

  • Its rough at first especially if your soda drinker, but after you kick sodas and 'garbage drinks' out of your life for a week in exchange for water, you will no longer crave anything other than water. Soda does not even sound good to me at all anymore after 2 months of nothing but water!
  • Make sure your weighing yourself at the same time of the day too! My weight fluctuates about 6lbs throughout the day so that can really make a difference when your trying to calculate how much you have lost.
  • I figured it was 8z, but wanted to double check. Thanks guys! :D
  • Thank you! This is more what I was looking for sheenabe. I never intended to do any magic pills or junk like that, just looking for a healthy jumping off point for my more strict diet that didn't involve starving myself. I know there are a lot of myths around the detox stuff but I have had friends who have done the very…
  • All very good advice! I appreciate the comments. Ive dieted in the past and hit my peek after about a month and I don't want that to happen again. I've been doing hour long exercises every other day to start with and look to increase those as I get more comfortable and build up some endurance. I have not been depriving…
  • Portion control is the toughest part for me, just learning to eat less will be a long term challenge. The mfp app is invaluable though! I love it!
  • I'm only doing it one day a week and not eating junk just for the sake of it, today I had a double portion of steamed veggies at lunch and some turkey with mashed potatoes and a little gravy. Im not looking for an excuse to eat junk, Iwas just curious about the metabolism part. What I read said that your body adjusts to a…