i could, hope it will improve. Used 1kg weights as thats all i had, buying more at the weekend. Going on a cruise in 4weeks 3days, hopefully with a new bod. !!!!!!!! Oh i logged it as 20 min circuit. !!
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    when your doing the "butt kicks" dont land funny or you will sprain a muscle ... I just done this and now I can't exercise :((:((

    ETS my weight started going down again after a 2 month stall and Ive lost inches also, I only managed the 6th day of level one before I stoopidly hurt myself and I cant wait to get back to it and see some massive improvements. :D

    its a fitness program that will work if you give it your all I know this as I saw changes in just the first 6 days :)
  • lmschmitt63
    lmschmitt63 Posts: 12 Member
    I am half way through the shred, I think I have lost about 5lbs but only 1/2 inch, a little disappointed in that. I have found at my age I need to do somewhere between the beginner and advanced. My shoulders and knees have been hit the hardest by this workout, but I am persevering. I would not reccomend it to someone who has just started out in their fitness quest. I couldn't have done it right away I was so out of shape.